political scandal

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Obama&#39;s &#39;Scandal-Free&#39; Streak Sets Record
Obama's 'Scandal-Free' Streak Sets Record
study says

Obama's 'Scandal-Free' Streak Sets Record

Because Solyndra doesn't count ... yet

(Newser) - Yesterday Barack Obama officially broke George W. Bush’s record for the longest scandal-free streak by a president in the post-Watergate era—at least by one political scientist’s criteria. Dartmouth professor Brendan Nyhan ran a study earlier this year on presidential scandals, which he defines as "widespread elite...

Silvio Berlusconi Has Some Really Nasty Things to Say About Angela Merkel
 Berlusconi: Merkel 'Unf***able' 

Berlusconi: Merkel 'Unf***able'

Italian PM recorded dissing German chancellor in phone call

(Newser) - Maybe Silvio Berlusconi mistook Angela Merkel for a lady on the prowl instead of the leader of one of the globe's more stable economies: The cringe-inducing Italian PM's latest involves a phone conversation—with a newspaper editor, not a fraternity brother—in which he reportedly refers to the...

Chirac, PM Took $20M From African Leaders: Aide

Claims money was sometimes hidden in drums

(Newser) - Former French president Jacques Chirac and his prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, have been accused of taking $20 million in illicit payments from African heads of state, allegations that both men deny. Lawyer Robert Bourgi, a onetime aide to the politicians, made the accusations in a radio station interview today,...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Returns Home to Paris
 DSK Back in Paris 

DSK Back in Paris

Smiling Dominique Strauss-Kahn returns home to rehab image

(Newser) - Nearly four months later, a beaming Dominque Strauss-Kahn finally got to take that JFK-to-Paris flight today, returning home with wife Anne Sinclair to the couple's Paris mansion. Scattered applauding supporters and a phalanx of reporters greeted the couple, reports the New York Daily News . "Finally, they are freed...

GOP Pol Linked to Nude Pics on Gay Site

Puerto Rican conservative issues non-denial of racy photos on Grindr

(Newser) - Another day, another politician who cannot keep his clothes on around cell phones. This time, the exhibitionist seems to be Puerto Rican conservative Sen. Roberto Arango, who had several anatomically vivid pics show up on popular gay cruising app Grindr , reports Gawker . When asked about the photos by a Puerto...

House Ends Page Program
 House Ends 
 Page Program 

House Ends Page Program

Boehner, Pelosi say technology has outdated $5M program

(Newser) - Gone are the days of House pages dashing furiously scribbled notes across the Capitol to their rep's legislative friends or foes: John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi today announced the end of the House's storied Page Program. Though Boehner and Pelosi hailed pages' "unique role" in the "...

Ireland&#39;s First Gay Presidential Candidate Drops Out

 Ireland's First  
 Gay Presidential 
 Drops Out 

Ireland's First Gay Presidential Candidate Drops Out

David Norris was leading polls before scandal ruined candidacy

(Newser) - The leading candidate in Ireland's presidential race—the openly gay David Norris—is stepping down, after it was revealed he wrote a letter asking for clemency for his former partner who was on trial for the statutory rape of a 15-year-old boy, reports the Guardian . The 67-year-old Norris would...

David Wu Sex Scandal: House Democrat Won't Seek Reelection
 Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection 

Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection

Hasn't decided whether to serve out remainder of term after sex allegation

(Newser) - Surprise! Mere hours after Nancy Pelosi called for an ethics investigation into a young woman's claim that she had an "unwanted sexual encounter" with tiger-suit-wearing David Wu, the Oregon Democrat is confirming that he won't seek reelection. Wu apparently hasn't decided whether to serve out the...

Oregon Dem Wu Accused of Sex Assault

Young woman accused rep of unwanted sexual encounter

(Newser) - It's been almost two months since a House Democrat got into sex-related trouble, so Oregon's David Wu— he of mentally unstable, tiger-suited fame —is again making headlines. A young woman is accusing the rep of an unwanted sexual encounter, which she says took place last Thanksgiving. The...

Half of French Want DSK Comeback
 Half of French 
 Want DSK Comeback  

Half of French Want DSK Comeback

49% want him back in politics, 45% don't in new poll

(Newser) - A new poll indicates that French people are divided over whether Dominique Strauss-Kahn should re-enter French politics after the weakening of the sexual assault case against the former International Monetary Fund chief. Forty-nine percent of those surveyed in the Harris Interactive poll for French newspaper Le Parisien responded "yes"...

Blagojevich: 'I, Frankly, Am Stunned' by Verdict

But in an uncharacteristic move, he has little else to say

(Newser) - A classic response from Rod Blagojevich following his conviction on 17 out of 20 charges yesterday: “I, frankly, am stunned,” he said outside the courtroom. But he has, at least, learned something from the experience, Politico reports: namely, that he should "try to speak a little bit...

Blagojevich Guilty on 17 of 20 Charges

Could be facing some pretty serious jail time

(Newser) - Turns out Rod Blagejevich was right that President Obama's old Senate seat was worth something: A whole bunch of jail time. A jury today convicted Blago on 17 of 20 charges after deliberating for nine days. Blagojevich showed little emotion after the verdicts were read, notes the Chicago Tribune,...

Weiner Officially Resigns: 'It's Been an Honor'

Effective midnight tomorrow as tourists flock to his offices

(Newser) - Our days of Weiner-filled puns may be drawing to a close: Anthony Weiner has officially submitted his resignation to New York's secretary of state, effective at midnight tomorrow. "It has been an honor to serve the people of Queens and Brooklyn," he wrote in the brief missive,...

Weiner Tells Top Dems He'll Step Down

'New York Times' reports decision came after long talks with his wife

(Newser) - It looks like Anthony Weiner's time is Congress is about to come to a close. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal spoke with sources who say Weiner has told party leaders and friends that he has decided to resign. The Democrat reportedly arrived at the conclusion after...

Newest Weiner Photo to Emerge: in Bra, Stockings

Dems ready to talk tough today to push congressman out the door

(Newser) - What a drag. A new photo has emerged of Rep. Anthony Weiner strutting in a bra and black stockings. "Busted Wearing Women's Lingerie," screams the National Enquirer headline next to the photo slapped on the cover of yesterday's edition. The shot was taken Weiner's sophomore...

Obama on Weiner: &#39;I Would Resign&#39;
 Obama on Weiner: 
 'I Would Resign' 

Obama on Weiner: 'I Would Resign'

But stops short of calling for congressman's resignation

(Newser) - President Obama is the latest top Dem to weigh in on Weinergate, stopping short of calling for the New York rep to step down, but telling an NBC interviewer that, "I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. Because public service is exactly that, it’...

Why Sex Scandals Never Snag Women

Female politicians have a different attitude about job, research shows

(Newser) - After Mark Sanford, Eliot Spitzer, John Ensign, and now Anthony Weiner, a sex scandal involving a male politician is barely even shocking anymore. What would be shocking? A sex scandal involving a female politician. And research points to a reason for that other than the widely accepted “boys will...

Where's Weiner in Latest Photos? Congress' Gym

Congressman snapped pics in towel in locker room

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner liked to pose in various stages of undress at his apartment, with his cats, and now apparently in a towel at the House Members Gym. The latest self-portraits mostly involve his BlackBerry's camera and a mirror, and were sent to at least one woman, TMZ reports. They...

Cops Investigate Weiner's Tweets to Girl, 17

Embattled rep says direct messages were 'neither explicit nor indecent'

(Newser) - When Anthony Weiner wasn't palling around with porn stars or blackjack dealers, he was apparently sending messages to high school girls. Police in Delaware yesterday were questioning a 17-year-old girl about her interactions with the congressman, Fox reports, which a Weiner rep characterized as "neither explicit nor indecent....

Another Day, Another Wiener Sex Scandal...

Not Anthony Weiner; New Mexico pol Michael Wiener

(Newser) - Weiner said he won’t resign , and neither will Wiener. That’s New Mexico’s Bernalillo County Commissioner Michael Wiener, recently accused of sexual harassment, KOB.com reports. Wiener made a sexual joke—something about having both a Wiener and a Johnson on the County Commission—and also told a...

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