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Aftershocks Can Come Centuries Later
We Might Still Feel
Aftershocks From
1800s Quakes
new study

We Might Still Feel Aftershocks From 1800s Quakes

So finds a new study that looked at three historical North American quakes

(Newser) - If you live around the Missouri-Kentucky border and have experienced an earthquake, there's a roughly 30% chance it was an aftershock from a trio of quakes that struck the area between 1811 and 1812, or so says a new study. The Guardian reports on the research into the lifespan...

Japan Quake Is Aftershock From Big One in 2011

It hit Japan's Fukushima region, site of nuclear disaster 10 years ago

(Newser) - Just how powerful was the 2011 earthquake that triggered a nuclear disaster in Japan? The aftershocks are still coming a decade later, reports the Japan Times . The Fukushima region got hit with a 7.1 magnitude temblor over the weekend, and Japan's Meteorological Agency is calling it an aftershock...

Biggest Quake in 20 Years Hits S. Calif., Day After Other Big Temblor
Big Temblor
Is Followed by
Worst Quake
in 20 Years
the rundown

Big Temblor Is Followed by Worst Quake in 20 Years

The aftershocks may continue for years

(Newser) - A quake with a magnitude as large as 7.1 jolted much of California, cracked buildings, set fires, broke roads, and caused several injuries, authorities and residents say. The quake—preceded by Thursday's 6.4 magnitude temblor in the Mojave Desert—was the largest Southern California temblor in at...

Island Keeps Getting Hit by Quakes, Death Toll in Hundreds

Indonesia's Lombok just suffered its 3rd temblor in 11 days; more than 200 dead, officials say

(Newser) - The Indonesian island of Lombok was shaken by a third big earthquake in little more than a week Thursday. The strong aftershock, measured at magnitude 5.9 by the US Geological Survey, caused panic and damage. It was centered in the northwest of the island and didn't have the...

Idaho Hit by 5.3 Quake; Then Came the Aftershocks

More than 100 since Saturday temblor, and they've registered up to 4.5

(Newser) - More than 100 aftershocks have rattled southeastern Idaho since a 5.3 magnitude quake hit near the town of Soda Springs late last week, and experts say they could continue for another week or so. The 5.3 quake hit about 6pm Saturday, the AP reports. There were no reports...

Fukushima Quake Was Aftershock From 2011

This time, there was no major tsunami damage

(Newser) - All tsunami warnings and advisories have been lifted in Japan, hours after a powerful offshore earthquake triggered a series of moderate tsunami waves. The Japan Meteorological Agency warned of waves of up to 10 feet soon after the 7.4 magnitude earthquake and urged residents on sections of the Pacific...

Battered Nepal Will See Months of Aftershocks

As PM warns that death toll could reach 10K

(Newser) - A couple and their four daughters are among thousands in camps in Nepal, surviving on instant noodles, after Saturday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake . Though their home wasn't badly damaged, the man tells the BBC they won't soon return to it. "We've heard all these rumors...

Strong Aftershock Rattles Southern California

Dozens evacuated following yesterday's quake

(Newser) - More than 100 aftershocks have followed yesterday's magnitude-5.1 earthquake in southern California, including a magnitude-4.1 rumble this afternoon. The moderate earthquake yesterday forced several dozen people in one community out of their homes after firefighters discovered foundation problems that made the buildings unsafe to enter, authorities said...

Big Aftershocks Still Rattling Alaskan Island

They follow yesterday's 7.0 quake near Adak

(Newser) - Several aftershocks rattled a remote Aleutian Island region off Alaska in the hours after a major 7.0 temblor struck with a jet-like rumble that shook homes and sent residents scrambling for cover. At least three dozen aftershocks, including one reaching magnitude 6.1 in strength, struck after the major...

2 More Big Quakes Hit Tsunami-Ravaged Solomons

But no more tsunami warnings issued

(Newser) - Strong aftershocks rattled the Solomon Islands today, hampering relief efforts to tsunami-ravaged villages and forcing the South Pacific nation's prime minister to forgo a visit to the stricken area, where nine deaths have been confirmed. Officials were already struggling to reach the isolated region when a magnitude-6.6 aftershock...

Casualty of Italy Quake: $320M of Cheese

Aftershocks continue to rattle region

(Newser) - Northern Italy is still being hit by aftershocks this morning, one day after a 6.0 earthquake killed at least seven people and left 11,000 displaced, with thousands forced to spend the night in tents or cars. Two of the aftershocks have had a magnitude of 5.1, and...

5.0 Quake Rattles Hawaii
 5.0 Quake Rattles Hawaii 

5.0 Quake Rattles Hawaii

Big Island hit by aftershocks

(Newser) - A 5.0 earthquake and several aftershocks hit Hawaii late this afternoon, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage or injury. The tremblor struck Kae'na Point in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island. Nearby resident Joe Lopez, 70, felt a "pretty good jolt,"...

5.4-Mag Aftershock Sparks Prison Riot in Turkey

Prisoners set fires, guards fire tear gas

(Newser) - Smoke and flames swirled out of a Turkish prison today when an aftershock from Sunday's earthquake sparked a riot among inmates, the BBC reports. The 5.4-magnitude aftershock prompted prisoners to ask for air, according to a lawmaker who joined family members outside: "When they couldn't get...

Japanese Suffering 'Earthquake Sickness'

Aftershocks expected to continue for up to 10 years

(Newser) - As aftershocks from the devastating March 11 earthquake continue to rock Japan, doctors say they been treating large numbers of people suffering from "earthquake sickness." Sufferers sometimes think the ground is shaking even when it isn't; other symptoms include dizziness and anxiety. Doctors liken the feeling of "...

Tsunami Warning Follows New 7.1 Quake in Japan
 Another 7.1 Quake Hits Japan 

Another 7.1 Quake Hits Japan

On one-month anniversary of massive shaker

(Newser) - A fresh tsunami warning has been issued in Japan following a powerful 7.1-magnitude aftershock off the northeast coast today. Tokyo's international airport was shut briefly and shoppers at an electronics store in central Sendai screamed and raced outside, but returned after a short time when windows stopped rattling, reports...

Radioactive Water Leaks After Japan Aftershock

Death toll rises to four; 100 injured

(Newser) - The death toll from yesterday's aftershock in Japan rose to four as news came that the quake (revised to a magnitude of 7.1) also caused radioactive water to leak from one of the country's nuclear plants. The water leaked from the spent fuel pools at the Onagawa nuclear power...

Little Damage Reported After New Japan Quake
 2 Killed in Japan Aftershock 

2 Killed in Japan Aftershock

All appears normal at Fukushima plant after 7.1-magnitude quake

(Newser) - Thursday's 7.1-magnitude aftershock killed at least two people in Japan and injured dozens more as it shook Japan's battered northeast but the Fukushima nuclear plant was spared, reports AP. The aftershock knocked out power at three other nuclear plants, but backup systems kicked in, notes the New York Times...

Japan Earthquake: Two Large Aftershocks Rattle Tokyo
 2 New Quakes Rattle Tokyo 

2 New Quakes Rattle Tokyo

Aftershocks measured 6.2 and 6.0

(Newser) - Japan has been rattled by a couple of aftershocks within minutes, causing buildings in Tokyo to sway. The first, measuring 6.2 in magnitude, struck tonight off the coast of Fukushima prefecture, 200 miles northeast of Tokyo and near where the massive quake hit last Friday. Three minutes later, a...

7.2 Quake Shakes Chile Inauguration

Largest aftershock of Chile quake rattled buildings, dignitaries

(Newser) - The largest aftershock since Chile's massive earthquake rocked the country today minutes before the inauguration of President Sebastian Pinera. The 7.2-magnitude aftershock was stronger than the Jan. 12 quake that devastated the Haitian capital. It happened along the same fault zone as Chile's magnitude-8.8 quake on Feb. 27,...

Aftershocks Rock Chile
 Aftershocks Rock Chile 
chile earthquake

Aftershocks Rock Chile

Government revises death toll amid tsunami confusion

(Newser) - Aftershocks continue to hit southern Chile a week after the earthquake that killed hundreds and set off deadly tsunamis. Tremors up to a magnitude of 6.6 are terrifying residents of the city of Concepcion and the surrounding areas. "It was terrible," one resident told Reuters . "The...

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