stroke risk

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Sweetener Tied to Bigger Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke

Cleveland Clinic researchers warn about xylitol

(Newser) - An artificial sweetener used in baked goods, sugar-free candy and gum, and even toothpaste is tied to increased cardiovascular disease, per a series of new studies out of the Cleveland Clinic. In the research published Thursday in the European Heart Journal , scientists note that the sugar substitute xylitol, often used...

Pot May Raise Risk of Heart Issues
Pot Smokers
May Be Doing
Damage to
Their Tickers

Pot Smokers May Be Doing Damage to Their Tickers

Researchers find daily users have a 34% greater risk of heart failure; heart attack, stroke risk also up

(Newser) - If you think you're avoiding serious health issues by switching from smoking tobacco to smoking pot, you might want to reassess. Two new still-to-be-published studies, set to be presented Nov. 13 at an American Heart Association meeting in Philadelphia, show that people who use marijuana on a daily basis...

Sharon Stone: Hollywood Was 'Brutally Unkind'

And the actor has health advice for women

(Newser) - Sharon Stone has news about her 2001 stroke: Hollywood was "brutally unkind" as she tried to recover, the Guardian reports. Appearing at a Women's Brain Health Initiative in Los Angeles, she tells Variety that everyone from "women in my own business to the female judge who handled...

Your Baby Warms Your Heart. Breastfeeding Might Protect It

Nursing a baby for two years provides the most protection

(Newser) - It's well established that breastfeeding confers a wide range of health benefits to both mother and baby. For instance, a mother's risk of obesity, breast and ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis go down if she nursed, reports the Independent . But now researchers report in the Journal of the American ...

Beer Isn't Wrecking Just Your Liver—It's Bad for Your Heart

The cardiac arrhythmias seem to be mostly benign, but some are more worrying

(Newser) - Armed with hand-held breathalyzers and EKGs, German scientists put in a hard month's work at Munich's Oktoberfest as they mingled with thousands of men and women who were "under the stress of alcohol," to use the scientific term. Now they're reporting in the European Heart ...

Lengthy Marriages May Raise Stroke Survival

People who've never married or been divorced fare worse

(Newser) - A leading cause of death and disability in the US, strokes affect nearly 800,000 adults every year. Now researchers are showing for the first time that current and past marital status can play a big role in survival rates following a stroke, reports MedicalXpress . After tracking the outcomes of...

Here's Why You Should Use Heartburn Meds With Caution

Proton pump inhibitors appear to increase the risk of ischemic stroke

(Newser) - Heartburn is a big problem in the US. In fact, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are used to treat acid reflux and heartburn, are among the most prescribed drugs in the country, with millions taking them, and they're becoming more widely available over-the-counter, reports CNN . But a preliminary report...

Feeling Kind of Blue? Blame the Neanderthal In You

Neanderthal genetic variants are strongly linked to a dozen traits

(Newser) - It's long been known that the predecessors of modern humans and Neanderthals lived side by side, but it wasn't until 2010 that it was discovered the two species interbred . In fact, as much as 4% of the DNA of modern humans with European or Asian ancestry comes from...

Long Work Hours Massively Raise Stroke Risk
Bad News for Those Who Work 55+ Hours a Week

Bad News for Those Who Work 55+ Hours a Week

Stroke risk goes up the more you work, researchers say

(Newser) - If you're putting in more than 55 hours a week at work, the chances are good that you're working toward having a stroke, researchers say. A study involving more than 600,000 people found that people who work that many hours have a 33% higher stroke risk and...

How More Than 8 Hours of Sleep Could Be Bad for You

Study ties it to increased stroke risk

(Newser) - Sleeping more than eight hours a night? That may be too much of a good thing, because you're more likely to suffer a stroke, according to a study out of the University of Cambridge. Researchers analyzed the sleep patterns of nearly 10,000 people ages 42 to 81 in...

More Than 2 Drinks a Day? Your Stroke Risk Is Higher

It only takes exceeding 8 ounces of wine for men and 4 for women to see the effect

(Newser) - Looking forward to kicking back a few beers during the Super Bowl? And on Saturday? And tonight? Here's some news that could give those who have more than two drinks a day on a regular basis pause. Using 43 years of data on 11,644 same-sex Swedish twins, researchers...

Selfie Video May Have Saved a Woman's Life

Stacey Yepes knew something wasn't right, and her footage helped prove it

(Newser) - Just two days after a doctor told her she was merely stressed out, Stacey Yepes pulled over to film a selfie video because, for the third time in three days, the Canadian woman felt one side of her face go numb. The move may have saved the 49-year-old's life;...

Women Must Track Stroke Risk Better Than Men Do
Women Must Track Stroke Risk Better Than Men Do
NEW guidelines

Women Must Track Stroke Risk Better Than Men Do

Say the American Heart Association, American Stroke Association

(Newser) - Women need to be more vigilant about their stroke risk than their male counterparts, say new guidelines —the first geared specifically to the fairer sex. While both sexes share many risk factors (think high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking), women have an additional set all their own. Pregnancy, childbirth,...

Hidden Risk for Stroke Survivors: PTSD

1 in 4 stroke or mini-stroke survivors develop PTSD within one year

(Newser) - On the heels of a study linking heart attacks and PTSD comes evidence that strokes can be lumped into the mix, too. About 23% of stroke and mini-stroke patients will develop post-traumatic stress disorder within a year, while 11% battle the disorder after 12 months, according to a study published...

Green Tea, Coffee Reduce Stroke Risk
 Green Tea, Coffee 
 Reduce Stroke Risk 
Study says

Green Tea, Coffee Reduce Stroke Risk

And with green tea, the more the better: study

(Newser) - Good news for caffeine addicts: Green tea and coffee both apparently help reduce the risk of suffering a stroke, reports NPR . A new study of more than 82,000 adults in Japan found that for coffee drinkers, just one cup a day lowers the chances of a stroke 20%. And...

Stroke Victims Getting Younger
 Stroke Victims Getting Younger
study says

Stroke Victims Getting Younger

19% of sufferers are under 55, study finds

(Newser) - There has been an alarming rise in the number of younger people suffering strokes, according to a new study. Researchers studying data from two US states found that the average age of a person suffering their first stroke fell from 71 to 69 between 1993 and 2005, and people under...

Sleep Deprived? You're at Risk for a Stroke

Less than 6 hours quadruples danger

(Newser) - Getting less than six hours of sleep per night? It may be time to rethink your schedule. Some 30% of American working adults sleep less than six hours—thus quadrupling their risk of stroke, compared to those who get seven or eight hours, a new study finds. It's the...

Menthol Cigarettes Double Stroke Risk

Threat worse for women, non-blacks: study

(Newser) - While researchers stress that there's "no 'good' cigarette type," they warn that menthols may be even worse than the rest. Menthol smokers face more than double the risk of stroke faced by non-menthol smokers; among women and non-blacks, it's more than triple the risk, a...

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years
Woman Eats Only Pizza
for 31 Years
in case you missed it

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years

Selective Eating Disorder puts Londoner's health at risk

(Newser) - Turns out eating cheese-and-tomato pizzas for 31 years isn't very good for you—who knew. But a British woman says she can't face anything else on her plate without getting the shakes, ANI reports. “I’m actually scared of fruit and veg," says London resident Claire...

Weak Handshake? You May Be at Higher Risk of Stroke
Weak Handshake? You May Be at Higher Risk of Stroke
study says

Weak Handshake? You May Be at Higher Risk of Stroke

And slow walkers may be at higher risk for dementia: study

(Newser) - If you're a slow walker or someone with a weak handshake, it may not bode well for your future. A new study finds that those who walk slowly may be more likely to develop dementia later in life, the BBC reports. Researchers looked at brain scans, walking speeds, and...

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