Pirates of the Caribbean

18 Stories

Surfer Who Was 'Loved by All' Killed in Hawaii Shark Attack

Pro surfer Tamayo Perry was 49

(Newser) - A professional surfer and lifeguard who appeared in movies including Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was killed in a Sunday afternoon shark attack off Oahu's North Shore in Hawaii. The AP reports Tamayo Perry, 49, died in an attack near Goat Island. Honolulu Ocean Safety and city...

Disneyland Will Lose Its 'Wench'
Disneyland Will Lose Its 'Wench'

Disneyland Will Lose Its 'Wench'

Pirates of the Caribbean ride gets an apparently unwanted update

(Newser) - The scene shows a redheaded female tied up in rope, about to be sold under a banner reading, "Auction, Take a wench for a bride." But if the sight at Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean attraction hasn't yet offended some, the park apparently worries it soon...

Baywatch Drowns
Baywatch Sinks Like the Rock

Baywatch Sinks Like the Rock

Pirates of the Caribbean sails away with top spot

(Newser) - It was smooth sailing to the top spot at the box office for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, but the waters were choppier for the much-derided Dwayne Johnson comedy Baywatch. Studio estimates on Sunday say the fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise commandeered...

Aargh: Hackers Hold New Pirates Movie for Ransom

They're threatening to release it early

(Newser) - The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie has apparently fallen into the hands of a different kind of pirate, and they're threatening to make it public unless a ransom is paid. Disney CEO Bob Iger told employees Monday that hackers have seized a Disney movie and are demanding a...

'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' Movie Review Roundup: Critics Not Wowed
 No Gold in 
 Pirates 4 
review roundup

No Gold in Pirates 4

Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz star in Rob Marshall's film

(Newser) - The latest Pirates of the Caribbean is more of the same, and it’s getting stale—but Captain Jack Sparrow remains somewhat compelling, critics say.
  • It’s “exactly like what you'd expect: overlong (two hours and 20 minutes), overstuffed (with at least four separate beats that could count

Johnny Depp: Me Tonto
 Me Tonto 

Johnny Depp: Me Tonto

But who will be his kemosabe in upcoming Lone Ranger update?

(Newser) - Hi ho, Silver! Johnny Depp will bring back the thrilling days of yesteryear with a fresh portrayal of the Lone Ranger's unflappable Native American sidekick, Tonto. Depp is bound to majorly overhaul the character of the quiet, subservient Tonto created by actor Jay Silverheels in the popular 1950s series. But...

Jack Sparrow Shocks London Schoolkids

Johnny Depp makes unannounced appearance at request of Beatrice Delap

(Newser) - Maybe pirates aren't as bad as they have been painted to be. Teachers and schoolkids alike were shocked when Johnny Depp, in full costume and character as Jack Sparrow, appeared in their London classroom yesterday. It turns out that 9-year-old Beatrice Delap had written recently to the actor, saying, "...

For Pirates 4, No Boob Jobs Need Apply

 For Pirates 4, 
 No Boob Jobs 
 Need Apply  
sorry, heidi

For Pirates 4, No Boob Jobs Need Apply

Casting call for sequel includes ban on implants

(Newser) - Casting is under way for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and the requirements are strange indeed: "Must have real breasts. Do not submit if you have implants." In Los Angeles! No cheating, either—besides being required to know how to swim and dive, candidates will have...

Bloom, Knightley Won't Return for Pirates 4

Jack Sparrow will be solo for next film

(Newser) - Neither Orlando Bloom nor Keira Knightley will return for the fourth Pirates flick, Johnny Depp confirmed this weekend. Does that mean a bigger role for Depp's character, Jack Sparrow? "I don't think we'd ever throw too much Jack Sparrow in there, he tells Collider . "There will be a...

AWOL: Orlando Bloom's Career
 AWOL: Orlando Bloom's Career 

AWOL: Orlando Bloom's Career

Once a heartthrob, now a has-been, Bloom was scorned for putting the film first

(Newser) - He “has a record six movies that have grossed $300 million+ in the US,” has worked with hugely successful directors, and was once “a big-league heartthrob whose poster adorned the walls of many a teenage girl,” writes Scott Mendelson for the Huffington Post. So why is...

Unschooled Keira Driven to Prove Her Smarts

Star has 'chip on shoulder' after she skipped university

(Newser) - Oscar nominations? Check. Intelligent, literary roles? Check. College education? Not so much. “I am completely uneducated,” Keira Knightley told the Daily Telegraph, which “leaves you with a slight chip on your shoulder.” To battle intellectual insecurity, the Atonement star, who is dyslexic and dropped out of...

Life Imitates Depp: Caribbean Piracy on Rise

Yacht crowd comes under increased attack from armed buccaneers

(Newser) - Pirates of the Caribbean is becoming all too real for yachters, the Los Angeles Times reports, with crime against visiting boats on the rise—and “it's becoming more violent,” one analyst says. The attacks are prompting businesses to advise caution—but they worry that overstating the problem could...

Theme Park Jack Sparrow Recalls Arrrduous Gig

Disney actors face Kafkaesque maze of employment policies

(Newser) - Salacious proposals from drunken damsels and stalkers equipped with Disneyland annual passes dot the treacherous seas an actor playing Disneyland's Jack Sparrow must navigate. A pirate who had some issues with Disney's innumerable rules, including forbidding the swashbuckler to mention rum or grow the signature Johnny Depp goatee, spills to...

Stars Losing Gravitational Pull, Hollywood Finds

Franchises, concepts drive movie receipts more than A-list personalities

(Newser) - The lure of A-list movie stars is on the wane, the Hollywood Reporter notes after an examination of recent box-office receipts and extensive polling of Tinseltown insiders. Due in part to ubiquity on the internet and magazine racks, big names like Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts have seen their films...

Depp Is Top Box Office Draw
Depp Is Top Box Office Draw

Depp Is Top Box Office Draw

Sweeney Todd star fills more seats than Smith or Clooney

(Newser) - Johnny Depp trounced Will, George and Matt  to bring in more green at movie theaters than any other actor in 2007, reports the AP. The star of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, now proving he can sing, too, in Sweeney Todd, was voted the No. 1 box office draw...

'Pirates' booty fails to best 'Spidey'

Jack Sparrow wins holiday record but can't take weekend honors

(Newser) - The third installment of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is making some serious booty, but won't knock Spiderman off his perch. In a battle of titans with poor to middling reviews, "Spiderman 3" will keep the domestic weekend record of $151 million, with "Pirates" sailing behind at $126....

Shrek Beats His Own Record
Shrek Beats His Own Record

Shrek Beats His Own Record

Green monster smashes expectations on the way to an new animated record

(Newser) - It's the year of the threequels. With the success of the third Spider-Man and this weekend's triumph of Shrek the Third, all eyes are on the upcoming third Pirates of the Carribean.  Dreamworks bigwigs were cautious leading up to green monster's latest bow, but its $122 million take smashed...

Spidey Swings Past Pirates
Spidey Swings Past Pirates

Spidey Swings Past Pirates

Spider-Man 3 nets $148 million, shatters box-office records

(Newser) - Shy, do-gooder Peter Parker has again done superhero's work: His webbed alter-ego has vaulted the third installment of the Spider-Man franchise past its rivals and predecessors to shatter the opening weekend box-office record, netting  $148 million--over $10 million more than Pirates 2, the previous record holder.

18 Stories