Cannes Film Festival

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82 Women Will Walk Cannes Red Carpet in Silent Protest

The number is a significant one

(Newser) - Eighty-two women are set to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday, and it's a meaningful figure. The number 82 corresponds with the number of films directed by women to ever play in the festival's prestigious Palme d'Or competition over its 71 years—...

Kenya Bans 1st Cannes Film Over 'Lesbianism'

Director Wanuri Kahiu ran afoul of her nation's laws on homosexuality

(Newser) - Kenya has banned its first feature film to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, accusing it of having "clear intent to promote lesbianism in Kenya contrary to the law," reports the AP . Director Wanuri Kahiu says she is "incredibly sorry" to confirm the ban of Rafiki, or...

Netflix Gives Cannes Film Festival the Cold Shoulder

The streaming giant has a bone to pick with the prestigious film festival

(Newser) - Netflix is pulling its films from the Cannes Film Festival, further intensifying an ongoing dispute between Netflix and the world's most prestigious film festival. Along with selfies , Cannes earlier banned any films without theatrical distribution in France from its Palme d'Or competition, which essentially rules out Netflix movies....

Cannes Bans 'Grotesque' Red-Carpet Practice

Selfie-takers won't be allowed in to see films

(Newser) - Want to take a selfie on the red carpet during the Cannes Film Festival? Well, you can't. That's the message from top festival official Thierry Fremaux, who says red-carpet selfies will be banned at this year's star-studded event, the AP reports. Violators, he said on Europe 1...

Cannes Jury Gets a Female President

Cate Blanchett will be 12th woman to hold the role

(Newser) - Australian actress and anti-sexual harassment campaigner Cate Blanchett will head this year's Cannes film festival jury, becoming only the 12th woman in its 71-year history to do so, per the AP and Variety . In a statement Thursday, top Cannes officials Pierre Lescure and Thierry Fremaux expressed their delight in...

Director in Need of Funds Auctioning Off His Palme d'Or

Abdellatif Kechiche needs to finance his next film

(Newser) - If you've ever wanted to own a Palme d'Or, now's your chance. Abdellatif Kechiche, who won the top prize at the 2013 Cannes film festival for Blue Is the Warmest Color, is now auctioning it off in order to finance his next film, which has been put...

Jessica Chastain Calls Out Cannes
Jessica Chastain
Calls Out Cannes

Jessica Chastain Calls Out Cannes

For 'disturbing' representation of women in film

(Newser) - Jessica Chastain was a jury member at this year's Cannes Film Festival, but that didn't mean she automatically approved of what she saw. At the final press conference when the festival closed Sunday, the actress responded with criticism when a reporter asked about the female filmmakers at the...

Sofia Coppola Scores Historic Win at Cannes

She's the 1st female director to win since 1961

(Newser) - Sofia Coppola scored a historic victory at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday night when she became only the second woman in the event's 70-year history to win the best director award. The American, who won with Civil War drama The Beguiled , is the first woman to win since...

Pamela Anderson's Cannes Look Turns Heads

'Unrecognizable' is the favored word of the day

(Newser) - "Unrecognizable" is the word used most often, but "drastically different" and "demure" also made the cut when it came to descriptions of Pamela Anderson on Saturday. The 49-year-old hit the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, and her look wasn't one most of her fans...

Susan Sarandon Has Harsh Words for Woody Allen

'I think he sexually assaulted a child'

(Newser) - Susan Sarandon has slammed Woody Allen at the Cannes Film Festival where allegations of sexual assault have been renewed against the director. Speaking at a "Woman in Motion" talk on Sunday, Sarandon said of Allen: "I think he sexually assaulted a child and I don't think that'...

Woody Allen Hit With Rape Joke at His Cannes Film Premiere

French comedian appears to compare him to Roman Polanski

(Newser) - Woody Allen's Cafe Society opened the Cannes Film Festival Wednesday, and at the premiere, the master of ceremonies drew gasps from the crowd with one of his comments: "You’ve shot so many of your films here in Europe and yet in the US you haven’t even...

John Malkovich Film to Be Screened in 100 Years

It's billed as 'The Movie You Will Never See'

(Newser) - John Malkovich is starring in a movie that no one will see for 100 years—or a teaser that promotes a very expensive cognac. According to the Cannes Film Festival and a teaser released last year , Robert Rodriguez has directed Malkovich in the film 100 Years: The Movie You Will...

Why Cannes Showed That Awful FIFA Movie

Gerard Depardieu lobbied, 'a lot,' says Cannes director Thierry Fremaux

(Newser) - Actor Gerard Depardieu personally intervened to persuade the Cannes Film Festival to show the FIFA-funded movie United Passions, which earned $607 in its US debut and reviews that branded it "pure cinematic excrement." Cannes director Thierry Fremaux said he initially rejected the movie, thinking it unworthy of the...

Cannes Winner Is a Shocker
 Cannes Winner 
 Is a Shocker 

Cannes Winner Is a Shocker

Jacques Audiard's ' Dheepan' wins in upset

(Newser) - The 68th Cannes Film Festival was brought to a surprising close yesterday with Jacques Audiard's Sri Lankan refugee drama taking the festival's coveted top honor, the Palme d'Or. The choice of Dheepan, as selected by a jury led by Joel and Ethan Coen, left some critics scratching...

Cannes Film Spotlights Hollywood Child Abuse

Victims hope the documentary will help others come forward

(Newser) - A dark side of the movie world has played out onscreen at Cannes in An Open Secret, a documentary about child sexual abuse that calls itself "the movie Hollywood doesn't want you to see." The film, screened outside the festival selection, features interviews with former child actors...

Cannes' Controversial Code: High Heels Only, Ladies

Women reportedly spurned for wearing flats on red carpet

(Newser) - The Cannes Film Festival is coming under scrutiny for its policy of only allowing women dressed in high heels to walk the red carpet for its formal premieres. Many are criticizing the festival after Screen International reported that several middle-aged women were turned away from the Sunday premiere of Carol...

Pamela Anderson Reveals Childhood Rapes

First boyfriend led a group that gang raped her, she says

(Newser) - Pamela Anderson stunned guests at a Cannes Film Festival event yesterday by revealing a childhood of sexual abuse. Speaking at the launch of her new animal rights charity, the former Baywatch star said she had been abused "by my female babysitter" between the ages of 6 and 10 and...

Kidman's Grace Humiliated at Cannes

It's absolutely slammed by critics

(Newser) - To say the premiere of Grace of Monaco, with Nicole Kidman in the title role, did not go well last night at Cannes would be an understatement. In an absolutely scathing review at the Guardian , Peter Bradshaw calls the biopic "a breathtaking catastrophe ... a film so awe-inspiringly wooden that...

$53M in Jewels Stolen From Cannes Hotel

Follows pair of thefts during film festival

(Newser) - Cannes, it seems, has become a popular target for jewel thieves. Its film festival suffered two jewel robberies this year ; now a gunman has fled with a briefcase full of jewelry worth $53 million. Today's heist occurred at a jewelry show at the Carlton Hotel, on the famous Croisette...

French Lesbian Love Story Takes Top Prize at Cannes
 Top Prize at Cannes Goes To... 

Top Prize at Cannes Goes To...

'La Vie D'Adele' ('Blue is the Warmest Color')

(Newser) - The Cannes Film Festival prizes have been announced, as selected by Steven Spielberg and his jury of actors and directors. Taking out the top prize, the Palme d’Or, was French film La Vie D'Adele (Blue is the Warmest Color) from Tunisia-born director Abdellatif Kechiche, reports the Hollywood Reporter...

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