
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Feral Beagles Loose on Long Island

Abandoned dogs hunt in packs, frightening people and pets

(Newser) - Residents of eastern Long Island must be asking what they could have done to deserve a plague of rogue Snoopys. Feral beagles, abandoned for poor performance by hunters who used them to seek rabbits, have become a serious problem this winter. The animals have grouped into packs to seek food...

Study of Obsessive Dogs Turns up OCD Gene

Study sheds light on OCD cause in both humans and dogs

(Newser) - Dogs that engage in compulsive behavior like tail-chasing and blanket sucking share a genetic variation, according to new research. The researchers believe the study of Doberman pinschers—a breed especially vulnerable to canine OCD—sheds new light on the causes of the disorder in both humans and animals, the New ...

Dog Saves Boy From Cougar
 Dog Saves Boy From Cougar 

Dog Saves Boy From Cougar

Austin Forman and golden retriever OK after attack

(Newser) - An 11-year-old British Columbia boy and his dog are both fine after a Saturday night run-in with a cougar—during which the dog, Angel, lived up to its name. A cougar charged at Austin Forman as he collected firewood—but Austin’s 18-month-old golden retriever got in between them, leaving...

Tibetan Mastiff Fever Sweeps China

Majestic breed becomes status symbol

(Newser) - A dog bred to guard farms and herds on the Tibetan plateau has become the latest status symbol for China's wealthy elite. Purebred Tibetan mastiffs, one of the biggest breeds of dogs, can sell for over $500,000 in China. Celebrity mastiffs, weighing in at close to 180 pounds, can...

Rottweiler Kills Fla. Toddler

Boy was attending a birthday party outside Tampa: cops

(Newser) - A 20-month-old Florida boy is dead after he was attacked by a Rottweiler during a birthday party last night at an aunt's home. Dallas Walters dropped a cookie, and when he reached to pick it up, the dog pounced. No charges have been filed, said a rep for the sheriff's...

Walking Your Dog 'Better Than Gym Membership'

Survey finds pooch owners get longer workouts

(Newser) - Scrapping your gym membership in favor of Fido will make you healthier and happier, according to a British study. The research—sponsored by a pet care company—found that dog owners spent an average of around 8 hours a week getting some exercise while walking their pets, while petless gym...

'Pup Perfumes' Soothe Fido
 'Pup Perfumes' 
 Soothe Fido 

'Pup Perfumes' Soothe Fido

Pheromones don't work for everybody, but calm some

(Newser) - Businesses are churning out pet "pheromone perfumes" to give Fido—and Puff—the kinds of smells they require to keep calm and happy. The pheromones can be sprayed, hooked up to a dog collar, and plugged into wall sockets for room coverage to diffuse chemical compounds aimed at soothing...

Fugitive Dog Wins Most Write-Ins in Iowa Election

Condemned Jake gets 62 votes in Sioux City contest

(Newser) - Were he not a dog, Jake Rochester would have made a fine politician. The fugitive Labrador Retriever earned the most write-in votes in a City Council election in Sioux City, thanks to a concerted “Vote Jake” campaign on his behalf. Jake’s story is a strange one. The dog...

In Eco-Terms, Dog = Hummer
 In Eco-Terms, 
 Dog = Hummer 
pop science

In Eco-Terms, Dog = Hummer

(Newser) - A dog has about the same impact on the planet as an SUV, according to a study out of New Zealand. The authors of Time to Eat the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living claim the environmental footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser is smaller than the ecological impact...

Bedbug Dogs Sniff Out Bloodsuckers

Trained hounds in high demand as infestations rise

(Newser) - The resurgence of an old pest has created new jobs for dogs. Bedbug infestations have soared in American cities over the last four years, creating boom times for exterminators, especially those using canny canines trained to detect the tiny suckers. Handlers say the dogs can expertly sniff out infestations and...

7-Foot Dog Has High Hopes for World Record

North Dakota specimen, ermm, Boomer, stands 3 ft tall and 7 ft long

(Newser) - The owner of a North Dakota dog who drinks from the kitchen sink and stares motorists right in the eye thinks he’s a candidate for world’s tallest dog. Boomer, a 180-pound Landseer Newfoundland, measures 3 feet at the shoulders and 7 feet nose to tail. His owner plans...

3-Year Court Case Ends in Joint Custody—of Dog

NJ couple will trade visits with Dexter the pug

(Newser) - A case that has taken up the time of the New Jersey court system since 2006 apparently ended today with a judge's ruling that the litigants will share custody of their dog. Dexter, a 6-year-old pug, will spend 5 weeks at a time with each of his owners, the Philadelphia ...

Martha to Jess: Get a New Dog
 Martha to Jess: Get a New Dog 

Martha to Jess: Get a New Dog

Stewart knows the pain of losing an animal, says Simpson is partly to blame

(Newser) - Fellow dog lover Martha Stewart feels bad for Jessica Simpson, whose maltipoo was snatched by a coyote, but tells Us, “She should have watched it more closely, though. She should have been more careful.” Stewart, who lost a treasured pooch of her own in March, did have some...

Jessica's Daisy Snatched by Coyote

Maltipoo hasn't been seen since, Jessica heartbroken

(Newser) - Jessica Simpson's beloved Maltipoo Daisy has been snatched by a coyote near her Los Angeles home and hasn't been seen since, reports the New York Daily News. "My heart is broken because a coyote took my precious Daisy right in front of our eyes," tweeted Simpson. "We...

Navy K-9 Unit Accused of Vicious Sex Hazing

Recruits were hog-tied, forced to simulate sex in Bahrain unit

(Newser) - A culture of vicious hazing and sexual abuse held sway at the US Navy's bomb-sniffing dog division in Bahrain for years, a Youth Radio investigation finds. Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information act state that incidents included "throwing hard balls at the groin" and "a dog attacking...

Kennedy's Office Had Gone to the Dogs

Portuguese water dogs were a furry fixture of senator's office

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy may have been the Senate's liberal lion, but his office was clearly no place for cats, reports Politico in a look at the three Portuguese water dogs that were fixtures in his Washington digs. The pooches provided a warm, furry presence amid what could be tense negotiations, and...

Killer Ga. Dogs to Be Put Down
 Killer Ga. Dogs to Be Put Down 

Killer Ga. Dogs to Be Put Down

(Newser) - A court has ordered the pack of wild dogs that killed a retired Georgia professor and his wife put to sleep, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports. Authorities have already rounded up most of the 14 involved in the attack. The couple’s neighbor had fed the dogs before moving away...

Ga. Couple Killed by Dogs
 Ga. Couple 
 Killed by Dogs 

Ga. Couple Killed by Dogs

(Newser) - A retired professor and his wife whose bodies were found this weekend were mauled to death by a neighbor's dogs, an autopsy concluded. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that several of the dogs—the neighbor had 14, all mongrels—were guarding their prey when a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses found the...

1-Dog Rule Gnaws on Chinese

 1-Dog Rule Gnaws on Chinese 

1-Dog Rule Gnaws on Chinese

Owners refuse to give up pooches, despite crackdown

(Newser) - Guangzhou residents have gotten used to the one-child rule, but they’re drawing a line in the sand when it comes to their city’s new one-dog policy, ABC News reports. Most are ignoring or evading the month-old rule. “I’ll definitely not give up on my dogs, because...

Sideshow Owner Wins $4K in 5-Legged Pup Case

(Newser) - TV judge Jeanine Pirro has handed the freak show world a victory in the case of the 5-legged pup saved from a life on exhibit, the New York Daily News reports. Pirro ruled that the dog's original owner shouldn't have reneged on his deal to sell the animal to John...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>