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Father of Slain Tsarnaev Friend Will Sue FBI

He wants to know the truth about Florida shooting

(Newser) - The father of the Chechen man shot dead by the FBI while being interviewed about his friendship with Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev says he plans to sue the agency—not for compensation, but for the truth about his son's death. Abdulbaki Todashev, father of 27-year-old Ibragim, has traveled...

ACLU: Millions of Innocent Drivers Being Tracked

Vast databases store info on your plate, movements

(Newser) - You know about speed cameras and red-light cameras. But did you know about plate-reading cameras? Few people do, and that's a worry for the ACLU, which says the cameras are infringing on our civil liberties. Unlike the speed and red-light cameras, which are activated only when someone violates a...

ACLU Sues for Gay Marriage in Pennsylvania

Sets sights on Virginia, North Carolina

(Newser) - The ACLU isn't wasting any time in expanding gay marriage following the Supreme Court's big rulings. First up: a lawsuit in Pennsylvania seeking to end the state's ban on same-sex vows, the New York Times reports. The suit has 23 plaintiffs including a truck driver, a stay-at-home-mom,...

NSA Gets to Decide Who&#39;s Foreign
NSA Gets to Decide Who's Foreign

NSA Gets to Decide Who's Foreign

New documents reveal rules on surveillance targets

(Newser) - For weeks, President Obama and other senior officials have touted the special FISA court as a safeguard on NSA surveillance. Well, the Guardian and Washington Post have obtained top-secret documents submitted to and approved by that court that outline the rules and limits placed on the program. How reassuring they...

ACLU Sues White House Over Phone 'Dragnet'

Group says its constitutional rights have been violated

(Newser) - The ACLU usually sues on behalf of others, but this time it's going to court on behalf of itself. The civil-liberties group has sued the federal government over the "dragnet" it uses to collect information about phone calls , reports Talking Points Memo . Because the ACLU is itself a...

Gay Couple: Bakery Wouldn't Make Us Wedding Cake

They file discrimination claim in Colorado

(Newser) - Do you have a right to not bake a cake for someone? Or the right to not be discriminated against by cake bakers? That's the issue at hand in a Colorado discrimination claim. David Mullins and Charlie Craig went into Masterpiece Cakeshop hoping to get a wedding cake to...

Hey, IRS: Even the Tea Party Deserves Free Speech

ACLU execs says the scandal highlights the dangers of limiting political speech

(Newser) - The IRS' stunning admission that it singled out Tea Party groups for more aggressive tax enforcement should be a warning to all Americans to guard their free speech rights jealously, ACLU officials Michael Macleod-Ball and Gabe Rottman write for CNN . There's been a rush to regulate political speech since...

Detroit Cops Dumping Homeless Outside City: ACLU

Police 'deserting them miles away', it claims

(Newser) - Detroit police are ushering homeless people out of a tourist area and leaving them miles away—in some cases outside the city itself, the ACLU alleges in a federal complaint. Officers are "approaching individuals who appear to be homeless in the Greektown area, forcing them into police vans, and...

IRS Might Be Peeking at Emails Without Warrants

ACLU calls for a clear explanation of policy

(Newser) - It's probably not wise to talk about all your deep, dark tax-dodging secrets via email, but if you do, know that the IRS might be poking into them without a warrant. So says the ACLU, which complains that it can't get a straight answer from the agency about...

Court: CIA Can't Say There's No Drone Program

ACLU records request alive once more.

(Newser) - The CIA can't just pretend its drone program doesn't exist to avoid releasing its records, a federal appeals court ruled today, reviving an ACLU lawsuit to obtain them. The CIA had rejected the ACLU's Freedom of Information Act request, saying it couldn't confirm or deny that...

Seattle Mayor: Fine, We Won't Use Drones

Outcry ends program before it begins

(Newser) - Bowing to a fierce public outcry, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn has decided to ground the city's plan for an unmanned drone program, reports Reuters . Seattle bought two Draganflyer X6 drones in 2010 using an $80,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security, and planned to use the miniature,...

Teen's Sentence: 10 Years of Church

ACLU files complaint against judge's decision

(Newser) - What sounds better to you: Having to attend church for 10 years, or going to prison for manslaughter? If you said the former, you're not the ACLU. Tyler Alred, 17, was behind the wheel in a 2011 alcohol-related crash that killed his passenger, and Oklahoma Judge Mike Norman last...

Pepper-Sprayed UC Students Get $30K Each

Davis campus must pay out about $1M total

(Newser) - One of the more notorious incidents of the Occupy movement will result in a payday for the students involved. The University of California will pay $30,000 to each of the 21 students who were methodically pepper-sprayed by a Davis campus cop, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . The school also...

Dad-Daughter Dances Axed for 'Gender Discrimination'

District also bans mom-son sports events after ACLU steps in

(Newser) - A Rhode Island school district has banned father-daughter dances—and mother-son sports events—because of "gender discrimination" after a challenge by the ACLU. A single mom complained that her daughter was shut out of a dance in Cranston, and the civil rights organization argued in a letter that the...

ACLU's New Target: License Plate Trackers

Widespread use is threat to liberty, group says

(Newser) - ACLU affiliates in 38 states are filing requests with police agencies today to gather more info about Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPRs), which the group says are "fundamentally threatening our freedom on the open road." Police at the state and local level use the devices to snap photos—...

Tweens Hit With Felony Over Fake Facebook Page

Girls impersonated classmate, made threats, cops say

(Newser) - Two middle-school girls in Texas have been arrested after police say they created a Facebook page in a classmate's name—and used it to fire off threats to other students. The girls, ages 12 and 13, face third-degree felony charges for online impersonation, NBC News reports. The messages caused...

Al-Awlaki&#39;s Dad Sues US
 Al-Awlaki's Dad Sues US 

Al-Awlaki's Dad Sues US

Along with mother of another American killed in drone strike

(Newser) - The families of three Americans killed in US drone strikes in Yemen are suing the government, arguing that it had no right to assassinate them without a trial. The wrongful-death suit was filed yesterday by Nasser al-Awlaki, father of Anwar al-Awlaki, and Sarah Khan, mother of Samir Khan, the BBC...

ACLU Agrees to Defend KKK
 ACLU Agrees to Defend KKK 

ACLU Agrees to Defend KKK

Georgia highway dispute creates unlikely bedfellows

(Newser) - The Ku Klux Klan has a right to adopt a highway , the American Civil Liberties Union said yesterday, announcing that it would accept the white supremacist group's request for representation in its dispute with the Georgia Department of Transportation. The ACLU has previously said it views the case as...

KKK Asks ACLU for Help in Highway Case

Civil rights group considering protecting Klan's free speech

(Newser) - The Ku Klux Klan is turning to a surprise choice for help in its fight to sponsor a highway cleanup: the ACLU. And the civil rights group is considering taking the case, representatives tell the Guardian . Georgia refused the KKK's request to sponsor a portion of highway where members...

ACLU Backs Girls Expelled for Facebook 'Death Threats'

Chat was just 'teenage banter,' says lawyer

(Newser) - Genuine death threats don't tend to come with "LOL" and a smiley face attached, notes the ACLU, which has filed a lawsuit on behalf of three expelled eighth-graders in Indiana. The 14-year-old girls were kicked out of school for a Facebook conversation in which they talked about which...

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