Boris Johnson

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Lawmaker Floats 'Extraordinary' Idea for UK Politics

Caroline Lucas calls for emergency Cabinet of 10 women from all parties to take control of Brexit

(Newser) - A female lawmaker in Britain thinks the UK is headed for ruin under Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Brexit leadership, and she's floating a provocative idea to fix things: an all-female emergency Cabinet made up of 10 women from all the major parties. Why only females? "I believe...

John Oliver Has Movie Analogy to Explain Boris Johnson

He's like a bumbling Hugh Grant in a rom-com, says Oliver. The problem is, this is not a movie

(Newser) - John Oliver returned to his HBO show from a short hiatus Sunday to deliver what Mashable describes as a "truly savage and clinical takedown" of new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. See the full video here , in which Oliver warns succinctly that "Britain is f-----." Johnson comes...

PM Has Called Trump Unfit. US Ambassador Isn't Worried

Woody Johnson says relationship between Boris Johnson, US president will be 'sensational'

(Newser) - President Trump thinks the United Kingdom's new prime minister will be "great," and the US ambassador to the UK seems to share similar optimism not only for Johnson's ability to, like Trump, "get things done," but also on the two leaders' future dealings. "...

As Johnson Becomes PM, Some Fear He&#39;ll &#39;Sell Out&#39; to Trump
As Johnson Becomes PM,
Outgoing PM Offers No Praise

As Johnson Becomes PM, Outgoing PM Offers No Praise

Meanwhile, some fear new prime minister will 'sell out' to Trump

(Newser) - Theresa May entered Buckingham Palace as prime minister Wednesday before exiting as only a lawmaker. Queen Elizabeth II has seen this production before. The monarch has already had 13 people form a government for her since she took up her post in 1952. Boris Johnson will be the 14th prime...

Dude: Boris Johnson Rolls Out an Acronym

Incoming British prime minister promises to deliver, unite, defeat, and energize

(Newser) - In what has to be the first time a British leader used the word "dude" in a speech, incoming Prime Minister Boris Johnson employed it as a rallying cry Tuesday. "I say to all the doubters—'Dude, we are going to energize the country,'" Johnson...

It's Boris: Britain Picks Its New Prime Minister

Johnson will replace Theresa May, and Trump predicts he'll be 'great!'

(Newser) - Boris Johnson will become Britain's new prime minister on Wednesday. The governing Conservative Party revealed Tuesday that the Brexit hardliner won a ballot of about 160,000 Conservative members to replace Theresa May, who announced her resignation last month, per the AP . Johnson, a former London mayor, had been...

Some Brits Are Really Unhappy About Their Next PM

Thousands march against no-deal exit as Cabinet members plan to leave

(Newser) - As Boris Johnson moves closer to becoming prime minister of the UK, opposition to the pro-Brexit candidate has become more visible and vocal. The race to succeed Theresa May is down to Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, who followed Johnson as foreign secretary. The ruling Conservative Party will announce voting results...

Domestic Incident New Wrinkle in Boris Johnson's Path to PM

Rival Jeremy Hunt challenges frontrunner to talk about disturbance with girlfriend

(Newser) - If you've lost track of Britain's turbulent politics, the short version is this: Either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt will replace Theresa May as prime minister when the votes are counted next month. Johnson is the heavy favorite to win, though a domestic incident involving his girlfriend continues...

Favorite for British PM Dealt a Big Blow

Boris Johnson to face misconduct claims in court

(Newser) - The man favorited to become Britain's next prime minister must appear in court to face misconduct claims. A judge on Wednesday ordered leading Brexit supporter Boris Johnson to testify over his claim that Britain would pull in an extra £350 million ($443 million) per week after leaving the...

Race for PM Begins With Boris Johnson in the Lead

Candidates angle to replace Theresa May

(Newser) - Hours after Theresa May announced that she'll be resigning as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson leads the Conservative Party pack to replace her. Johnson is a champion of Brexit who quit May's cabinet last year over her handling of the issue. He's been foreign secretary and...

Theresa May in Serious Trouble Over Brexit
Theresa May's Government
Is Now in Turmoil
the rundown

Theresa May's Government Is Now in Turmoil

Lawmakers are resigning over her Brexit plan, and she might face a leadership challenge

(Newser) - What a mess. Reaction in Britain has been so bad to Theresa May's newly unveiled Brexit plan that she's now busy trying to fend off a revolt within her own Conservative Party to remain prime minister. The highlights:
  • Resignations: Six government ministers quit Thursday, the big one being

'Suicide Vest' Comment 'Is the Political End of Boris Johnson'

Ex-FM widely rebuked for saying Theresa May was putting UK in 'suicide vest' with EU

(Newser) - No stranger to over-the-top rhetoric , Boris Johnson appears to have outdone himself in his latest attack on British Prime Minister Theresa May, saying that her Chequers deal with the European Union wraps "a suicide vest around the British constitution," and is "a humiliation" that leaves the UK...

Boris Johnson's Burka Insults May Cost Him Party Post

Says Muslim women look like bank robbers

(Newser) - Former British foreign secretary Boris Johnson is in hot water—and at risk of losing his status as Conservative Party whip—over his comments about burkas. In a Telegraph op-ed, Johnson argued the face-covering veil shouldn't be banned in Britain as it is in Denmark , but had unkind words...

Boris Johnson: Britain Flying 'White Flags' of Surrender

In his resignation letter as foreign secretary, he slams Theresa May's Brexit strategy

(Newser) - So how goes British politics Monday? Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson quit, the second cabinet member to do so in 24 hours, prompting the main BBC story to include phrases such as "full-blown crisis," "meltdown," and "complete and utter chaos." The Guardian prefers "disarray,...

UK: Trail to Spy's Poisoning 'Leads Inexorably to Kremlin'

Russian ambassador to UK says situation is 'escalating dangerously and out of proportion'

(Newser) - Britain's foreign secretary said Sunday that the trail of blame for the poisoning of a former spy "leads inexorably to the Kremlin," reports the AP , after a Russian envoy suggested the nerve agent could have come from a UK lab. "We actually have evidence within the...

UK's Johnson Pins Poisoning on Putin Himself

'Overwhelmingly likely'

(Newser) - How likely is it that Vladimir Putin was behind the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy in England? "Overwhelmingly likely" in the eyes of UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. He made his claim Friday just two days after Prime Minister Theresa May kicked 23 Russians out of the country in...

Boris Johnson Flies to US for Talks With Trump Team

PM calls Trump remarks 'unacceptable'

(Newser) - "The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump," Boris Johnson once said —but that was 13 months ago, before he became Britain's top diplomat and Trump became president-elect. Johnson was in New York...

Boris Johnson Gives Most Specific Estimate Yet of Brexit Timeline

Early 2017, he estimates

(Newser) - Britain's exit talks with the European Union will likely start in early 2017 and could take less than the allotted two years, Britain's foreign secretary said Thursday. His comments came after the president of the European Parliament urged Britain to make an early start on the talks, saying...

Britain's New Top Diplomat Has Offended a Lot of People

Critics stunned by Boris Johnson's new job

(Newser) - Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, the people of Papua New Guinea, and many others around the world have something in common: They've all been insulted at one point or another by Boris Johnson, Britain's new top diplomat. The colorful former mayor of London and prominent Brexit supporter...

British Politics Just Got Even Crazier

Boris Johnson will not run for prime minister after unexpected challenge

(Newser) - In the rowdy world of British politics, it's another day of surprises: The race to succeed the outgoing David Cameron as prime minister took an unexpected turn when former London Mayor Boris Johnson announced he would not be running. Johnson had led the charge for the UK to exit...

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