public sculpture

5 Stories

Renowned Creator of Funky Urban Sculptures Dies

Claes Oldenburg was 93

(Newser) - Pop artist Claes Oldenburg, who turned the mundane into the monumental through his outsized sculptures of a baseball bat, a clothespin, and other objects, has died at age 93. Oldenburg died Monday morning in Manhattan, according to his daughter, Maartje Oldenburg. He had been in poor health since falling and...

Famed Shark Sculpture Is Now Protected

But owner of the home in England (who loves the piece) isn't thrilled

(Newser) - The 25-foot tall sculpture of a shark crashing through the roof of Magnus Hanson-Heine’s house in rural Oxford, England, is now a protected landmark—and he’s not happy about it. Hanson-Heine loves the installation, erected by his father and a local sculptor in 1986 as an anti-war, anti-nuke...

Senegal's $30M Statue May Need to Add Clothes

Government considers covering female figure's legs

(Newser) - Senegal's government is considering taking action against one of its most prominent women for a hemline that's too high—by about 30 feet. Having spent $30 million on a giant statue of an African family meant to tower over the capital Dakar, President Abdoulaye is considering a costly revision because...

Sculpture Thieves Seek Scrap Metal
Sculpture Thieves Seek Scrap Metal

Sculpture Thieves Seek Scrap Metal

Commodity prices driving thefts; more artists steering clear

(Newser) - A wave of sculpture thefts has little to do with the pieces’ artistic merit: Police believe they’ve been stolen for their valuable copper content, the Wall Street Journal reports. In the past 18 months, three public artworks displayed in Brea, Calif., have disappeared—and the trend is appearing across...

Chicago Gets Olympic Makeover
Chicago Gets Olympic Makeover

Chicago Gets Olympic Makeover

Critics ponder price as plans for bid move forward

(Newser) - Chicago is serious about hosting the 2016 Olympics, and the city is doing everything possible to land the event, the Washington Post reports. The buzzword is "global": Chicago is entertaining foreign dignities, teaching new languages in its schools, and erecting public sculptures and buildings. But for the Windy City’...

5 Stories
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