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US, UK Shoot Down Dozen- Plus Drones Over Red Sea

Houthi rebels in Yemen attack vessels as Israel-Hamas war threatens to spread

(Newser) - Houthi rebels in Yemen have launched a series of attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, one of the world's busiest shipping routes, and have launched drones and missiles targeting Israel, as the Israel-Hamas war threatens to spread. US Central Command said that the destroyer USS Carney "successfully engaged...

Dozens of Students Killed in Rebel Attack on High School

Ugandan authorities recover more than 40 bodies, mostly kids, after suspected rebels invade

(Newser) - Ugandan authorities recovered the bodies of 41 people, including 38 students, who were burned, shot, or hacked to death after suspected rebels attacked a secondary school near the border with Congo, the local mayor said Saturday. At least six people were abducted by the rebels, who fled across the porous...

Critics Raise Alarm on 11th-Hour Foreign Policy Move
Critics Raise Alarm on
11th-Hour Foreign Policy Move
the rundown

Critics Raise Alarm on 11th-Hour Foreign Policy Move

Designation of Houthi rebels as terrorists could make it harder to deliver food amid crisis

(Newser) - The Trump administration just made two big foreign policy moves. The one that drew most of the headlines was the designation of Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism. The other, though, is causing plenty of consternation on Capitol Hill and among humanitarian groups. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that...

Duterte Boasts of Order to Shoot Women 'in the Vagina'

Critic calls him 'the epitome of misogyny and fascism'

(Newser) - In addition to saying he "should have been first" to assault a "beautiful" rape victim , Rodrigo Duterte once told soldiers he'd protect them if they raped women. His misogynistic rhetoric only continued with comments last week, drawing outrage even as a spokesman claims the Philippine president shouldn'...

Latin America's Longest Conflict Steps Toward Its End

Colombia's FARC guerrillas lay down nearly all arms, declare end to insurgency

(Newser) - Colombia reached a major milestone on its road to peace Tuesday as leftist rebels gave up some of their last weapons and declared an end to their half-century insurgency. The historic step was taken as President Juan Manuel Santos traveled to a demobilization camp in Colombia's eastern jungles to...

Families Try to Flee Aleppo, Rebels Stop Them: Report

As conditions have gone from 'terrible to terrifying and now barely survivable'

(Newser) - A Syrian monitoring group alleged Tuesday that rebels are preventing dozens of families from fleeing eastern Aleppo as Russian-backed government forces intensify their bombardment of the besieged quarter, the AP reports. Such claims are difficult to verify and often distorted due to propaganda, but Syrian and Russian state media maintain...

US Strikes Yemen Rebels for First Time

Navy says it's retaliation for missile launches

(Newser) - American officials say US-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles have destroyed three coastal radar sites in Houthi-controlled territory on Yemen's Red Sea coast. The strikes marked the first shots fired by the US in anger against the Houthis in Yemen's long-running civil war, the AP reports. The retaliatory action early...

Sotloffs: Steven Sold to ISIS by Other Rebels

Spokesman says family's relationship with White House is 'very strained'

(Newser) - A family spokesman for the family of Steven Sotloff appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 last night and revealed that the location of the journalist had been sold to ISIS by "so-called moderate rebels," leading to Sotloff's capture, CNN reports. "Somebody at the [Syrian] border crossing made...

Central African Republic Rebels: OK, We'll Talk

Halt advance on Bangui

(Newser) - Rebels in the poverty-stricken Central African Republic have been advancing on the capital for three weeks, but today they agreed to halt and begin peace talks, Reuters reports. They had come within striking distance of Bangui, causing the US to close its embassy in the country and evacuate its citizens...

US Closes Embassy in Central African Republic

Country's president seeks help against rebels

(Newser) - With rebels advancing in the Central African Republic, the US has evacuated its ambassador and his staff and closed its embassy in the country. Washington is urging Americans not to visit the country, where violence is surging, the AP reports. Rebels have captured 10 northern towns, and locals in the...

Congo's M23 Rebels Pull Out of 2 Towns

They're holding on to Goma

(Newser) - Just a day after saying they would fight the Democratic Republic of Congo's government to maintain control over three towns captured in a blitzkreig last week, Congo's M23 rebels announced today that they are pulling out of Sake and Masisi, reports Reuters . The pullout was brokered by Uganda,...

Congo Rebels Refuse to Leave Major City

And say they'll fight the military to keep it

(Newser) - The political leader of the M23 rebels says his group will not leave the strategic eastern Congo city of Goma and is ready to fight the Congolese army, defying a deadline imposed by a regional group of nations. Speaking in Goma today, M23 president Jean-Marie Runiga said the rebels won'...

Syrian Rebels Down Plane, Toss Bodies From Roof

Government warplanes fired at random for days: activist

(Newser) - Syrian rebels say they shot down a government fighter today and captured the pilot who ejected—a major feat after days of aerial attacks, the Guardian reports. Syria's state news agency reports the plane crashed due to mechanical failure, but a local activist claims rebels shot down the MiG...

FARC Promises to Free Hostages

Colombian rebel group vows to release 10 security force members

(Newser) - FARC promises to release 10 security force members currently held hostage and says it will stop its practice of kidnapping people for ransom, the BBC reports. The announcement comes three months after the Colombian rebel group murdered four hostages and sparked huge protests across Colombia. The group, which bankrolls itself...

Shining Path Leader Captured
 Peru Captures 
 Rebel Leader 

Peru Captures Rebel Leader

Shining Path no longer a threat in Peru: President Ollanta Humala

(Newser) - Peruvian troops have captured the head of a faction of the Shining Path rebel group, responsible for thousands of deaths in the 1980s and 1990s. The capture of Comrade Artemio marks the effective end of the group, which was fueled by the cocaine trade, said Peruvian President Ollanta Humala. Artemio,...

Top 5 Civilians Who Battled Armies

Freedom fighters with a grudge exist outside of Hollywood

(Newser) - Throughout history, vast armies have met their enemies on the battlefield and even conquered civilizations—unless, that is, some totally untrained person got really mad at them. Yes, this has actually happened outside of the movies. Cracked lists five of them:
  • Rejected by the Greek army in the 1930s for

Libyan Rebels: We're Being Armed

Qatar likely sending weapons; trainers likely on the ground

(Newser) - Libyan rebels are getting a little help from abroad in their quest to drive out Moammar Gadhafi, reports the New York Times, with Gen. Abdel Fattah Younes yesterday confirming that his troops had received weapons from nations he wouldn't name. Qatar's emir said Thursday his nation would send...

Libyan Rebel Commanders Can't Stand Each Other

'They behaved like children' at meeting

(Newser) - As rebel fighters suffered battlefield defeats last week, the movement's ad-hoc leadership council called a meeting of its three top commanders and discovered something disheartening: They can’t stand each other. “They behaved like children,” committee head Fathi Baja tells the New York Times . What’s more, the...

Libyan Rebels Surge, Near Crucial City

Decisive battle looms in Sirte

(Newser) - Rebel forces appeared to regain their momentum yesterday, capturing at least three important towns and two major oil refineries in a march that brought them just outside Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte, the Washington Post and New York Times report. In Benghazi, rebels celebrated as rumors spread that Sirte had...

Army Fires Rockets at Yemen Protest: Rebels

2 killed, 7 wounded in attack, say demonstrators

(Newser) - Yemen’s military fired rockets at rebel protesters in the northern city of Harf Sufyan today, killing two, and wounding 13, the demonstrators said in a statement. The AP reports that witnesses say soldiers in an army post opened fire with heavy machine guns, believing the protesters were trying to...

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