tax returns

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Mnuchin Balked on Trump's Tax Returns. Watchdog: OK

Treasury sec's decision was based on DOJ advice, which acting Treasury IG didn't comment on

(Newser) - A watchdog has found that the Treasury Department appropriately handled Congress' request for President Trump's tax returns, which Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has refused to provide. Rep. Richard Neal, the Massachusetts Democrat who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, asked acting inspector general for the Treasury, Rich Delmar,...

Treasury Does 180 on Stimulus Funds for One Set of Americans

Social Security recipients won't have to file tax return to get money

(Newser) - One of the biggest challenges the Treasury Department has in getting Americans their checks from the $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package is tracking down people who don't file tax returns. Now, at least one key group of nonfilers will see that process expedited. The official word, delivered from...

Elizabeth Warren Made $1.9M for Private Legal Work

She urges Buttigieg to release consulting client list

(Newser) - "Millionaire legal consultant" is not the image Sen. Elizabeth Warren is trying to project to voters, but figures released by her campaign Sunday show that she made close to $2 million from consulting and other private legal work during her career as a law professor. Her campaign released figures...

Appeals Court Rejects Trump Assertion of Immunity

But president's attorneys plan to appeal to Supreme Court in fight over tax returns

(Newser) - President Trump ran into another legal setback Monday in efforts to keep his tax returns out of the hands of criminal investigators in New York. A federal appeals court declared that Trump's accountant must turn over the returns to the office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr....

Judge Delivers Blow to Trump on Tax Returns

Federal judge rejects president's legal challenge to Manhattan subpoena

(Newser) - President Trump just lost a key ruling in his bid to keep his tax returns from going public. A federal judge in New York on Monday declared that the Manhattan district attorney has the right to subpoena eight years of the president's personal and business returns, reports the New ...

There&#39;s Another Whistleblower
There's Another Whistleblower
the rundown

There's Another Whistleblower

And this one has made an accusation about Trump's tax returns

(Newser) - Tired of reading about the President Trump whistleblower complaint? Well there's another complaint involving Trump that kind of flew under the media radar, Business Insider reports. Turns out a federal worker presented "an unsolicited communication" on July 29 summarizing allegations of "inappropriate efforts to influence" the compulsory...

Reactions to California's 'Unprecedented' Election Law

Its constitutionality is questionable, say some

(Newser) - If President Trump wants to be on California's presidential primary ballot come March, he'll have to hand over his last five years of tax returns by November. This after Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday signed a new election law requiring that very thing of all candidates; the requirement...

Tax Returns Show Biden Is Now 'Rich Joe'

His income soared after he left office

(Newser) - "Middle-class Joe" became "Rich Joe" after his 44 years in government came to an end, according to tax returns released by Joe Biden's campaign. The returns reveal that Joe and Jill Biden made more than $15 million in the two years after he left office—$11 million...

Democrats Just Escalated Fight Over Trump Tax Returns

House panel sues to get 6 years' worth

(Newser) - The fight over President Trump's tax returns is now in federal court. The House Ways and Means Committee filed suit Tuesday to obtain the president's personal and business returns from 2013 to 2018, reports the Hill . The committee earlier this year issued a subpoena for the returns, but...

2 Big Decisions Don't Go Trump's Way

His tax returns, financial records may be closer to the light of day

(Newser) - New York lawmakers gave final passage to legislation Wednesday that would allow President Donald Trump's state tax returns to be released to congressional committees that have, so far, been barred from getting the president's federal filings, the AP reports. The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly both approved the measures...

Mnuchin, IRS Chief Hit With Subpoenas on Trump Tax Returns

They have a deadline of 5pm next Friday to deliver the goods to House Democrats

(Newser) - The Treasury Department and IRS have been put on alert, and they've got a deadline. Politico reports on the ongoing Democratic effort to obtain President Trump's tax returns, with the latest move involving subpoenas from Richard Neal, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, to Treasury Secretary...

Mnuchin Puts Refusal on Trump's Tax Returns in Writing

Treasury secretary officially rejects House request

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has made it official: The administration won't be turning President Trump's tax returns over to the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives. Mnuchin told Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal in a Monday letter that the panel's request "lacks a legitimate legislative purpose,...

Kamala Harris Releases 15 Years of Tax Returns

Sanders has said he'll make documents public by Monday

(Newser) - Other Democratic presidential candidates have released tax returns or promised to do so soon, but Kamala Harris surged past the field Sunday by making public her returns for the past 15 years. The release covers every year Harris has held public office, Politico reports, starting when she was elected district...

'I Won't Do It,' Says Trump on Day of Deadline for His Taxes

The IRS has yet to say what it will do

(Newser) - Theresa May is busy worrying about an April 12 deadline; President Trump doesn't sound bothered by an April 10 one the IRS is facing. Rep. Richard Neal, who heads the House Ways and Means Committee, last week asked the IRS to pony up six years of Trump's personal...

Bernie Sanders Explains How 'You Can Be a Millionaire, Too'

As he pledges to release 10 years of tax returns

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has joined the ranks of America's millionaires. The White House hopeful promised Tuesday that he would release 10 years of tax returns by Monday, and admitted that his income has soared since the "very boring" tax return he released during his 2016 campaign, reports the New ...

Trump Attorney: IRS Can't Legally Release Tax Returns

Requests 'must have a legitimate legislative purpose,' William Consovoy argues

(Newser) - An attorney representing President Trump argued Friday that a request for the president's tax returns "would set a dangerous precedent" if granted and that the IRS cannot legally divulge the information. Rep. Richard Neal, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has formally asked the...

Tax Refunds Are Smaller, and People Are Ticked
Tax Refunds Are Smaller,
and People Are Ticked
in case you missed it

Tax Refunds Are Smaller, and People Are Ticked

Average return is $1,865 under new tax code, down 8% from last year

(Newser) - The IRS is out with early numbers on tax refunds in 2019, and people hoping for a bump under the new tax changes are being unpleasantly surprised. In the first week of the filing season, the average refund was $1,865, down about 8% from last year's average of...

Big Move in One State Could Keep Trump Off 2020 Ballot

Rhode Island bill would make all presidential hopefuls release tax returns to get on ballot

(Newser) - Gayle Goldin wants to make sure future presidential candidates fully reveal any potential conflicts of interest. That's why the Democratic state senator from Rhode Island is now sponsoring a bill that would require Oval Office hopefuls to release five years' worth of tax returns—meaning President Trump could see...

Hypothetical Hot Dogs May Be Bad News for Trump
Hypothetical Hot Dogs
May Be Bad News for Trump
the rundown

Hypothetical Hot Dogs May Be Bad News for Trump

Comes up in lawsuit over business interests, could affect release of tax returns

(Newser) - Controversy over President Trump's refusal to release his tax returns may have fallen off the political radar, but it resurfaced in a very real way in a Manhattan courtroom on Wednesday. As NPR reports, that's where a hearing unfolded as part of a lawsuit brought by the watchdog...

Dems Aren't Giving Up on Seeing Trump's Tax Returns

And Republican Lindsey Graham wants to make it mandatory for candidates

(Newser) - Senate Democrats seeking President Trump's tax returns hoped a strongly worded letter might finally do the trick. Didn't work. Seven Democrats on the Finance Committee wrote to GOP Chairman Orrin Hatch on Wednesday, asking that he use his authority to make the returns available to the committee for...

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