
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

6,000 Iraqi Sunnis Vow to Aid US
6,000 Iraqi Sunnis Vow to Aid US

6,000 Iraqi Sunnis Vow to Aid US

Iraqi civilian forces help decrease violence as refugees return home

(Newser) - Almost 6,000 Sunni Arab civilians in Iraq turned against Al-Qaeda yesterday and signed a pact to help US forces police possible insurgent escape routes. As insurgents seek to gain a foothold in the semi-autonomous north, American officials hailed the alliance, which is the Iraq war’s largest single volunteer...

Turkish Gunships Strike Kurdish Outpost in Iraq

Turkish Prime Minister warned a strike was 'nearing'

(Newser) - Turkish helicopter gunships have struck a suspected Kurdish guerrilla base inside the Iraqi border, AP is reporting. Turks targeted an area near the town of Zakho before dawn today. Iraqi officials said there were no casualties in the attacks on what they characterized as "abandoned villages"  that housed...

Turkey Listens to EU, Will Ease Up on Free Speech

Amendment to law is part of bid for EU membership

(Newser) - Readying itself for possible EU membership, Turkey's government will soften a law that curbs free speech, the AP reports. An amendment expected to pass parliament will limit penalties for Article 301, which punishes "insulting Turkey or Turkish identity" with up to three years in prison. The announcement came hours...

Rice Pledges US Assist to Turkey
Rice Pledges
US Assist
to Turkey

Rice Pledges US Assist to Turkey

Promises 'effective' action to stop attacks from rebels in Iraq

(Newser) - Heading to talks in Ankara today, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters the Kurdish militants who have attacked Turkey from northern Iraq are a "common enemy" of the US and Turkey, and promised that the US will deliver an "effective" strategy against Kurdish militants if Ankara holds...

Turkey Demands US Action on Kurdish Rebels

PM reminds DC of help in Afghanistan; Iraqis urge nonmilitary action

(Newser) - As top Iraqis urged his country to quell Kurdish rebels with nonmilitary action, Turkish PM Recep Erdogan demanded that the US act to stop those rebels from threatening his country from northern Iraq, the New York Times reports. “We have a disturbance," Erdogan said. "What kind of...

Turkish Sorties Into Iraq Kill 34 Kurdish Fighters

But army holds off, for now, on any large-scale invasion

(Newser) - Turkish incursions into northern Iraq have killed 34 Kurdish fighters over the past few days, and the Turks today targeted positions along the border with airstrikes, Reuters reports. Some 300 troops have crossed into Iraq by 6 miles, and planes have struck as far as 13 miles. So far, though,...

Turkey Pledges to Wait for Talks Before Striking Back at Kurds

Bush urges Iraq to help rein in Kurdish rebels

(Newser) - Turkish leaders say they will hold off on military action against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq while the US and other nations try diplomacy to calm things down, Reuters reported. Tensions continued to soar, however, as Turkey massed troops at the Iraqi border and protesters throughout the country demanded action....

Kurdish Rebels Kill 12 Turkish Soldiers

PM Erdogan calls crisis talks; military response is likely imminent

(Newser) - Kurdish rebels killed 12 Turkish troops and wounded 16 more in a surprise attack in Turkey today, Reuters reports, four days after parliament voted to allow military strikes against the Kurdistan Workers' Party in northern Iraq. Now, the pressure is on for the Turkish government to take decisive military action,...

Turkey OKs Strikes in Iraq
Turkey OKs Strikes in Iraq

Turkey OKs Strikes in Iraq

526-19 vote gives year-long permission to respond to Kurdish attacks

(Newser) - The Turkish Parliament today authorized its prime minister to send the country's military into Iraq to combat Kurdish separatists who have been accused of raids on Turkish soil. The 526-19 vote gives year-long permission for military strikes across the border, CNN reports. With 60,000 Turkish troops amassed in the...

Iraqis Irate Over Senate Partition Vote

Resolution pushing autonomous regions prompts backlash

(Newser) - The Iraqi government is reacting angrily to a Senate resolution passed Thursday that the US push to divide the country into three autonomous regions—Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish—to reduce ethnic bloodshed. "No Iraqi is for dividing their country or for splitting it into three weak states, unable to...

Agreement on Key Iraq Oil Law Hits the Skids

Sectarian schism again undermines top political objective

(Newser) - Agreements forged in February over a law regulating the distribution of revenue from Iraq's oil fields are dissolving, the New York Times reports. Hussain al-Shahristani, oil minister for the Shiite-controlled federal government, held meetings yesterday to try to save the compromise, but the northern Kurdish areas have already made deals...

'Chemical Ali' Will Hang
'Chemical Ali' Will Hang

'Chemical Ali' Will Hang

Court confirms death sentence for genocide and crimes against humanity

(Newser) - An Iraqi court confirmed a death sentence today for "Chemical Ali," who was condemned to hang in June for genocide and crimes against humanity. Ali Hassan al-Majid and two other top lieutenants to Saddam Hussein were found guilty of the killing of thousands of Kurds in the Anfal...

US Hails Iraq Breakthrough
US Hails Iraq Breakthrough

US Hails Iraq Breakthrough

Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders announce deal on key issues

(Newser) - In what is being hailed as a breakthrough in Iraq, Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders yesterday  announced that they have reached a consensus on key political issues, Reuters reports. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the other leaders claimed to have forged an agreement on releasing some detainees, easing curbs on...

France Eyes Diplomatic Role in Iraq
France Eyes Diplomatic
Role in Iraq

France Eyes Diplomatic Role in Iraq

New foreign minister may take on peace conference

(Newser) - "Everyone knows the Americans will not be able to get this country out of difficulty alone," the new French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, told a French radio station on his way out of Iraq yesterday. Kouchner 's 3-day visit confirmed that the French see a role for themselves...

Iran Attacks Kurdish Villages in Northern Iraq

Revolutionary Guard shells moutain settlements

(Newser) - Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which the Bush administration is about to declare a terrorist organization, have been shelling mountain villages in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq for several days. The fighting near the border involves thousands of Guards and guerrillas of the Kurdistan Free Life Party, which is  stepping up...

Toll Rises to 250 in Iraq Blasts
Toll Rises
to 250 in
Iraq Blasts

Toll Rises to 250 in Iraq Blasts

Massive attacks against Kurds suggest spreading insurgency

(Newser) - Officials pushed the death toll of attacks on two Iraqi towns up to 250 today, as rescuers located more victims amid rubble. “It looks like a nuclear bomb hit the villages,” an officer told the New York Times of yesterday's blasts in an area populated by a Kurdish...

Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq
Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq

Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq

Attack comes after bold kidnapping of oil ministers

(Newser) - US helicopters are swooping down to rescue survivors of bomb attacks that butchered at least 120 villagers in northern Iraq today. CNN reports that at least three trucks detonated in residential areas and injured upwards of 150 people, mostly Kurds. TV stations are beseeching townspeople to donate blood as US...

Maliki Calls Summit to Heal Iraqi Cabinet

PM threatens to replace Sunnis with "alternative" ministers

(Newser) - Iraq’s PM says he will try to salvage his disintegrating government by holding an emergency summit of cabinet members over the next couple of days. The BBC reports that Nouri al-Maliki is even warning Sunnis that he could refill his government with “alternative” ministers if they refuse to...

More Cabinet Defections Imperil Iraqi Regime

Political chaos rises as more cabinet-members

(Newser) - Four more Iraqi cabinet ministers said today they're boycotting meetings, bringing the total to a whopping 17 and leaving PM Nouri al-Maliki with a tenuous majority in the 37-member body. In the latest round of infighting, the newest defectors, all allies of the country's first postwar PM, charge that Maliki...

Iraqi Parliament Takes a Break
Iraqi Parliament Takes a Break

Iraqi Parliament Takes a Break

Little movement on key legislation as body adjourns through August

(Newser) - Saying PM Nouri al-Maliki's government had given it little to work with, Iraq's parliament began a 5-week recess today, Reuters reports. The chamber normally begins its summer break in July, but with crucial legislation pending, members delayed. Squabbling between political factions then stalled laws seen as vital to mending the...

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