
Stories 841 - 860 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Declares Afghanistan 'Precarious and Urgent'

Candidate pledges more US troops

(Newser) - Calling the situation in Afghanistan "precarious and urgent," Barack Obama today urged the Bush administration to make Afghanistan—rather than Iraq—"the central front in our battle against terrorism." In his first interview since arriving in the country yesterday, the Democratic candidate told Lara Logan on...

Does al-Qaeda Do the Fist-Bump?
 Does al-Qaeda
 Do the Fist-Bump? 

Does al-Qaeda Do the Fist-Bump?

Forget fist-jabbing, it's hugs that give terrorists away

(Newser) - Terrorists aren’t big on fist-jabbing or bumping—they’re all about kissing and hugging, writes Juliet Lapidos for Slate in the aftermath of the New Yorker's depiction of knuckle-knocking Obamas, a move referred to by Fox News as a “terrorist fist-jab.” Al-Qaeda members, she writes, are likely...

Court: al-Qaeda Suspect Can Challenge Detention

Ruling finds president can legally order detention, but detainee free to challenge status

(Newser) - The president has the right to order the detention of enemy combatants, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday—but detainees can challenge that status. The Virginia-based court was hearing the case of an al-Qaeda suspect who's been in a Navy brig for 5 years without trial, Reuters reports, making him...

Pakistan: US Not Hunting bin Laden on Our Turf

Minister: would raise 'sovereignty issues'

(Newser) - Pakistan's foreign minister said yesterday that his country has no plans to allow US or other foreign troops into the country to search for Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaeda members, AP reports. Shah Mahmood Qureshi says that Pakistani troops, plus "grassroots" efforts to stop terrorism before it can...

Turkey Detains 4 in Attack on US Consulate

Istanbul shootout is now officially blamed on terrorists

(Newser) - Authorities have apprehended four people in connection with yesterday’s attack on the US consulate in Istanbul, according to a Turkish news agency. The assault left three policemen and three shooters dead, with another assailant escaping in a getaway car. It’s unclear if the driver is among the four...

Osama's Son Stars in Terror Vid
 Osama's Son Stars in Terror Vid 

Osama's Son Stars in Terror Vid

Calls for destruction of US, Britain, Denmark

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s 16-year-old son is apparently going into the family business. In al-Qaeda’s latest video the young “Crown Prince of Terror” is heard calling for the destruction of Britain, the US, France, and Denmark, the Daily Telegraph reports. “Oh God, reward the fighters hitting the...

Turkey Suspects al-Qaeda in US Consulate Attack

Shootout leaves three policemen, three assailants dead

(Newser) - Turkish police say they suspect al-Qaeda is behind today's attack on the US consulate in Istanbul. So far, no one has claimed responsibility, but a police official confirmed the suspicion to the AP on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief journalists on the investigation.

Ailing bin Laden Mere Months From Death?

Terror mastermind succumbing to kidney disease, CIA claims

(Newser) - Terror leader Osama bin Laden is dying from kidney disease, according to a CIA analysis of the medications he has been taking, reports Time.The world's most wanted terrorist likely has no more than 12 months to live, and may already be teetering on the brink of death, according to...

Gitmo Prisoner Charged in Cole Bombing

Torture claims will be central to defense

(Newser) - A suspected al-Qaeda terrorist held at Guantanamo Bay for six years has been charged with masterminding the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole that killed 17 sailors and injured 50 others. The treatment of Saudi prisoner Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri in custody, which included waterboarding by interrogators, will be a...

US and Pakistan Let al-Qaeda Regroup

Infighting, Musharraf, Iraq led to failure of 'Operation Cannonball'

(Newser) - Nearly seven years after 9/11, America has not only failed to capture Osama bin Laden; it has also allowed al-Qaeda to rebuild itself in lawless northwest Pakistan, near the Afghan border. The New York Times conducted more than four dozen interviews to discover how rivalries among American agencies, trouble with...

Al-Qaeda Stuck in Web 1.0
Al-Qaeda Stuck in Web 1.0

Al-Qaeda Stuck in Web 1.0

Osama not up on his Facebook, YouTube; US should exploit populist backlash

(Newser) - At its height, al-Qaeda had mastered how to amplify the effect of real-world attacks with virtual representations—videos, audio recordings, and articles reproducing its mayhem online. But as the Web has transformed into a more social entity, the terrorist organization is " stuck in 1.0," writes analyst Daniel...

Afghans Accuse Pakistan of Karzai Plot

Say they have concrete evidence of link to April assassination attempt

(Newser) - Afghanistan publicly accused Pakistan of plotting the April assassination attempt on President Hamid Karzai, saying it has evidence linking Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence to the deed. A spokesman said phone records, documents, and confessions from suspects proved the ISI harbored "the real schemers and organizers" behind the attack.

US Can't Be Sure Pakistan's $5.6B Went to Fight Terror

Suspect accounting makes tracking funds nearly impossible: GAO report

(Newser) - The Defense Department cannot show that nearly $6 billion the US has sent to Pakistan since 2001 has been used, as intended, to fight terrorism. In a report yesterday, the Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon hadn’t properly tracked the funds, CNN reports, blindly signing off on questionable charges—...

Al-Qaeda Plenty Safe, Thriving on Web

US missed badly on chance to foil terrorists' propaganda network

(Newser) - Americans might think of al-Qaeda as a cave-dwelling group of primitives, but the terror group operates one of the most sophisticated propaganda operations on the web, the Washington Post reports. Al-Qaeda releases documentary-quality videos every 3-4 days through tightly secured channels. “It’s beautifully crafted propaganda,” said one...

How to Transition Out of Iraq
 How to Transition Out of Iraq 

How to Transition Out of Iraq

David Ignatius offers a strategy for scaling back in Iraq

(Newser) - It's time for the US to carve out a practical strategy in Iraq, David Ignatius argues in the Washington Post. At a cost of $400 million a day, the war is draining America's economy—precisely what Osama bin Laden hoped for. The solution will not be quick, simple, or easy,...

Car Bomb Kills 51 at Baghdad Market
Car Bomb Kills 51
at Baghdad Market

Car Bomb Kills 51 at Baghdad Market

It's the deadliest attack in 3 months

(Newser) - A car bomb tore through a market area in a mainly Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad today, killing more than 50 people and wounding dozens, officials said. It was the deadliest such attack in more than three months. Nobody claimed responsibility, but it bore the hallmarks of al-Qaeda in Iraq, which...

First Lady Writes Home on Afghanistan
 First Lady Writes
 Home on Afghanistan 

First Lady Writes Home on Afghanistan

Mrs. Bush sees hope, hurdles as donor summit kicks off in Paris

(Newser) - Laura Bush, attending an international fundraising conference for Afghanistan after visiting the war-torn country, documents the distance it's traveled in recovery and the challenges ahead in a Wall Street Journal column. Hailing “amazing progress,” the first lady writes of lowered infant mortality and increased access to health care...

In Afghanistan, Laura Bush Urges Support

Int'l community dare not pull out during 'crucial' Taliban uprising

(Newser) - During an unannounced visit to Kabul today, Laura Bush urged the international community not to pull support from Afghanistan, highlighting successes in reconstruction and improved women’s rights, Reuters reports. The first lady's visit came even as Afghan, US, and NATO forces fight to contain a Taliban guerilla war in...

Bush, Advisers Misled US on Iraq: Senate Report

Dem-led committee blasts administration; Republicans dismiss 'partisan exercise'

(Newser) - The Bush administration distorted facts in justifying the invasion of Iraq and overstated Saddam Hussein’s links to al-Qaeda, a long-delayed report from the Senate intelligence committee concludes. Bush and his advisers also ignored doubts about Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction in constructing their case for military...

Pakistan Cuts Off Talks With Militant Tribes

US saw increase in groups' activity in Afghanistan during lull

(Newser) - Pakistan is suspending talks with militant tribes along its lawless border with Afghanistan, the Wall Street Journal reports, a move that could bolster relations with the US. Negotiations won’t resume until the warlords agree to new conditions, including an end to activities within Afghanistan, Pakistani officials told the Bush...

Stories 841 - 860 | << Prev   Next >>