Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Fascist's DNA Rebuilt From 'Love Hanky'

Gabriele d’Annunzio's DNA reconstructed in scientific first

(Newser) - Want to revive the DNA of a protofascist warrior poet? Just gather the man's semen from an old hanky gifted to a girlfriend and voila, you have the first DNA reconstructed without exhuming human remains. At least that's what forensic experts did in Italy with Gabriele d’Annunzio,...

How Slave Skeletons Were Finally Traced to Their Home

Tiny bits of DNA extracted from tooth roots helped identify 3 slaves

(Newser) - Though upward of 12 million Africans were enslaved and shipped to the Americas between 1500 and 1850, tracing their roots back home has been famously difficult—with poor record-keeping and poorly-preserved DNA samples partly to blame. Now researchers from Stanford University and the University of Copenhagen report in the Proceedings ...

NY Subway Has Bubonic Plague

 NY Subway Has 
 Bubonic Plague 
study says

NY Subway Has Bubonic Plague

Study maps DNA of New York City storied subway system

(Newser) - Like riding the subway in New York? You're not alone: so do countless bacteria including bubonic plague, anthrax, and E. coli, the Wall Street Journal reports. A new study maps out the subway system's DNA, revealing an underground world packed with microbial diversity. "People don’t look...

4 Retailers Selling Misleading Herbal Supplements: NY AG

GNC, Walmart, Target, Walgreen accused of hawking possibly dangerous products

(Newser) - Consumers who've been popping herbal supplements may want to take note after the New York State attorney general announced yesterday that four retail giants are selling herbal items that may be mislabeled, crammed with fillers, and potentially dangerous, the Guardian reports. Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to Walmart, GNC,...

Next in GMO: Mosquitoes?
 Next in GMO: Mosquitoes? 

Next in GMO: Mosquitoes?

FDA is reviewing whether to unleash them in Florida Keys

(Newser) - No word on whether "annoying buzzing" can be genetically eliminated, but the FDA is looking at whether it will allow genetically modified mosquitoes to be unleashed in the Florida Keys, in the name of stopping the spread of Dengue and chikungunya viruses. As the AP reports, British researchers have...

How Rapists Who Wear Condoms Could Be Caught
How Rapists Who Wear Condoms Could Be Caught
new study

How Rapists Who Wear Condoms Could Be Caught

Bacterial profiles of pubic hair so unique they could identify perpetrators

(Newser) - Investigators routinely analyze pubic hairs found at crime scenes where rape is suspected, but it's rare that the hair has its root, and thus sufficient DNA to identify its former owner. Now researchers say that bacterial colonies on pubic hairs appear to be so unique to an individual that...

James Watson's DNA Nobel Sells for $4.1M

$4.8M if you count the premium paid to Christie's

(Newser) - James Watson will collect $4.1 million for the Nobel medal he received in 1962 for unraveling the structure of DNA. The anonymous buyer will actually have to shell out $4.8 million counting the premium that goes to Christie's auction house, reports the New York Times . The newspaper...

Ostracized DNA Pioneer Is Hawking His Nobel Prize

DNA co-discoverer James Watson says he's become a pariah, needs the cash

(Newser) - One of the scientists who helped unfold the structure of DNA is putting his Nobel Prize on the auction block, and James Watson says it's because he's broke after being ostracized by the academic community over racist remarks he made seven years ago, the Atlantic reports. "No...

Scientists Link 2 Genes to Violent Behavior

Criminals in Finland more likely to have mutated versions

(Newser) - A new study might be inching us closer to the possibility that the worst criminals can blame their behavior on bad genes. In the study of 900 convicts in Finland, researchers found that those with mutated forms of two genes were 13 times more likely to have a history of...

Moms' Stress in Ice Storm Shows Up in Kids' DNA

Effects seen in aftermath of huge storm in Canada in 1998

(Newser) - Just how bad was an epic 1998 ice storm in Canada? You can read all about it in the DNA of kids who were born around that time. An intriguing study in PLoS One finds that women who were especially stressed during the storm gave birth to kids whose immune...

How Your DNA Affects Your Coffee Craving

8 genes found to be at work

(Newser) - Whether you drink a cup or a pot of coffee per day depends in part on your DNA, as scientists have previously shown. Now, however, a research team has gone further, naming eight specific genes—six of them newly identified—that play a role in your coffee intake, the AP...

Suspects Re-Enact Brutal Thai Murders

Cops say 2 have confessed to killing Hannah Witheridge, David Miller

(Newser) - Thai police say DNA evidence is a match for two Burmese men who've confessed to killing two British tourists . Sporting helmets and handcuffs, the suspects today re-enacted the crime—a typical practice used by Thai law enforcement—on the Koh Tao island beach where the murders were committed last...

Thailand Stumped as DNA Clears 12 in Tourist Slayings

Cops 'really don't know where to look now'

(Newser) - DNA tests have thrown Thai authorities a goose egg in their quest to solve the savage murders of two British tourists. Semen from two different men was found on the body of 23-year-old Hannah Witheridge, reports the BBC , but analysis revealed that while both sets matched DNA pulled from a...

Author: DNA Test Pegs Jack the Ripper

Polish Jew Aaron Kosminski was the killer, author says

(Newser) - An amateur detective has written a new book that claims to reveal the real Jack the Ripper based on DNA evidence from a blood-soaked shawl found by one of the victims. Russell Edwards, author of Naming Jack the Ripper, writes in the Daily Mail that he bought the shawl at...

Dating Site Brings in DNA Matchmaking

'There is a science behind attraction,' SingldOut says

(Newser) - Spitting in a test tube could be the first step toward finding true love, according to a new online dating business that says it is the first to offer DNA-based matchmaking. SingldOut.com analyzes the saliva samples members send in for genes that influence how people respond to emotions and...

Ancient Mystery Solved, Toddler's Remains Are Reburied

Boy's DNA helped point out origins of Native Americans

(Newser) - The 12,600-year-old remains of a toddler were reburied Saturday in a Native American ceremony after the boy's DNA pinpointed the ancient roots of today's American Indians and other native people of the Americas. The boy's remains were put back as close as possible to the original...

Breakthrough DNA Test Saves Boy in 48 Hours

New software sifts through DNA sample to make quick diagnosis

(Newser) - A 15-year-old boy is alive thanks to a diagnosis that sounds like it’s from a sci-fi novel. Doctors took a DNA sample from Joshua Osborn—whose brain was swelling with fluid for reasons that had doctors stumped—ran it through DNA-sequencing machines, and let the software work its magic,...

You and Your Spouse May Have Similar DNA

But new study finds your education level similarity is likely much stronger

(Newser) - You may have more in common with your spouse than you think—like DNA, a new study suggests. Scientists came to their conclusion, published yesterday in the journal PNAS , after reviewing data on 9,429 non-Hispanic whites, a group that included 825 wedded couples. The bigger number of the study:...

Lab Creates Life With 'Alien' DNA

New letters added to DNA 'alphabet'

(Newser) - It's alive! Scientists say that they have created the first living organism with synthetic DNA unlike that of any life that has ever existed on Earth. Until now, all species used the same DNA code of four letters, but researchers added two new DNA bases labeled X and Y...

Scientists Pry Open Coffin of King Murdered in 1160
Scientists Pry Open Coffin
of King Murdered in 1160
in case you missed it

Scientists Pry Open Coffin of King Murdered in 1160

Swedish scientists test DNA of King Erik the Holy

(Newser) - A cathedral chaplain calls it "a very special occasion," though it sounds rather grisly: Swedish researchers yesterday opened an 850-year-old coffin containing the remains of the country's King Erik IX, who was murdered in 1160 and later made a saint, the AP reports. Scientists plan to study...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>