McCain 2008

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McCain's Housing Rescue Plan: What Is It? Is It New?

Candidate surprises with question-laden bailout proposal

(Newser) - John McCain’s proposal to bail out homeowners by buying up their troubled mortgages, the only policy surprise in last night’s debate, left observers scrambling to understand how it was—if it was—different from the Treasury’s existing bailout plan. The proposal, fleshed out by the campaign, would...

Palin Makes 'Green' Obama Look Golden
Palin Makes 'Green' Obama Look Golden

Palin Makes 'Green' Obama Look Golden

His poise, her bungles shove inexperience argument out window

(Newser) - When John McCain picked Sarah Palin, he hoped she’d measure up nicely against Barack Obama's rock-star appeal. “The choice is Obama vs. Palin,” Lindsey Graham explained, “and she has done things rather than talk about things.” Instead, Palin is proving just how impressive Obama is,...

Candidates Stock Up on Tough Talk
Candidates Stock Up on Tough Talk

Candidates Stock Up on Tough Talk

As promised, rhetoric takes turn for the worse ahead of debate No. 2

(Newser) - The presidential race got uglier today, with both campaigns delivering on promises to crank up the pressure. John McCain worked to slow Barack Obama's momentum and Obama fought to hang on to his lead, Reuters reports. McCain asked a New Mexico audience, "Who is the real Barack Obama?" "...

How McCain Lost His Media 'Base'
 How McCain Lost 
 His Media 'Base' 

How McCain Lost His Media 'Base'

Republican scaring away members of his own party turns press into hunters

(Newser) - John McCain used to call the press “my base,” but if that’s true, his base has turned against him. Most of his biggest admirers, won over by his 2000 campaign, have become brutal critics, John Heileman writes for New York. The Republicans of all stripes pouring off...

Dems Win Registration Wars
 Dems Win Registration Wars 

Dems Win Registration Wars

New swing-state voters look like Obama backers; independents add numbers, too

(Newser) - With voter registration closing in many states today, it appears Barack Obama has largely succeeded in his attempt to make over the electorate, the Washington Post reports. Some 4 million new voters have registered across a dozen battleground states, with new Democrats greatly outnumbering new Republicans. In Florida, Obama has...

Young Voters Favor Obama 2-1

Obama's influence may last a lifetime

(Newser) - Barack Obama faces an easy victory—at least among voters under 30. That's the finding of a poll of young voters, who overwhelmingly prefer Obama to John McCain, 61% to 32%, reports USA Today. It's the most dramatic margin within an age group in any presidential election in modern times....

Pundits Zero In on McCain's Slide
 Pundits Zero In 
 on McCain's Slide 

Pundits Zero In on McCain's Slide

GOP candidate once sat on board of far-right group linked to "anti-Semites"

(Newser) - With the election campaign in its last month, the Sunday talk shows turned to John McCain’s substantial slide in the polls, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • Vice-presidential debate moderator and soon-to-be author Gwen Ifill suggested on Meet the Press that hype over her alleged pro-Obama bias came from a twitchy

Debate Boosts Obama in Swing States: Poll
Debate Boosts Obama in Swing States: Poll

Debate Boosts Obama in Swing States: Poll

'The Wall Street meltdown has been a dagger to McCain's political heart'

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s debate performance won over many voters in the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac polls found. A margin of 13% to 17% of voters in each state said Obama did a better job in the debate, and many have shifted their support. Over the...

McCain Gets Testy in Des Moines
McCain Gets Testy in
Des Moines

McCain Gets Testy in Des Moines

Chides newspaper editors for questions on Palin, truth of ads

(Newser) - John McCain showed his combative side in a videotaped interview with the Des Moines Register yesterday, taking umbrage at questions about whether Sarah Palin might be inexperienced and whether some of his campaign ads might have stretched the truth. “I have always had 100%, absolute truth, and that's been...

Chicago Bar Hangs Nude Palin Portrait

Painting of armed Alaska gov. baring all a Windy City hit

(Newser) - Perhaps the most revealing depiction of Sarah Palin is the one hanging at a Chicago tavern: A naked, smiling, high-heeled Palin holds a shotgun in front of an Alaskan landscape in a portrait displayed at the North Side bar, the Tribune reports. The owner's husband, who is crushing on Alaska's...

McCain Accuses Couric of 'Gotcha!' Journalism
McCain Accuses Couric
of 'Gotcha!' Journalism

McCain Accuses Couric of 'Gotcha!' Journalism

Maybe shielding Palin from the media was a bad idea

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin sat down for a joint interview with Katie Couric last night, and it was hard to avoid the impression that McCain was chaperoning his running mate “to keep her out of trouble” writes Time TV critic James Poniewozik. McCain accused Couric of “gotcha...

In His Encore, Brokaw Again a Heavy-Hitter for NBC

Russert's fill-in has played diplomat between NBC, McCain

(Newser) - NBC is preparing for a post-Brokaw Meet the Press, but replacing the elder statesman won’t be easy, the New York Times reports. Brokaw has exceeded expectations as a fill-in for Tim Russert, keeping NBC’s Sunday show atop the ratings. Less publicly, he’s been a crucial diplomat between...

Mac Blames Bailout on Obama, Who Returns Fire

(Newser) - John McCain blamed Barack Obama and the Democrats for injecting partisan rancor into a House vote that killed the $700 bailout plan today, Reuters reports. They "infused unnecessary partisanship into the process," McCain said in Iowa. A McCain advisor went further, saying Obama had "failed to lead,...

Mac's Big Guns Turn to Polishing Palin

Honchos, candidate huddle at Ariz. ranch to prepare for Thurs. debate with Biden

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will be coached by the best people John McCain’s campaign has to offer in preparation for her debate Thursday with Joe Biden, the Wall Street Journal reports. Campaign manager Rick Davis and strategist Steve Schmidt are headed with Palin today to McCain’s Arizona ranch as the...

Obama Wins Debate Bump
 Obama Wins 
 Debate Bump 

Obama Wins Debate Bump

Poll: Democrat more presidential, honest

(Newser) - Barack Obama slightly increased his lead over John McCain after last week’s debate and bad economic news, according to a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. The Democratic candidate is up 49% to McCain's 44%, a 1% gain from last week. The results indicated less confidence among Americans that McCain...

Pre-Election Wedding 'Fantastic': McCain Insider

McCain insiders hope wedding will boost faltering run

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign may have another surprise up its sleeve: the pre-election wedding of Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter, Bristol. Rumors are swirling in campaign circles about the 17-year-old and 18-year-old Levi Johnston tying the knot, the London Times reports. A wedding “would be fantastic" for the campaign, a McCain...

As Mayor, Palin Helped Herself to Perks

(Newser) - Sarah Palin vows to battle political boys' clubs, but her mayoral record shows that girls' clubs can be useful too, the AP reports. While mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin accepted gifts from merchants—even thanking one for an "awesome" facial—and argued for rulings that favored her family. Other...

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit
 Spar Over 
 Bailout Credit 

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit

Obama strategist calls claim "little bit of fiction"

(Newser) - Both Barack Obama and John McCain claimed credit on the Sunday talk shows for ushering through the bipartisan bailout plan, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • “What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans,” GOP strategist Steve

Palin's Parents Pitched in Post-9/11—Trapping Rats

(Newser) - More than 6 years before Sarah Palin visited ground zero as the Republican VP nominee, her parents were there as part of the response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks—trapping rats. Chuck and Sally Heath have been part-time Department of Agriculture wildlife specialists for 15 years, trapping or killing...

McCain Far Better Than His Idea-Free Campaign: Brooks

Campaign doesn't live up to his record in the senate

(Newser) - It’s a shame the kind of campaign John McCain is running, writes longtime admirer David Brooks in the New York Times. No, not because of dishonest ads (Obama has them, too) or a shift in politics, but because it “has no central argument." McCain has a wonderful...

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