hate groups

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Now Travel Firm Pulls Ads From Muslim Reality Show

Kayak.com joins Lowe's after evangelical campaign

(Newser) - A second company has yanked its ads from an American Muslim reality show. This time it's the Kayak.com travel web site, following the lead of the Lowe's chain , which caved to pressure from a Florida evangelical organization. TLC's All-American Muslim features five Lebanese American families living...

Westboro to Hackers: 'Bring It, Cowards'

Web war erupting as Anonymous targets the group

(Newser) - The hacktivist group Anonymous is now targeting the Westboro Baptist Church—but the Kansas church isn't going to play dead. "Bring it, cowards," its founder's 24-year-old granddaughter has responded. Anonymous threw down the gauntlet with an open letter to the church warning that the group is sick and...

NAACP Links Tea Party to White Supremacist Groups

Charge 'too stupid to respond to,' says Tea Party rep

(Newser) - Tea Party gatherings are being used by white supremacist and other hate groups to recruit members and spread their ideas, according to a new study by the NAACP. The "links between certain Tea Party factions and acknowledged racist hate groups in the US should give all patriotic Americans pause,...

Hate Speech Soars on Social Networks

Hate speech up 20% on the Web

(Newser) - Hate speech is on the rise online, particularly on social networking sites. A new study registered about 11,500 hate-affiliated web pages, up 20% from last year, along with a growing number of terror-related "how to" sites. "The spike is not in traditional websites in the United States,...

America: Why So Furious?
 America: Why So Furious? 

America: Why So Furious?

Terrorism, recession, economy drive nationwide rage

(Newser) - With town halls gone mad and anti-Obama protesters toting guns, this is America’s angriest summer in recent memory, McClatchy reports. The fury of voters has deep roots, from a long history of hate groups to anti-Vietnam marches to rage against George W. Bush when he left office—but it’...

Service Members Join 'Neo-Nazi Facebook'

Activist group urges Congress to take a stand

(Newser) - White supremacists have their own social networking site—and dozens of military personnel are members, reports Stars and Stripes. “I love and will do anything to keep our master race marching,” says the newsaxon.org profile of one user who says he’s served in Iraq and Kuwait....

US Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism

Homeland Security: Recession is catalyst

(Newser) - Right-wing extremist groups may be taking advantage of volatile economic times and the election of the first black president to drum up membership in the US, the Homeland Security Department says. The nine-page report, sent to police agencies nationwide, says extremism isn't limited to racist hate groups but "may...

Economy Stimulates Hate Groups

Immigrants, internet, hard times are groups' 'furnace of hate,' says expert

(Newser) - The economic crush will spur more activity by the burgeoning number of hate groups in the US, experts warn. Law enforcement investigators are advocating for increased attention to the problem as the economy creates widespread discontent and more recruits for white supremacists, reports the Washington Post. "The internet, immigration...

Threats Against Obama Soar
 Threats Against Obama Soar 

Threats Against Obama Soar

Obama threatened more than any previous president-elect

(Newser) - Law enforcement officials say Barack Obama is the most threatened president-elect in history, the AP reports. Potentially threatening writings, Internet chatter, and other activity aimed at Obama has soared since Election Day, accompanied by a surge in racist graffiti. Officials say most of the threats come from ranters lacking the...

Hate Church Plans to Picket Ledger Funeral

Baptist extremists will bash late actor for 'Brokeback' role

(Newser) - A homophobic Kansas church known for protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers has announced plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral because he played a gay character in Brokeback Mountain, MSNBC reports. "He got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's...

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