fitness level

4 Stories

This Is the City With the Most Active Lifestyle

San Francisco tops WalletHub's ranking, while North Las Vegas brings up the rear

(Newser) - Juggling work, family, and one's own health and fitness can be a daunting task, and the latter often takes a back seat to all other responsibilities. The pandemic has caused even more people to stay away from gyms and other indoor activities. But there are some cities where residents...

California Suggests Pausing Student Fitness Tests

It's worried about bullying and discrimination

(Newser) - California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to pause physical education tests for students for three years due to concerns over bullying and the test discriminating against disabled and non-binary students—a move that comes as a growing percentage of students are scoring not healthy. The proposal was tucked inside Newsom’s...

Hula-Hooping Comes Around as Workout Craze

Hooping burns as many calories as running

(Newser) - The hula-hoop is seeing a revival as a fitness tool, with out-of-shape Americans finding twirling a plastic tube a more enjoyable way to burn calories than running or weight-lifting. Companies like HoopGirl and Hoopnotica have seen sales of weighted hula-hoops and enrollment in hoop fitness classes surge. "I finally...

Seniors Running for Their Lives
Seniors Running for Their Lives

Seniors Running for Their Lives

Exercise extends life of older men

(Newser) - Older men who jog or walk briskly for 30 minutes several times a week die at half the rate in the same period as contemporaries who are not fit, according to a new study. The study monitored 15,000 veterans, aged 50 to 70, for more than seven years. Researchers...

4 Stories
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