
Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>

Research Paves Way for Better Wi-Fi in Autos

Researchers find a way to stabilize mobile internet access

(Newser) - Researchers at Microsoft and two US universities have designed a system to give drivers better Wi-Fi connections, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The technology, presented last week in Seattle, allows a moving computer to hook into one Wi-Fi station as an "anchor" while using other stations as support. Researchers say...

4-Eared Cat Breeds Legion of Fans

Yoda is internet hit, and TV coverage is on the way

(Newser) - Yoda the four-eared cat, once kept around by a bar owner to amuse patrons, has now achieved Internet fame, the Chicago Tribune reports. Yoda’s current owners, who adopted him as a kitten from his former home, posted pictures of the curious cat online, eventually leading to their publication in...

China Blocks iTunes Over Pro-Tibet Album

Compilation was offered free to Olympians

(Newser) - The Chinese government has blocked access to Apple’s iTunes music store for providing free downloads of a pro-Tibet compilation to Olympic athletes, the Telegraph reports. Users reported a blackout Monday, shortly after the Campaign for Tibet notes that 40 Olympians had downloaded the record. Only the Chinese iTunes store...

Cancer Patients Bare All in Blogs

Researchers and psychologists think connection, and release, are beneficial

(Newser) - Cancer patients, once reticent, are increasingly explicit in sharing the details of their ordeals in blogs—and finding it therapeutic. Researchers at Ohio State looked at 50 blogs and found they helped patients cope, the Boston Globe reports. Not only do they make it easier to  keep friends and family...

Young Republicans Staking Out Positions on the Web

Seattle group targets youth voters with video series

(Newser) - Online activism has long been a strength of the Democratic party, but a group of young Republicans is taking its message to the Internet in an attempt to sway younger voters, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. is attempting to make up lost ground for the GOP online by targeting...

Judge Tosses Wikipedia Defamation Suit

Judge says site isn't responsible for user-generated content

(Newser) - A judge has thrown out a defamation suit against Wikipedia, upholding the principle that a website isn't responsible for user-generated content, Ars Technica reports. In the lawsuit, a literary agent charged that her Wikipedia entry damaged her reputation because it included nasty comments from bloggers and from a website that...

Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story
Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story

Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story

Citizen journalist is forced to leave Beijing, but he plans to return

(Newser) - Twitter gets a bad rap for its often less-than-substantive musings, but every now and then the service proves its "true potential" as an Internet tool, writes Mathew Ingram in the Toronto Globe and Mail. Case in point: When a Chinese citizen journalist recently traveled to Beijing, the authorities hustled...

Olympics Online Coverage Still In Learning Curve

NBC serves up quantity, but quality is sometimes lacking

(Newser) - NBC is offering a nearly endless supply of Olympics coverage online, a laudatory move but one with its share of hiccups, writes Robert Bianco in USA Today. provides live feeds of dozens of events—many of them obscure—for free. But the broadcasts lack much of the polish...


British paper turns Bush into laughing-out-loud stock

(Newser) - By now you’ve probably encountered “LOLcats,” the photos of cats with superimposed text designed to make people “laugh out loud,” as the kids say. Now, the fine folks at the Guardian have turned some highlights from President Bush’s visit to Beijing into “LOLBushes”...

Why Obama Wants 2 Txt U His VP Choice
Why Obama Wants 2 Txt U His VP Choice

Why Obama Wants 2 Txt U His VP Choice

Campaign builds huge database for Election Day, writes webmaster

(Newser) - Barack Obama's decision to announce his running mate by text-messaging supporters makes him seem "just like the cool kid in study hall," writes Garrett M. Graff in the New York Times. But there's more to the text blast than just embracing new technology. The move will give Obama...

Patch for Major Security Flaw Is Ineffective

Widely distributed fix for Internet failing only slows the damage

(Newser) - A fatal flaw in Internet security has a patch, but it’s a leaky one, the New York Times reports. Yesterday, a Russian scientist demonstrated an attack that secretly redirected web traffic. It took him just hours using standard equipment; before the patch, it would have taken seconds. Thieves could...

The Internet Is Killing Our Rock Stars
The Internet Is Killing
Our Rock Stars

The Internet Is Killing Our Rock Stars

Piracy, iTunes bad news for the bastions of US culture

(Newser) - The Internet is killing the two cultural exports that most define America: music and movies, Elizabeth Lee Wurtzel writes in the Wall Street Journal. Gone are the days of the old-fashioned rock star and the seminal album, replaced by one-hit wonders and an iTunes audience that craves singles. Gone, too,...

Tips for Candidates on Cyber Security
 Tips for Candidates 
 on Cyber Security 


Tips for Candidates on Cyber Security

Next president must find right balance of regulation for internet safegaurds

(Newser) - Noting that both candidates have plans to ensure our collective cyber security, Bruce Schneier, in Wired, lays out some essential policy advice for the next president:
  • Use the government’s enormous purchasing power to make security software producers do better. Make security requirements for government software high, and those improvements

Browser Solves Some Social Networking Poblems
Browser Solves Some Social Networking Poblems

Browser Solves Some Social Networking Poblems

Flock lets you see Facebook and email feeds while reading

(Newser) - The web browser Flock is designed to ease multitasking for highly active web users, and it  mostly succeeds, writes Walter S. Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal. Billed as “the social Web browser,” Flock gives users a sidebar with feeds for email, and social networking, photo, video, or...

'Every Network Is at Risk' Thanks to Bug

Security expert says DNS flaw could cause Internet-wide chaos

(Newser) - Security researcher Dan Kaminsky outlined what he calls the biggest Internet security hole since 1997 to a gathering of experts yesterday, and it's a lot worse than had been understood, Wired reports. “Every network is at risk,” Kaminsky said at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. "...

More Businesses Turning to Virtual Trade Shows

Companies head online to skip hassle, cost of real-world conventions

(Newser) - Hoping to dodge the hassle and cost of real-life trade shows, more companies are heading online to show off their wares. The San Jose Mercury News takes a look at this new, virtual business terrain, and what companies are doing with it. The online shows cost about $25,000 and...

Cuckold's Web Vendetta Wrecks Banker's Career
Cuckold's Web Vendetta Wrecks Banker's Career

Cuckold's Web Vendetta Wrecks Banker's Career

Bitter online campaign pays off when ex-wife's disgraced lover resigns

(Newser) - The resignation last week of a top Wall Street banker, supposedly to “spend more time with his family,” was actually the result of a successful Internet vendetta by the cuckolded husband of a woman with whom Steve Rattner had had an affair. Rattner tells the New York Times...

Twitter Doesn't Sweat the Profit Margin
Twitter Doesn't Sweat the
Profit Margin

Twitter Doesn't Sweat the Profit Margin

Microblogging site puts effort in infrastructure, not its biz model

(Newser) - Twitter, a unique blogging service that lets its users update every minute detail of their day using a computer or cellphone, is steadily growing in popularity, but founder Biz Stone isn't worried about making money from the site yet. With millions in venture capital stored up, Stone is more focused...

New WebVet Coughs Up Tips for Ailing Pets
New WebVet
Coughs Up Tips
for Ailing Pets
new website

New WebVet Coughs Up Tips for Ailing Pets

Site intends to be 'WebMD for Pets'

(Newser) - A newly launched website aims to lure pet owners away from Google with a storehouse of tips on curing sick pets, TechCrunch reports. offers abstracts on ailments from Lyme disease to rabies, and boosts its content with articles on such pet essentials as travel, gifts, and fashion. And...

Web Connects, But Can't Think Before It Links

Content sometimes generates odd associations

(Newser) - Automatic "tagging"—the generating of related links and targeted advertising, custom-tailored to whatever the reader is browsing—is now commonplace across the web. But the young technology is not without its share of kinks. The AP examines the sometimes inexplicable, often embarrassing links served up when when human...

Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>