Tata Motors

12 Stories

Cops Suspect Suicide in Tata Exec's Fatal Fall

Examining note left behind in Bangkok hotel room

(Newser) - Thai police said today they suspect a top British executive at Indian automotive giant Tata Motors committed suicide in a fall from his room on the 22nd floor at a luxury hotel in Bangkok. Managing Director Karl Slym died yesterday while in Thailand to attend a board meeting of the...

Critics Bowled Over by World's Cheapest Car

 Critics Bowled Over 
 by World's Cheapest Car 
Auto review

Critics Bowled Over by World's Cheapest Car

It's $2K, but the Tata Nano provides bang for your buck

(Newser) - India unveiled the world's cheapest car this week, and a few lucky drivers took the $2,000 Tata Nano for a test drive. Their reactions:
  • “A surprisingly smooth ride. Thrifty transport is not meant to be this comfortable,” writes Randeep Ramesh in the Guardian. “Built for functional

India Rolls Out World's Cheapest Car

Tata Motors plans to take $2,000 car to Europe, US

(Newser) - India's Tata Motors rolled out its $2000 Nano car yesterday, six months late but with grander plans than ever, reports the Los Angeles Times. The company aims to sell the vehicle—10 feet long and less than 5 feet wide—not only to India's emerging middle class, but to the...

Tata Gives Jaguar Cash Infusion

Troubled automaker turns to its Indian owner to help with cash-flow crisis

(Newser) - The British government, considering a bailout of its own auto industry, got a little wiggle room after Tata, the Indian firm that owns Jaguar Land Rover, said it would make a major cash injection into the ailing automaker that employs more than 15,000 workers in Britain. The company said...

Why Asian Automakers Don't Want Detroit to Fail
Why Asian Automakers Don't Want Detroit to Fail

Why Asian Automakers Don't Want Detroit to Fail

Big Three bankruptcy would disrupt supply chain, further sour US economy

(Newser) - As Detroit’s Big Three await word on the fate of their much-needed bailout, an unlikely group of supporters has assembled in their corner: foreign automakers. A collapse of General Motors, Ford, or Chrysler would devastate overseas manufacturers as well, CNNMoney reports, spreading bankruptcy to suppliers around the globe and...

Protests Threaten World's Cheapest Car

Tata, having promised Oct. launch for $2,500 Nano, considers costly factory move

(Newser) - The promised October launch of a $2,500 car by India’s Tata Motors is in jeopardy after massive protests at its West Bengal factory, Der Spiegel reports. Led by the state's opposition leader, 30,000 demonstrators promised a "fight to the finish" for land they say the government...

Tata's Luxury Buys Tell World 'We're Here'

Jaguar, Land Rover acquisitions add dimension to Indian giant's broad base

(Newser) - Perhaps you’ve never heard of Tata, the Indian company that's the new owner of Jaguar and Land Rover—but it's already a $70 billion globe-straddling giant, the BBC reports, with major subsidiaries in a host of industries. Not content with dominating its fast-growing home market, Tata Motors sells cars...

Ford to Sell Jaguar, Land Rover to India's Tata

Restructuring move will bring $2B—less than what company paid for either

(Newser) - Ford will sell marquee brands Jaguar and Land Rover to India's Tata Motors, the Wall Street Journal reports. Under the deal, expected to be announced tomorrow, Ford will get $2 billion, less than it paid for either company in separate deals years ago. Ford has lost $15 billion the past...

Small Is the New Big
 Small Is the New Big 

Small Is the New Big

Automakers turn attention to the subcompact, abroad and at home

(Newser) - Ever-increasing gas prices, environmental concerns and demand in developing countries are leading worldwide small-car sales past those of larger counterparts, Newsweek reports. With cars like India’s Tata Nano set to overhaul the auto industry by offering new mobility to millions, US automakers are scrambling to retool their businesses to...

Air Cars Motor Toward US
Air Cars Motor Toward US

Air Cars Motor Toward US

Potentially gas-free vehicles may be viable zero-emissions option

(Newser) - A car powered by compressed air and a supplemental fuel source will be available in the US as early as 2010, Popular Mechanics reports. Manufacturer Zero Pollution Motors wants to introduce a $17,800 six-seater, which the company estimates will get 800 to 1,000 miles out of a tank...

Toyota, GM Working on Super-Cheap Models, Too

India's $2,500 Tata has market leaders playing catch-up

(Newser) - Work on the world's cheapest cars is underway at the world's biggest car companies, the Associated Press reports. Toyota and GM announced this week at Detroit's North American International Auto show they are working on inexpensive subcompacts similar to India's Tata Motors' $2,500 car and aimed at emerging markets....

India's Tata Debuts $2,500 Car
India's Tata Debuts $2,500 Car

India's Tata Debuts $2,500 Car

Tata Motors' Nano could add millions of cars to India's already congested roads

(Newser) - It has no radio, air conditioning, or passenger-side mirror and only one windshield wiper; but what Tata Motors' newest offering, the Nano, does have is a price tag that could help millions of people become car owners: $2,500. The tiny 4-door sub-compact, the world's cheapest car, was unveiled at...

12 Stories
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