Democratic National Convention

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Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice
Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice

Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice

Get ready to come together in November—or else, he warns

(Newser) - With an eye on November, Jesse Jackson warned Democrats yesterday to patch up their battle wounds from the ongoing Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama feud or they "could hurt themselves substantially, perhaps irreparably," reports Politico. First on his agenda is making sure that black-Latino tensions are not "exacerbated,"...

Suitors Keep Lines Open to Superdelegates

From Michelle to Chelsea, big names get on the horn

(Newser) - Sometimes superdelegates respond to politics, ideology, or longstanding alliances. Other times, they're won by girl talk. For one Philadelphia party official, a morning call from Michelle Obama sealed the deal, the LA Times reports. The would-be first lady covered everything from strategy to motherhood. “She was talking to me...

Dems Hope to Head Off Convention Feuding

Al Gore could play peacemaker

(Newser) - Concerns about party unity are keeping Al Gore and other senior Democrats neutral in the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton face-off—at least for now, the New York Times reports. Party elders are painfully aware that infighting or back-room dealing at the Democratic National Convention could look like the will of the...

Superdelegates Are White Men
Superdelegates Are White Men

Superdelegates Are White Men

Possible decision-makers represent paradoxical turn in historic primary

(Newser) - If the Democratic primary comes down to the superdelegate vote, the historic black man-vs.-white-woman race will be decided by ... white men. At least 46% of the party’s superdelegates are white men, compared to just 28% of Democratic voters. “Obviously, it’s an imperfect system,” one representative...

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting
Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

John Lewis may switch vote; another House member already has

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is starting to lose the support of prominent black leaders—and superdelegates— who previously backed her. Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who carries great influence in Congress, says he's now tilting toward Barack Obama. Another Georgia Democrat, David Scott, already switched, the AP reports. “Something is...

Key Dems May Have Had Enough
Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Tired of Clintons' grip on party, many leaders defecting to Obama

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton loses Democratic stalwarts like Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and now Ted Kennedy, the New Republic looks at Democratic power brokers who have had enough of the Clinton brand and many who dismiss the former first couple as power-hungry and legacy-obsessed. Although it’s not obvious outside Washington,...

Clinton Still Leads in the Big States

Decisive edge over Obama in 8 of the 10 most important Super Tuesday races

(Newser) - Barack Obama's landslide win in South Carolina gave the Illinois senator a hefty boost in the lead-up to Super Tuesday, but the big states are voting on Feb. 5, and Clinton holds the lead in most of them. The sheer diversity will prevent candidates from doing the whistle-stop campaigning that's...

Clinton U-Turns on Michigan, Florida Ban

Says delegates should count after all; most would be hers

(Newser) - The Dems punished Michigan and Florida for slating their primaries early, but yesterday Hillary Clinton said she wants their delegates to count after all, Reuters reports. As the only Dem on last week's Michigan ballot and the front-runner in Tuesday's Florida's primary, she would reap nearly all 350 delegates at...

Edwards' Biggest Role to Come
Edwards' Biggest Role to Come

Edwards' Biggest Role to Come

(Newser) - John Edwards may be a longshot to win the Democratic nomination, but he could wind up anointing the eventual candidate, and not just as a spoiler. Democratic delegates are divvied up proportionally in each state, Politico explains, so Edwards could wind up with a tidy clump of delegates if he...

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'
Dems Tussle
for 'Super Delegates'

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'

Convention-goers not bound by state voting are the gold standard

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama go neck-and-neck through February 5, "super delegates" may decide the Democratic nominee, reports the LA Times. The goal is 2,025—the number of convention delegates needed to secure the nomination—but the grail is the 796 elected officials who are free to...

Democrats to Michigan: No Votes for You

Party strips state of delegates for moving up primary

(Newser) - The Democratic Party today voted to strip Michigan of all its delegates to the Democratic National Convention, a widely expected and possibly temporary punishment for bumping up the state’s primary. Candidates have already agreed not to campaign in Michigan, and some—including Obama and Edwards—have removed themselves from...

DNC Bars Fla. Delegates from '08 Convention

State has 30 days to straighten out as primary chaos looms

(Newser) - Hoping to make an example of Florida in the escalating competition for ever-earlier primary dates, the DNC voted yesterday to strip the state of its delegates to next year's nominating convention, the Washington Post reports. Florida can regain its delegates if it reschedules its primary, currently set for January 29,...

DNC Threatens to Ban Florida From '08 Convention

Showdown today over early primary date

(Newser) - A pugnacious Democratic National Committee is taking direct aim at Florida today, scheduling a vote on whether the state should be punished for pushing its primary up to Jan. 29,  the Washington Post reports. Party rules prohibit any primary before Feb. 5; the penalty would be barring Florida delegates...

Party Conventions Peddle Pricey Face Time With Pols

As Congress tightens rules, conventions flout them

(Newser) - Organizers of the 2008 Republican and Democratic conventions are openly soliciting seven-figure payments from corporations and lobbyists in return for valuable access to lawmakers, the Washington Post reports. The access peddling comes at precisely the moment  Congress is trying to limit the influence of lobbyists at conventions with tighter ethics...

Dean Tries Praying for Voters
Dean Tries Praying for Voters

Dean Tries Praying for Voters

DNC chief building values outreach programs

(Newser) - Amid chatter about Democratic candidates wooing the religious vote, Howard Dean has quietly used his DNC pulpit to build grassroots and national values outreach programs. The Hill reports that Dean—once so spiritually lost as to say “my religion doesn’t inform my public policy”—was born again...

YouTube to Co-Host Debate
YouTube to Co-Host Debate

YouTube to Co-Host Debate

Viral video site goes from embarrassing candidates to sponsoring debates

(Newser) - YouTube, the viral-video nemesis of many a gaffe-prone political candidate, will co-sponsor a Democratic presidential debate July 23rd in Charleston, South Carolina. CNN is the television partner for the debate, which will be the first of six, the DNC announced yesterday. 

Stories 301 - 316 | << Prev