Justin Gatlin

5 Stories

Usain Bolt's 100m Farewell Spoiled by 2 Americans

Justin Gatlin, Christian Coleman take gold, silver at world championships

(Newser) - Usain Bolt's farewell party was spoiled by a pair of Americans, the AP reports. The Jamaican great finished third in his final 100-meter race, with Justin Gatlin and Christian Coleman taking gold and silver Saturday at the world championships in London. In a tight finish, Bolt was punished for...

.01 Seconds Separate Bolt, Gatlin

Jamaican squeaks out a gold in Beijing

(Newser) - After two years of uncertainty, Usain Bolt produced his biggest clutch performance to beat rival Justin Gatlin in the 100-meter world championship final with a lunge at the line in the biggest showdown in years. Bolt was trailing for almost all of today's race, but with gritted teeth, the...

Bolt Runs 9.63 to Win Gold in 100-Meter Dash

'Blade Runner' Pistorius fails to make final in 400 meters

(Newser) - Usain Bolt of Jamaica won his second straight Olympic gold medal in the men's 100 meters today, crossing the line in an Olympic-record 9.63 seconds. Bolt joined Carl Lewis as only the second man to go back-to-back in track's biggest race. Bolt's training partner and fellow...

Olympic Sprinter Pettigrew Admits Doping

2000 gold medalist 'fesses up in trial against former coach

(Newser) - Former Olympic gold medalist Antonio Pettigrew passed all his drug tests during his career—but admitted in court yesterday that he took steroids. The confession came at the trial of his former coach, Trevor Graham, who has pleaded not guilty to charges he lied to federal authorities investigating doping allegations....

Gatlin Gets 4-Year Ban
Gatlin Gets 4-Year Ban

Gatlin Gets 4-Year Ban

Olympic sprinter thinks vengeful massage therapist may have framed him

(Newser) - Olympic 100-meter champion Justin Gatlin won't be competing this year in Beijing—or in any other track and field meet—after receiving a four-year ban for a failed drug test in 2006. The sprinter had been arguing his case, saying, for one thing, that a prior doping charge shouldn't count...

5 Stories
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