court martial

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Marines Face Court-Martial in Peeing Scandal

Two to stand trial for misconduct

(Newser) - The Marine Corps says it will court-martial two non-commissioned officers for allegedly urinating on the bodies of Taliban fighters last year in Afghanistan and posing for unofficial photos with casualties. The charges are against Staff Sgt. Joseph W. Chamblin and Staff Sgt. Edward W. Deptola. They are based at Camp...

Death Penalty May Await Soldier in Afghan Killings

Army soldier accused of killing 16 Afghans would face lethal injection: lawyer

(Newser) - The US soldier accused of gunning down 16 Afghan civilians near Kandahar may himself be killed for the crime, a military defense attorney tells MSNBC . "Based on what we’re hearing I suspect this will be prosecuted as a death penalty case," says Philip Cave, who is based...

8 Women Sue Military for 'High Tolerance' of Rape

They say they were raped, sexually harassed

(Newser) - Eight current and former servicewomen have filed a lawsuit against the US military, saying that they suffered rape, sexual harassment, and other abuse, and that reporting it to their superiors brought retaliation. The suit, which names past and current leaders up to and including Leon Panetta, says the military has...

Marine Gets 30 Days in Hazing Death

Jacob Jacoby admitted to punching, kicking fellow Marine Harry Lew

(Newser) - Lance Cpl. Jacob Jacoby admitted to punching and kicking fellow Marine Harry Lew before Lew committed suicide , and was sentenced to 30 days in jail. Jacoby, who pleaded guilty to assault, will also see his rank reduced to private first class. Prosecutors withdrew additional charges that Jacoby threatened and humiliated...

Army Officer: Court-Martial Bradley Manning

He recommends trial on all counts in WikiLeaks case

(Newser) - An Army officer recommended a general court-martial today for alleged Wiki-Leaker Bradley Manning. The recommendation to try Manning on all 22 counts, including aiding the enemy, now goes up the chain of command. Lt. Col. Paul Almanza sent his report to Col. Carl Coffman, who will make a recommendation to...

Manning WikiLeaks Hearing Ends

Court-martial opinion due next month

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's court hearing ended today almost a week after it began . Prosecutors revealed an alleged al-Qaeda propaganda video that featured militants describing how they used leaked documents to their advantage. Manning, prosecutors said, "aided in the publication of those files, knowing that our enemies would use...

Bradley Manning Heads to Court

In chat logs, Wikileaker wanted 'people to see the truth'

(Newser) - Bradley Manning will at last head to court today, for a pre-trial hearing in which prosecutors must prove they have sufficient evidence to court-martial him. The charges against him include aiding the enemy, violating the Espionage Act, and a variety of lesser offenses, the Washington Post reports. While aiding the...

US Army Busts Soldier, Will Face Spying Charges

Man stationed in Alaska to be tried in military court

(Newser) - US Army Spc. William Colton Millay has been arrested on suspicion of espionage, the military announced yesterday. Millay, 22, was stationed in Alaska as part of the rear detachment of the 164th Military Police Company, or as they’re better known, the “Arctic Enforcers,” Reuters reports. He was...

Hasan Faces Military Trial, Death Penalty

Alleged Fort Hood shooter's lawyer loses argument

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan, the alleged shooter in the Fort Hood massacre, will face a military trial and could, if convicted, be sentenced to death, Fort Hood's commanding general announced today. Hasan's lawyers had tried to convince the military that a death penalty case would be too expensive, time consuming,...

Soldier Who Killed Afghans for Sport Gets 24 Years

Jeremy Morlock pleads guilty to 'Kill Team' murders

(Newser) - A soldier who confessed to killing unarmed Afghan civilians for sport has been sentenced to 24 years after entering a guilty plea. Jeremy Morlock, of Wasilla, Alaska, has agreed to testify against four other soldiers involved in the case that's being called the Afghan Abu Ghraib , reports the New York ...

US Steels for Fallout From 'Afghan Abu Ghraib'

Publication of 'repugnant' body photos are bound to infuriate community

(Newser) - US officials are bracing for protests in Afghanistan in the wake of the publication of gruesome photos taken by a renegade "Kill Team" of American soldiers posing with a civilian corpse. Twelve members of the group face court martial charges linked to civilian murders. Three of some 4,000...

Soldier Faces Court-Martial for Civilian Shooting

Sgt. Derrick Anthony Miller accused of shooting unarmed man

(Newser) - An Army National Guardsman is accused of murdering an unarmed Afghan civilian in September, and will appear before a court-martial in June. During an otherwise routine mission, Sgt. Derrick Anthony Miller detained Atta Mohammed for questioning after the Afghan entered a security perimeter. Army investigators say Miller threatened to shoot...

GI Afghan 'Death Squad' Probe Now Targets Leaders

Leadership of 5th Stryker Brigade allegedly did nothing to stop killings

(Newser) - With at least 5 US soldiers accused of forming a "kill team" that murdered Afghanistan civilians, the US military is now investigating the brigade's leadership, reports the Guardian . A brigadier general is conducting a "top to bottom" review of the army's 5th Stryker Combat Brigade after evidence emerged...

Birther Army Doc Who Refused to Deploy Pleads Guilty

Lt. Col Terry Lakin facing discharge, 18-month sentence

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he doesn't believe President Obama is the legal president of the United States pleaded guilty to one of two charges against him at a court-martial yesterday. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin—who became a hero of the "Birther" movement after...

'Birther' Army Doc in Court Today for Ignoring Orders

He refuses to deploy until he sees birth certificate

(Newser) - An Army doctor who says he won't go to war until he sees President Obama's birth certificate is being arraigned in Virginia today. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was charged with disobeying orders earlier this year after failing to turn up for deployment to Afghanistan, and demanding to see proof that...

Army Will Court-Martial 'Birther' Officer

Doctor refuses to deploy to Afghanistan

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he disputes President Obama's birth certificate will be court-martialed, reports NBC News . Lt. Col. Terry Lakin won't ship out because he doesn't think Obama is a legitimate commander-in-chief. When he showed up at the Pentagon instead of at Fort Campbell...

US Commander in Iraq Threatens Court-Martial for Pregnancy

Order applies to both women and men

(Newser) - The general in command of American forces in northern Iraq has instituted an order making court-martial a possible punishment for becoming pregnant—or for impregnating a service member or civilian employee. The policy, which covers both single and married personnel, has not been enforced; it applies only to situations in...

Judge Orders Hasan Held 'Til Court Martial

Ft. Hood suspect likely to move from hospital to jail

(Newser) - The Army psychiatrist charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood will be confined until his military trial, initially staying in a hospital where he is recovering from gunshot wounds, his attorney said yesterday. A magistrate ruled there was probable cause that Maj. Nidal Hasan committed the Nov. 5 shooting...

4 GIs Charged With Hazing Suicide Soldier

Ashamed private later shot himself in portable toilet

(Newser) - Four US Army soldiers in Iraq have been charged with cruelty and maltreatment for hazing a private who later killed himself, MSNBC reports. The NCOs allegedly hazed 19-year-old Keiffer P. Wilhelm with excessive physical exercise while showering him with verbal abuse. Wilhelm, self-conscious about his weight, shot himself in a...

Murtha Aide Threatened Me: GOP Opponent

Army vet says staffer warned about a possible court-martial

(Newser) - John Murtha's 2008 Republican challenger has accused an aide to the Pennsylvania congressman of threatening to recall him to active military service so the Army could court-martial him, Politico reports. Participating in elective politics while on active duty is against military policy. Russell, who retired from the Army Reserves during...

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