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Rush's 'Slut' Taunt Aims to Silence Women: NY Rep

Carolyn Maloney 'aghast' at Limbaugh's attack on college student

(Newser) - New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney is "aghast" at Rush Limbaugh's labeling of a birth control advocate as a "slut." It amounts to "an attempt to silence people that are speaking out for women," the Democrat tells the Huffington Post . "If the far right...

Senate Kills Measure to Reverse Birth Control Rule

Roy Blunt amendment on contraception coverage fails

(Newser) - The Senate today defeated a GOP effort to roll back President Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage, the first vote on an issue that raised questions of religious and women's rights in this volatile election year. The 51-48 vote killed an amendment from Republican Roy Blunt that would...

Limbaugh Rips Student Birth Control Advocate as 'Slut'

Rush: Contraception coverage is 'like being paid for sex'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh squirted new fuel on the birth control insurance fire with some choice words yesterday. He called a law-student birth control advocate planning to testify at a government hearing "a slut." Can "you imagine if you were her parents how proud you would be?" Limbaugh scoffed...

Romney Accused of Birth Control Flip-Flop

Obama, Santorum campaigns pounce on Blunt amendment answer

(Newser) - The Obama and Santorum campaigns cried "flip-flop" yesterday after Mitt Romney took both sides on a Senate bill rolling back a requirement for employer health plans to cover birth control. "I’m not for the bill, but look, the idea of presidential candidates getting into questions about contraception...

The Male &#39;Pill&#39;: Ready for Testing
The Male 'Pill': Ready
for Testing
researchers say

The Male 'Pill': Ready for Testing

Contraceptive pill for men may be just a decade away

(Newser) - Will men take it? Will women believe men are taking it? However this unfolds, the male contraceptive pill may be only a decade away, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reports. Researchers at the University of Kansas are so confident about their male contraceptive pill that they're ready to seek...

New Hampshire GOP Moves to Alter Birth Control Law

It has been in place for 12 years without controversy

(Newser) - New Hampshire has had a law on the books for 12 years requiring insurers' prescription drug plans to cover birth control, and it hasn't drawn the slightest bit of controversy—until now. With contraception suddenly a national issue, Republicans are trying to add a religious exemption to the mandate,...

Judge: Pharmacists Can't Be Forced to Dispense Plan B

Washington state pharmacists no longer required to dole out emergency contraception

(Newser) - Pharmacists in Washington state who disagree with emergency contraception on religious grounds can no longer be required to dispense it, a federal judge ruled yesterday. The judge declared the state's regulation unconstitutional, noting that pharmacies in the state are allowed to not stock drugs for various secular reasons—for...

Reproductive Care Risk: Catholic Hospitals Growing

Some officials, doctors concerned about women's access to care

(Newser) - As the Catholic Church and the Obama administration continue to grapple over birth control, a larger issue looms: Women may find themselves with less access to birth control, abortion, sterilization, and other procedures as Catholic medical centers increasingly merge with secular hospitals. About 20 mergers between larger, more financially secure...

Beware the Birth Control Grizzlies

Women could come flying off the bench in 2012 over health issues

(Newser) - Forget the mama grizzlies. In 2012, Hell may hath no fury like a woman voter scorned by the right, reports Politico . Between Rick Santorum's call for states to be able to ban birth control, Komen's defunding of Planned Parenthood , Catholic bishops' contraception brouhaha , a Santorum backer who defined...

The Pill Gives Men Cancer: GOP Lawmaker

New Hampshire lawmaker Jeanine Notter interprets British study

(Newser) - A New Hampshire state rep found a new reason why health insurance shouldn't cover women's contraception: It causes cancer ... in men. Republican lawmaker Jeanine Notter put it this way: “As a man, would it interest you to know that Dr. Brownstein just published an article that links...

Santorum Backer Sorry for Birth Control 'Joke'

Foster Friess' unfunny comment not campaign's problem: candidate

(Newser) - After making headlines yesterday by saying aspirin "between [gals'] knees" once served as birth control , Foster Friess explained his comments to Lawrence O'Donnell last night. "I love the expression, 'It’s not so much what people say, it’s what people hear,' and obviously...

Female Pols Walk Out on Birth-Control Hearing

Carolyn Maloney, Eleanor Norton Holmes ask, Where are the women?

(Newser) - Two female lawmakers made a point today on Capitol Hill: In a debate concerning birth control, let some women talk. Carolyn Maloney and Eleanor Holmes Norton, both Democrats, walked out of Darrell Issa's hearing on contraceptive coverage because all five witnesses were men, including a Catholic bishop, reports Politico...

Rick Santorum: Birth Control Is &#39;Not OK&#39;

 Rick Santorum: 
 Birth Control 
 Is 'Not OK' 

Rick Santorum: Birth Control Is 'Not OK'

Video surfaces of Santorum decrying moral hazards of protected sex

(Newser) - Rick Santorum thinks contraceptive use is wrong and a danger to the country, he declares in a video clip that's racing across the blogosphere today. In an October interview with the evangelical blog Caffeinated Thoughts, Santorum volunteers that, as president, he'd confront the "dangers of contraception" and...

Stewart: Really? Santorum's the Frontrunner?

'Daily Show' host also baffled over contraception controversy

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took a week off from the Daily Show , and in that time, the nation managed to hand Rick Santorum three primary victories . "What the hell, America?" Stewart asked last night. "I leave you alone for one week. One week!" And it wasn't just Santorum'...

Obama Tricked the Right Over Contraception

 Obama Tricked 
 the Right Over 
Andrew Sullivan

Obama Tricked the Right Over Contraception

Andrew Sullivan: Catholic health care compromise 'a trap'

(Newser) - Lefties and righties alike ripped President Obama for allowing his new health care rule to affect Catholic organizations. But his compromise is drawing ardent conservatives into a culture war they're bound to lose, argues Andrew Sullivan in The Daily Beast : "If this was a trap, the religious...

Bishops: Birth Control Change Not Good Enough

President's compromise is still 'unacceptable'

(Newser) - It seemed at first that Catholic bishops would be on board with President Obama's tweak on contraception coverage, with an initial statement calling it "a first step in the right direction." They made clear last night, however, that they're still not happy, reports the Wall Street ...

Obama Offers Compromise on Birth Control Policy

'Religious liberty will be protected,' he says

(Newser) - As expected , President Obama today offered what the White House is calling an "accommodation" on a controversial birth-control policy. Religious employers such as the Catholic Church will no longer be required to offer free contraception to workers as part of their health insurance. Instead, that coverage will come...

White House to Budge on Birth-Control Mandate

'Accommodation' for religious employers will likely be announced today

(Newser) - The White House yesterday signaled a compromise over its contentious birth control decision, and the Wall Street Journal confirms that an attempt to accommodate the Catholic Church will likely be announced today. Details remain hazy, but one source tells the Journal that insurance companies, not religious employers, will become the...

Biden on Birth Control Flap: 'We Can Work It Out'

White House might offer compromise tomorrow: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - The White House is apparently working to make sure its recent decision on birth control and the Catholic Church doesn't turn into a political disaster (as in this scenario ). It could float a compromise on the health care rule as early as tomorrow, reports the Wall Street Journal...

The Church Has to Live With Birth Control
 The Church Has to 
 Live With Birth Control 
Gail Collins

The Church Has to Live With Birth Control

Gail Collins doesn't think new rules are impinging on religious freedom

(Newser) - The furor over President Obama's decision to force Catholic employers to provide health care that covers contraceptives brought a story to mind for Gail Collins. Her mother-in-law once told her that, when she'd confessed to a priest she was using birth control, he replied, "You're no...

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