John Hagee

10 Stories

Gingrich Cozies Up to Anti-Gay Pastor

John Hagee was once renounced by John McCain as 'crazy'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has agreed to appear at a summit held by Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee. That name ring a bell? Here, let’s refresh your memory . Hagee’s last foray into presidential politics ended with then-candidate John McCain calling his views “crazy and unacceptable,” after some of...

Quietly, McCain Makes Overtures to Evangelicals

But leaders are skeptical, wounded by Hagee, Parsley slams

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge uncommon among GOP presidential candidates: rallying evangelical Christians to vote for him. As the New York Times reports, the McCain campaign is holding meetings with evangelical leaders and blasting them with emails, but many are still taking a wait-and-see approach. And McCain's lack of rapport...

Dumping Pastors Is Gamble For McCain
 Dumping Pastors
 Is Gamble
 For McCain 

Dumping Pastors Is Gamble For McCain

In casting aside Hagee and Ohio's Parsley, Republican stands to alienate evangelicals

(Newser) - By rejecting endorsements from influential pastors John Hagee and Rod Parsley, John McCain might have alienated evangelical voters, a key Republican electoral bloc. If they “feel this is an attack on them,” one consultant told the Washingon Post, “even if they don't agree with Parsley and Hagee...

Obama Wants Truce Even as McCain Spins Pastors' Ties

McCain says his link to Hagee neither long nor strong as Obama's to Wright

(Newser) - Barack Obama is tweaking John McCain for slinging muck on Rev. Jeremiah Wright on one hand while distancing himself from Rev. John Hagee on the other, the Chicago Tribune reports. “Nobody thinks that McCain believes that stuff," Obama said. "For McCain to then suggest that every single...

McCain Severs Ties to Pastor Over Holocaust Blast

And Hagee withdraws his endorsement right back

(Newser) - John McCain and John Hagee dissolved their union in tit-for-tat fashion today—one day after an offensive sermon about Hitler came to light. Hagee claimed God sent Hitler to perpetrate the Holocaust, because it was a “top priority for the Jewish people … to get them to come back...

Pro-McCain Pastor Apologizes to Catholics

Hagee regrets 'Godless theology' remarks; Catholic League accepts apology

(Newser) - A Texas preacher whose anti-Catholic comments were haunting John McCain's campaign apologized today, and the president of the Catholic League accepted, Politico reports. In an apparent effort to avert a GOP version of the Jeremiah Wright situation, John Hagee wrote a letter about his "deep regret for any comments...

McCain May Pray For Pastors to Zip It

Hagee not talking, but another high-profile preacher may be in news soon

(Newser) - John McCain may be heading for his own preacher problems, but at least one of his problematic pastors is clamming up for now, Newsweek reports. John Hagee, who called Hurricane Katrina “the judgment of God,” and Catholicism a “false cult system,” recently answered a request for...

McCain Keeps His God to Himself
McCain Keeps His God
to Himself

McCain Keeps His God to Himself

Dems more vocal on religion; Mac's silence called 'soldier's faith'

(Newser) - John McCain is notably reserved about his religious faith. He rarely refers to God on campaign stops, in marked contrast to the two presidents who preceded him and, in a role reversal, to his Democratic opponents. His reticence is a throwback to the days when religion was kept out of...

Will Mac Reject His Radical Pastor's Nod?
Will Mac Reject His Radical Pastor's Nod?

Will Mac Reject His Radical Pastor's Nod?

Salon cites double standard that protects evangelical extremists

(Newser) - Barack Obama gets grilled over unsolicited praise from Louis Farrakhan, but John McCain draws no flak for “proudly” accepting the endorsement of a homophobic, Islamophobic evangelical pastor. Grotesque double standard, Glenn Greenwald calls it in Salon. Tim Russert made Obama “jump through multiple hoops” to disown the Nation...

Mike's Church Trip Annoys Catholics
Mike's Church Trip Annoys Catholics

Mike's Church Trip Annoys Catholics

They're upset by visit with pastor who linked Catholics to Hitler

(Newser) - Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee may have alienated some Catholic supporters with yesterday's visit to Cornerstone, the mammoth evangelical church in Texas run by controversial pastor John Hagee. Hagee has suggested that the Roman Catholic Church played a part in the Holocaust, though the outspoken preacher claims he is not...

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