Rupert Everett

5 Stories

Rupert Everett Slams Jen's 'Tasteless' Rom-Com Flops

British actor doesn't see why she's still famous

(Newser) - Rupert Everett is not a member of Team Jen. Talking to the BBC, the British actor bemoaned the fact that Jennifer Aniston is still a Hollywood A-lister despite less-than-stellar films, Us reports. Aniston “will have one too many total flops, but she's still a member of that club,"...

14 Scandalous Celeb Memoir Revelations
 14 Scandalous 
 Celeb Memoir 
she slept with who?!

14 Scandalous Celeb Memoir Revelations

Note to Demi Moore: Here's what you should aim for

(Newser) - Demi Moore is writing a memoir, but until it comes out, we can only imagine what scandalous secrets it will reveal. In the meantime, The Frisky offers up 14 other memoirs that divulged some juicy info:
  • Carrie Fisher: In Wishful Drinking, we found out that her mom got her a

Coming Out Killed My Career: Everett

British actor says his sexuality precludes roles as leading man

(Newser) - Rupert Everett has long railed against what he sees as Hollywood’s prejudice against gay actors, and says coming out killed his chances of landing roles as leading man. “It just doesn’t work and you're going to hit a brick wall at some point,” Everett, 50, tells...

Actor Who Called Soldiers 'Wimps' Apologizes

Everett backtracks after outburst about 'all this whining'

(Newser) - Rupert Everett apologized "without reserve" for calling soldiers “wimps” who join the army to torture prisoners, the Telegraph reports. In a recent interview, the actor said, "The whole point of being in the Army is going to war and getting yourself blown up.” He now says...

Hollywood Is 'Like Al-Qaeda,' Says Everett

It's no wonder Jodie waited so long to come out, gay star rails

(Newser) - The fact that Jodie Foster finally came out of the closet last week doesn't mean Hollywood is getting more tolerant of gay actors, British actor Rupert Everett fumed in an interview in the Times of London. "It's the opposite," he said. "She is 45 and she just...

5 Stories
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