airline passengers

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Put Unruly Passengers on 'No-Fly' List, Airline Urges

Delta asks attorney general to blacklist convicted customers

(Newser) - Delta Air Lines has asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to establish a federal "no-fly" list and to put any passenger convicted of disrupting a flight on it. "This action will help prevent future incidents and serve as a strong symbol of the consequences of not complying with crew...

Boarding on This American Flight Got a Little Weird

Man storms cockpit, seems to try to climb out window on flight from Honduras bound for Miami

(Newser) - An American Airlines flight from Honduras to Miami got a very late start on Tuesday, but it wasn't due to inclement weather, mechanical issues, or tardy crew members. Instead, per the New York Times , a "more novel reason" was behind the delay: an unruly passenger who broke into...

Airlines Refuse to Bring Back Cancun Partiers

Passengers, some of whom have tested positive, are stranded in Mexico

(Newser) - Passengers who filmed themselves partying without masks aboard a chartered flight from Montreal to Mexico face being stranded after three airlines refused to fly them home to Canada. Sunwing Airlines canceled the return charter flight from Cancun that had been scheduled for Wednesday, the AP reports, and Air Transat and...

Canada Investigating Reports of Raucous Party on Flight

A group headed from Montreal to Cancun chartered the Sunwing Airline flight

(Newser) - There have been plenty of reports of atypical flights lately, but nothing quite like what allegedly happened on a Dec. 30 private charter flight from Montreal to Cancun. "I am aware of the reports of unacceptable behavior on a Sunwing flight," says Canada's Transport Minister, who says...

Woman Arrested After Disturbance Aboard Delta Flight
Plane Fight Started With
Comment About Rosa Parks

Plane Fight Started With Comment About Rosa Parks

Video shows altercation between a male and female Delta passenger

(Newser) - Update: More details are emerging about the Los Angeles woman who allegedly hit and spit on a male passenger on a Dec. 23 Delta flight, including that she is now facing a federal assault charge. CNN reports Patricia Cornwall, 51, was allegedly returning from the bathroom when she found the...

Woman Spends 4 Hours in Plane Bathroom After Testing Positive

She took rapid test after getting sore throat on Icelandair flight

(Newser) - A Chicago woman ended up in the Mile High Quarantine Club after she tested positive for COVID-19 on a flight between Newark. NJ, and Iceland. Marisa Fotieo told the Today show Wednesday that she went to the bathroom and took a rapid test when her throat started to hurt during...

Woman Pleads Guilty to Attacking Flight Attendant

Vyvianna Quinonez expected to get 4-month sentence plus 3-year flight ban

(Newser) - Update: California woman Vyvianna Quinonez has admitted attacking a Southwest flight attendant earlier this year and is likely to face prison time—plus a long ban from flying. The Sacramento resident pleaded guilty in federal court Wednesday to interfering with a flight attendant, NBC San Diego reports. According to a...

Fla. Man Wearing Thong on Face Gets Booted From Flight

Adam Jenne compares actions on 'absurd' mask rules to those of Rosa Parks; United disagrees

(Newser) - As far as masks-on-planes incidents go, it's a new one: A Cape Coral, Florida, man has been banned for the time being from United Airlines after he tried to fly from South Florida to Washington, DC, wearing a red thong on his face instead of an approved mask. WFTX...

Cops: Air Marshal Tried to Help, but Flier Assaulted Him, Too

Ariel Pennington arrested after 'unruly' behavior on Delta flight

(Newser) - Another report of a dust-up in the air, this time on a Delta flight that departed from Washington, DC, Thursday night. It was bound for Los Angeles but ended up landing in Oklahoma City, where Police Capt. Arthur Gregory told CNN a passenger assaulted a flight attendant and then assaulted...

2 Planes Flew in From South Africa. 61 People Had COVID

Dutch authorities are now testing passengers to see if they have worrisome omicron variant

(Newser) - Two flights arrived in the Netherlands on Friday, bearing some 600 passengers from South Africa, and also a good number of COVID cases—and those people are now being tested to see if they've got the newly emerging omicron variant . Reuters reports that 61 of the flights' passengers who...

FAA Wants Fines of $160K From 8 Airline Passengers

All of the disruptions involved alcohol

(Newser) - Federal officials said Monday they are seeking more than $160,000 in fines from eight airline passengers over incidents involving alcohol. The Federal Aviation Administration said the biggest single proposed fine, topping $40,000, involves a passenger who brought alcohol on the plane and drank it, smoked marijuana in the...

37 Airline Passengers Considered for Prosecution

FAA has new process to send cases of misbehavior to FBI

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration says it has referred 37 cases involving unruly airline passengers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution since the number of disruptions on flights began to spike in January. FAA and Justice Department officials said Thursday that in the past three months, they have developed a...

After Plane Lands, Passenger Exits Onto Wing

Traveler at Miami International went out emergency door, likely faces federal charges

(Newser) - In today's chronicle of bizarre behavior by airplane passengers , authorities at Miami International Airport say a man exited an emergency door and stood on the wing of his plane after it landed. The incident took place when an American Airlines flight from Colombia landed at the airport Wednesday evening,...

Passengers Kicked Off Flight, Rest of Plane Celebrates

Two people were forced to deplane after refusing to mask up properly

(Newser) - Masks are required in airports and on commercial airliners. It’s not just a common-sense guideline to curtail the spread of COVID, it’s a federal law . And it’s not new; the rule has been in place since February . But it still seems to come as a surprise to...

United to Crew: Please Don't Duct-Tape Unruly Passengers

Exec says crew members should 'follow de-escalation process'

(Newser) - United Airlines has asked its employees not to reach for the duct tape whenever they have a difficult passenger to deal with. In a recent memo seen by People , Senior Vice President of Inflight Services John Slate reminded crew members that disruptive passengers should not be taped to their seats...

FAA Makes Big Ask of Airports to Control Unruly Travelers

Agency wants bars, restaurants to nix booze 'to go,' as passengers try to bring those drinks on board

(Newser) - Multiple airlines have already cut back on serving alcohol in the air, due to a spike in incidents involving out-of-control passengers, and now the Federal Aviation Administration is appealing to airports to do their part. Per NBC News , FAA chief Steve Dickson's letter to airport managers on Tuesday noted...

Lawyer: Passenger 'Said the Magic Words You Do Not Say'

Wegal Rosen, 74, arrested after bomb scare at Fort Lauderdale airport

(Newser) - A Canadian who lives part time in Florida never completed his trip to Ontario over the weekend after an incident that caused chaos at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Per a police report and release cited by the Sun Sentinel , Wegal Rosen, 74, became miffed on Saturday when he was told...

Southwest Keeps Flights Dry After Passenger Clashes

Alcohol service had been scheduled to resume this summer

(Newser) - Southwest Airlines is delaying serving alcohol again on flights after an increase in incidents of unruly passengers. The airline was planning to resume selling alcohol next month on Hawaii flights and in July on other flights, the AP reports, a move that was questioned by the president of the union...

FAA Has 2.5K Reports of Unruly Fliers This Year

Number of cases is way up this year, and air travel is getting busier

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday that mask violations account for about 1,900 of the 2,500 unruly passenger reports it has received this year. The agency usually handles 100 to 150 formal cases in a year. The FAA is weighing the allegations, Reuters reports, and said 395 of...

FAA: Told to Mask Up, Passengers Got Physical

Agency issues 4 fines totalling more than $67K

(Newser) - Two travelers are facing a combined $50,000 in fines from the FAA, and not just for their lack of masks. Both are accused of assaulting flight attendants who called them out for their rule-breaking, per the Hill . A female passenger told to don a mask on a Feb. 7...

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