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'There Has to Be Consequences' for Kevin McCarthy's Ouster

Ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn't the only one baffled by fellow Republicans' machinations

(Newser) - Kevin McCarthy has said he won't run again for the coveted House speaker gavel, after being ousted in a historic 216-210 vote Tuesday thanks to a rebellion of far-right Republicans led by Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who joined with all the House Democrats in booting McCarthy. Now, that unprecedented...

In GOP Rematch, 'the Sand Is Going Through the Hourglass'

Time is running out to gain ground on Trump as 2nd Republican presidential debate takes place

(Newser) - The way things stood Monday remain how they stand just hours before the Republican presidential debate Wednesday in California, with two notable candidates not expected to take the stage. FOX 26 Houston reports that former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson didn't make the cut, while former President Trump, far and...

Fetterman Takes On Senate Dress-Code Fury With Boebert Jab

Republicans are pushing back at relaxing what senators wear on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - While some are celebrating the Senate's decision to no longer enforce its unwritten dress code —previously, shirts and ties for the guys, covered arms for the ladies—Republicans aren't as thrilled. "Terrible," Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia commented on the change, per NBC...

Tim Scott Is Suddenly a Hot Topic in GOP Field
Tim Scott
Is Suddenly
a Hot Topic
in GOP Field
the rundown

Tim Scott Is Suddenly a Hot Topic in GOP Field

South Carolina senator is rising in the polls and drawing donors in the 2024 race

(Newser) - The two big narratives in the GOP race are that Donald Trump has cemented himself as the formidable frontrunner and Ron DeSantis is languishing . But now a third narrative is emerging, one that has South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott on the upswing. If it's true that voters seem to...

Christie Goes Hard on Trump at Town Hall: 'Loser, Loser, Loser!'

On CNN, ex-NJ governor calls GOP presidential rival 'vengeful,' compares him to Voldemort

(Newser) - The Chris Christie of 2016 (and even 2019 ) is much different than the Chris Christie of 2023 —at least when it comes to how he feels about former President Trump. "Loser, loser, loser!" is how the former New Jersey governor now depicts Trump, just one of...

Rep Who Spoke Up for Trans Rights Faces Expulsion

GOP has frozen Montana Rep. Zooey Zephyr from speaking after 'blood on their hands' remark

(Newser) - Montana Republican leaders will vote Wednesday on censuring or expelling lawmaker Zooey Zephyr, a transgender state representative who's been silenced in the House since last week after telling colleagues that if they voted for a bill to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender children, they'd "have blood...

Carlson 'Really the Only Person Who Could Beat Donald Trump'

It's not clear if now-former Fox host would bite, but some think there's a path to GOP nomination

(Newser) - The stunning news of Tucker Carlson's ouster at Fox News is still settling in across the media landscape, and has some, like the Washington Post , asking: "Now what for Tucker Carlson?" The paper notes that the 53-year-old, who's "unlikely" to be picked up by another cable...

Schlapp Accuser Named: 'I'm Not Going to Drop This'

Ex-Herschel Walker aide Carlton Huffman, 39, alleges CPAC chair groped him during car ride

(Newser) - Matt Schlapp just wrapped up this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, leaving him more time to contend with another large item on his plate: the $9.4 million sexual battery and defamation lawsuit brought by a former staffer for Herschel Walker's Senate campaign, who alleges the CPAC chair...

Nikki Haley Is About to Launch Her WH Bid
Trump May Actually
Want Haley to
Run in 2024

Trump May Actually Want Haley to Run in 2024

Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows ex-SC governor would steal big chunk of votes from Ron DeSantis

(Newser) - Former President Trump says he recently told Nikki Haley to "go by your heart" in her decision to run for his old job in 2024, even though he's also a contender. Now, it looks like Haley's expected candidacy might actually help Trump, siphoning away support for yet...

Greene, Other Right-Wing GOPers Picked for Committees

Greene will sit on Oversight, Homeland Security panels if OKed; Gosar, Santos also selected for seats

(Newser) - It's been noted that Marjorie Taylor Greene is vying for more of a power position within the Republican Party, and it looks like she just made some headway. The Hill reports the Georgia congresswoman was selected Tuesday by the GOP-led House Steering Committee to sit on the Homeland Security...

House GOPer Sends Letter to Yellen on Hunter Biden

Republicans have started their probe into president's son, as well as into Joe Biden's finances

(Newser) - In October, federal agents announced they'd gathered enough evidence to justify charging Hunter Biden with crimes. Now, House Republicans have jump-started their long-desired investigation of the president's son, as well as the involvement of ex-Twitter employees in handling reporting on him. Per the Hill , a letter sent Wednesday...

George Santos Issues a Memorable Line

'You can't make this crap up' GOP lawmaker-elect accused of lying says as House votes on speaker

(Newser) - Despite calls from Democrats (and even some Republicans ) for Rep.-elect George Santos to consider resigning his new post after accusations he's lied about his career and personal life, the embattled GOP lawmaker showed up Tuesday for the first convening of the 118th Congress, with the House gathered...

McConnell Calls Out Trump on Midterms, Vows Changes

Senate minority leader promises to get behind 'quality candidates' for 2024, calls ex-president 'diminished'

(Newser) - Donald Trump was panned by pundits after the midterms, with one even calling him the "biggest loser" of the November elections after many of the candidates he endorsed struggled, fending off the red wave that Republicans had hoped for. Now, one of his party's biggest congressional names is...

Nephew Slams GOP Lawmaker's Tearful Plea Against Gay Marriage

Andrew Hartzler's video goes viral for calling out 'Aunt Vicky' over Respect for Marriage Act vote

(Newser) - A GOP congresswoman made a tearful plea this week to fellow House members to vote against the Respect for Marriage Act , which offers federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages, and a response from a member of her own family has now gone viral. On Thursday, Rep. Vicky Hartzler of...

The Cardboard Box Just Got Political
The Cardboard Box
Just Got Political

The Cardboard Box Just Got Political

ProPublica reports on how owners of giant Uline have become No. 1 GOP donors

(Newser) - If asked to name the No. 1 federal campaign donors to Republicans ahead of the midterms, it's possible that even veteran political observers would get it wrong: The correct answer is Dick and Liz Uihlein of Illinois, reports ProPublica . The Uihleins run the giant private company Uline, which supplies...

McCarthy Intros GOP&#39;s &#39;Commitment to America&#39;
GOP Unveils
Its Midterm

GOP Unveils Its Midterm Agenda

McCarthy rolls out Republicans' 'Commitment to America,' focusing on economy, border security

(Newser) - House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy on Friday directly confronted President Biden and the party in power, choosing battleground Pennsylvania to unveil a midterm election agenda with sweeping Trump-like promises, despite the House GOP's sometimes spotty record of delivering and governing in Congress. McCarthy, who's poised to seize the...

GOP Senators Slam Trump's 'Inappropriate' Pardons Remark

Graham, Romney, others blast Jan. 6 comment; Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley thread the needle

(Newser) - Earlier this month, former President Trump told a conservative radio host that, if he were elected to the Oval Office again, he'd offer "full pardons," along with a public apology to many of those who'd stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. Turns out a few GOP...

Gingrich: Yes, a GOP Wave Is Coming
Yes, a GOP
Wave Is

Gingrich: Yes, a GOP Wave Is Coming

Ex-House speaker says left-leaning media is either misunderstanding the facts or distorting them

(Newser) - There's a growing sentiment in the media that the GOP will struggle in the upcoming November midterms, writes former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich. But in his op-ed at Fox News , Gingrich asserts that the "legacy, left-wing media is at best misunderstanding—and at worst deliberately distorting—the...

On Primary Eve, Different Outlooks for Cheney, Murkowski

Both GOPers have been strong Trump critics, but Murkowski's prospects look better than Cheney's

(Newser) - They hail from their states' most prominent Republican families. They've been among the GOP's sharpest critics of former President Trump. And after the Jan. 6 insurrection, they supported his impeachment. But for all their similarities, the political fortunes of US Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and US Rep....

Ahead of Ariz. Primary, a Trump-Pence Split

They're each backing different Republican gubernatorial candidates in that state

(Newser) - Former Vice President Mike Pence is again butting heads with his former boss, this time in the Arizona gubernatorial race. With two weeks left until the Aug. 2 primary, Pence endorsed Republican Karrin Taylor Robson on Monday and is to campaign on her behalf on Friday, reports Politico . Former President...

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