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How 'Crazy' Can Help the GOP

 GOP Is Crazy... 
 Like a Fox 


GOP Is Crazy... Like a Fox

Bachmann can clear the field for traditionalist Republicans: Kornacki

(Newser) - There may be method to the Republican Party's apparent madness, writes Steve Kornacki in Salon . Mouthy scene-stealer Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann seems to be elbowing Sarah Palin out of the limelight, plopping the former Alaska governor at an all-time popularity low, much to the relief of the GOP establishment, says...

Moby Video Rips Budget
 Moby Video 
 Rips  Budget 

Moby Video Rips Budget

Singer plugs 'rolling fast' to protest cuts

(Newser) - Remember when celebrities made videos crowing about politicians? What a difference almost four years makes. Moby has just released a video slamming the new "Republican budget" (hammered out with the White House) featuring the first track from his new album. His song, "The Day," plays over photos...

Abolish IRS, Cut Medicare, Demands Fla. Congressman

Tea Party favorite Allen West goes after taxes, Social Security

(Newser) - It's time to abolish the IRS, eliminate federal income taxes, and cut back on Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment payments. That's the word from first-time Tea Party Florida Congressman Allen West. What should the US keep? Tax cuts for billionaires so they continue funding charities, says the Republican. He's also...

Pawlenty Forms Presidential Committee

Former Minnesota governor can begin fundraising

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty today formed an exploratory committee, taking the "initial steps" toward a 2012 run for the Oval Office. "With all due respect for President Obama, I think he's taken this country in the wrong direction," Pawlenty told a conference call. "(The country is) in trouble...

GOP Veterans Grow Frustrated With Tea Party Freshmen

Endless push for deeper and deeper cuts causes friction in party

(Newser) - The relentlessness of newly elected members of the House who have hamstrung the budget process nearly to the point of a government shutdown is wearing on some veteran GOP representatives, Politico reports. And many of them have the ear of Speaker John Boehner. Fifty-four Republican House members voted against the...

Congress Buys GOP's Foam Cups From Ex-Koch Exec

But the cafeteria managers, not GOP, chose his company

(Newser) - The GOP's decision to bring back Styrofoam cups to a Capitol cafeteria has been a real boon for an old pal of the seemingly ever-present Koch brothers. The owner of WinCup, the company supplying the Styrofoam cups, is a former Koch Industries exec, the Huffington Post reports. But everybody swears...

Going Green? Bah! GOP Brings Back Foam Cups

Republicans reverse Democrats' green initiatives in Congress cafeterias

(Newser) - The Republicans are back in control of the House, and they're bringing something with them: styrofoam cups. The cups, along with plastic forks and a number of other things seen as not eco-friendly, were done away with four years ago by Nancy Pelosi to reduce Congress's carbon footprint. Now, the...

Scott Walker: Prank Call No Big Deal

'I take phone calls all the time,' says governor

(Newser) - It was easy to dupe Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker into believing he was talking on the phone to billionaire backer David Koch—because he's clueless, says the journalist who punked Walker . Posing as Koch, Ian Murphy and Walker had a heart-to-heart during which the governor talked about tricking Democrats and...

Republicans in Iowa Aren't Wowed by the Idea of a Sarah Palin Run in 2012
 Iowa Could Be Palin's Waterloo 

Iowa Could Be Palin's Waterloo

She's 'combative,opportunistic,' says one GOP activist

(Newser) - The buzz on a Sarah Palin GOP run for the White House apparently isn't thrilling Iowans, whose critical caucuses have the power to scuttle infant campaigns. "I want to like her and want to support her desperately. And yet, you just can't quite do it," said a female...

Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President
 Meet the GOP's 
 Gay Candidate 
 for President 


Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President

'Fred Who?' a longshot, but openly gay candidate breaking ground

(Newser) - The Republicans' best-formed candidate for 2012 isn't Romney or Huckabee: It's Fred Karger, a little-known conservative and longtime GOP operative—who happens to be openly gay. Karger is pounding the pavement in Iowa and New Hampshire, reports the Guardian , and he would be the country's first homosexual candidate for president....

Mike Pence Won't Run for President

Indiana congressman looks to governor's mansion

(Newser) - Scratch one off the list: Mike Pence says he won't run for president in 2012. The conservative congressman from Indiana told supporters of his decision in a letter, reports the Indianapolis Star . "In the choice between seeking national office and serving Indiana in some capacity, we choose Indiana,"...

Georgia Lawmaker Likens GOP to KKK, Then Womanizers

Comments about 'white sheets' stir things up

(Newser) - A Georgia state senator has thrown down against his political rivals, comparing turncoat Democrats to Ku Klux Klan members, Mediaite reports. State Senator Robert Brown, lashing out against his former Dems who'd switched over to the GOP after Republicans made big gains in the election, said that they "put...

Senate Passes Bill to Aid 9/11 First Responders
Congress Passes Bill
for 9/11 First Responders

Congress Passes Bill for 9/11 First Responders

Republicans drop opposition in the Senate

(Newser) - The clout of Jon Stewart : Congress today approved the bill to provide health care for 9/11 first responders and sent it to President Obama for his signature. The House passed the measure late this afternoon (206-60) after the Senate did so earlier in the day, reports AP . The big breakthrough...

Senate Republicans Block 9/11 Health Bill

Democrats hope to insert it into tax-cut deal

(Newser) - GOP senators stopped a $7.4 billion bill to help rescuers who suffered injuries in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the New York Times reports. The Senate voted mostly on party lines to extend debate on the 9/11 health bill, effectively sending it to be considered by the next...

Arizona-Like Immigration Plan Splits California GOP

Ballot measure may not have enough support for 2012

(Newser) - In California, where Latinos comprise the fastest-growing portion of the electorate, some Republicans want their own version of Arizona’s controversial immigration law —but others disagree, and the party rift is threatening the measure’s chances of getting on the 2012 ballot. "It's completely counterproductive to the future...

A Wave of Democratic State Lawmakers Defecting to GOP

At least 13 have jumped ship so far, and there could be more

(Newser) - Democratic losses didn’t stop on Election Day: Since Nov. 2, at least 13 state lawmakers have switched over to the Republican party, the AP reports. Many of the defections took place in the South, where dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party is high. In some states, like Alabama and Louisiana,...

GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel
 GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel 

GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel

Election results could be good ... or not

(Newser) - The midterm elections brought both good news and bad for Israel, and both come from the GOP. While rising Republican stars like incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are eager to show their support for Israel, many Tea Party candidates entering Congress aren't so likely to do the same, thanks...

GOP Dark Horses for 2012
 GOP Dark Horses for 2012 

GOP Dark Horses for 2012

Candidates who could challenge the frontrunners

(Newser) - The American electorate loves a dark horse—the candidate that comes out of nowhere and, against the odds, becomes a serious contender. Barack Obama can claim that distinction, as can Mike Huckabee, whose 2008 bid presaged Tea-Party enthusiasm. But who will it be in 2012? Chris Cillizza has some ideas...

Enough With the Bush Nostalgia
 Enough With the 
 Bush Nostalgia 

michelle malkin

Enough With the Bush Nostalgia

He did a lot of things wrong, and some Republicans 'haven't forgotten'

(Newser) - With President Obama’s approval ratings in the toilet and George W. Bush’s highly-publicized Decision Points out today, it’s easy to get caught up in a bit of “Bush nostalgia.” And yes, W’s “candor, decency, self-effacement, and clear love of country stand in stark...

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' &mdash;They Shouldn't
GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't
William Saletan

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't

If it was really such a great strategy, the GOP would have used it

(Newser) - Following the midterm elections , the Republicans have made it clear what they think Democrats should do: “Change course,” as John Boehner said on election night and Mitch McConnell said two days later. And maybe they’re right, writes William Saletan in Slate : “When voters strip you of...

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