
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

'Brutal' Tabloids, an Early Scoop Impetus for Royals' Shocker?

Plus Harry's pathway to US citizenship, an 'angry' queen, and how Meghan Markle could pay the bills

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey has a lot of pull—in Hollywood, in the media, maybe even in politics —but the talk show host, media exec, and philanthropist says she didn't have anything to do with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle deciding to ditch the UK and migrate across the pond,...

'One of Canada's Most Gruesome Killings' Ends in Surprise Verdict

Zhao Li escapes murder ruling, found guilty of manslaughter instead

(Newser) - A two-year-plus trial that drew much media attention has ended in Canada, with a verdict that's shocked many. On Tuesday, a judge on British Columbia's Supreme Court found 59-year-old Zhao Li guilty not of murder, but of manslaughter for killing and dismembering his millionaire cousin, 41-year-old Gang Yuan,...

Social-Media Posts Will Cost Woman $200K

Noelle Halcrow mounted a 'relentless' social-media campaign, judge says

(Newser) - A Vancouver woman owes her ex-boyfriend $200,000 after defaming him with what a judge called a "relentless" and "malicious" social-media campaign, the CBC reports. The ruling went against Noelle Halcrow, who had posted over 85 messages calling ex-boyfriend Brandon Rook a "no-good drunkard" and "down-and-out...

Everyone Wants These Bags. That Wasn't the Plan

Embarrassing messages on Vancouver store's plastic bags meant to stop bag use, not spur it

(Newser) - The plastic bags given out at East West Market were supposed to shame customers out of using them . Instead, they've become collectors' items of sorts, because customers think they're irreverently cool. Management had hoped the bags at the Vancouver store—designed with what the New York Times calls...

Market's Way to Discourage Plastic Bags: Embarrassment

Vancouver's East West Market prints, er, interesting logos on them

(Newser) - Vancouver's East West Market really, really wants to discourage its shoppers from using plastic bags. For one thing, it charges a nickel for every one it distributes, reports Fox 7 . But as the Vancouver Courier reports, the market's newest strategy goes way beyond that. East West's plastic...

Family&#39;s Trip to Vietnam Left an Unpleasant Souvenir
Family's Trip to Vietnam
Leaves Unpleasant Souvenir
in case you missed it

Family's Trip to Vietnam Leaves Unpleasant Souvenir

Canadian dad of 3 boys showing measles symptoms said they weren't vaccinated

(Newser) - A Canadian father now realizes that a long-held belief isn't true, but that hasn't stopped his three sons from ending up in the middle of a measles outbreak in Vancouver. Emmanuel Bilodeau tells the CBC that when his children were born more than a decade ago, he and...

Millionaire's Family Sues When Heir Turns Out Not to Be Man's Son

Paternity test revealed no biological connection

(Newser) - What happens when a self-made millionaire leaves most of his fortune to his supposed son, only for a paternity test to reveal there was no biological relation between the two men? A lawsuit in British Columbia's Supreme Court that airs a lot of family secrets, per the CBC . Elis...

Meng Wanzhou Freed on $7.5M Bail
Meng Wanzhou
Freed on $7.5M Bail

Meng Wanzhou Freed on $7.5M Bail

She has agreed to pay for 24/7 surveillance

(Newser) - Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou walked free from a Vancouver courthouse Tuesday night after a bail hearing that lasted three days. She was released on bail of $10 million Canadian—around $7.5 million American—after BC Supreme Court Justice William Ehrcke decided the bail terms were enough to "offset...

Refugee Finds New Home After 7 Months in Airport

Hassan Al Kontar arrived in Vancouver, Canada, on Monday

(Newser) - For seven months, Hassan Al Kontar documented his life inside Kuala Lumpur International Airport, where the Syrian refugee was held in limbo after arriving on March 7. Finally, Al Kontar and his 20,000 Twitter followers will get a change of scenery. "For today, I am in Taiwan International...

Man Pulls Off 'Astonishing Hat-Trick' on His Birthday

Canada's Ping Kuen Shum also officially retired from work, won $1.5M lottery

(Newser) - Someone's golden years just got a lot more golden. In what the BBC calls an "astonishing hat-trick," Canada's Ping Kuen Shum decided to buy a lottery ticket on his birthday, which also happened to be his last day of work before retirement—and he hit it...

The 10 Best Cities to Live In on Planet Earth

Quality of life in Switzerland, Germany seems top-notch

(Newser) - Each year, HR consultancy Mercer releases its "Quality of Living" ranking for cities around the globe, and for 2018, Austria's capital takes top honors. USA Today notes most of this year's highest-ranking cities tend to be in Europe, with San Francisco as the first US city showing...

'Dragon Booger' Emerges From Lost Lagoon

It's the first time bryozoans have been seen in Vancouver

(Newser) - Pectinatella magnifica, a water-dwelling blob, has long confounded scientists trying simply to categorize them. The brown-green snotty lumps are called bryozoans, and sometimes "moss animals," "dragon boogers," and "ectoprocta," which means, "anus outside," reports Popular Science . The blobs, which are actually whole...

Knife-Stealing Crow Wreaking Havoc Again

This time Canuck attacked a mail carrier

(Newser) - It’s been awhile since Canuck stole a knife from a crime scene, so perhaps boredom had set in. Or perhaps the crow just has a taste for blood. Either way, the local celebrity in Vancouver, Canada, shut down mail service to several addresses in the city for more than...

Smart Thinking Saves Pet Rat After Heroin Overdose

Snuggles recovering after her overdose

(Newser) - The heroin epidemic has made its way to Vancouver, British Columbia, and even the rats are being felled. In the case of Snuggles, a pet rat rushed into the Overdose Prevention Society on Sunday, volunteers were actually able to save her life after a quick-thinking pharmacy student administered naloxone (aka...

Tragedy on Canadian Mountain: 'I Think Your Friends Have Fallen'

5 hikers fall 1.6K feet to death after Mount Harvey snow overhang collapses

(Newser) - When a hiker who'd fallen behind five of his friends on Vancouver's Mount Harvey got to the summit on Saturday, he expected to find them waiting for him. But in a horrific ending to his climb, he instead found another hiker not with his group, who told him,...

Pub Irritates 'Entire Country' With 'Sacrilegious' Beer Pour

You just don't do that to a Guinness, Vancouver's Railtown Cafe has discovered

(Newser) - There are plenty of online resources for those looking to pour a perfect pint of Guinness this St. Patrick's Day, but it doesn't appear anyone behind the bar at Vancouver's Railtown Cafe did their due diligence. Per the CBC , the Canadian pub decided to advertise its celebrations...

10 Best Cities for Students
10 Best Cities for Students

10 Best Cities for Students

After 5 years on top, Paris is dethroned

(Newser) - A French city has been replaced by a French Canadian one at the top of the QS Best Student Cities Ranking , a list of the best cities in the world for international students, based on university rankings, employment, affordability, and—for the first time this year—student opinions. To be...

Moby Dick Restaurant's 'Offensive' Name Spawns Suit

Building council objects to eatery's moniker and logo

(Newser) - Maybe if they had just called it Ishmael, none of this would have happened. A British Columbia company has filed a lawsuit against a building council that refuses to let it lease a unit it owns to a Moby Dick Restaurant fish-and-chips franchise in part because the second word in...

Bird Takes Off With Knife From Crime Scene

 Bird Takes Off 
 With Knife 
 From Crime 

Bird Takes Off With Knife From Crime Scene

Cops had to chase city's 'most notorious crow'

(Newser) - The CBC describes Canuck as "Vancouver's most notorious crow," and it's not hard to see why: After cops in the Canadian city shot and injured a man who confronted them with a knife on Tuesday, a crow believed to be Canuck—because of a distinctive red...

Rubio's Patriotic Ad Actually Shows Canada

'It's morning again in America,' or maybe not

(Newser) - Marco Rubio can't seem to catch a break . Over the weekend, the Republican contender shared a new ad, "Morning Again," which appears to be a bleaker play on Ronald Reagan's 1984 "Morning in America" ad. It opens with a boat passing through a harbor as...

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