Duncan Hunter

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Duncan Drops Out of GOP Race
Drops Out
of GOP Race

Duncan Drops Out of GOP Race

California lawmaker pushed immigration in longshot bid

(Newser) - California Rep. Duncan Hunter pulled out of the GOP presidential race today after winning only 2% of votes in the Nevada caucuses, CNN reports. The San Diego-area lawmaker said that failing to "gain traction in conservative states of Nevada and South Carolina" proved it was time to quit. A...

Hunter: Now That I Have Your Attention ...

Candidate summons media to announce he's not dropping out

(Newser) - Duncan Hunter pulled a fast one on the press corps today, the LA Times reports: The GOP presidential candidate fueled speculation he’d withdraw from the race by announcing a “major announcement”—then used the occasion to complain about his exclusion from this weekend’s debates. Hunter says...

Not Far Enough Off His Rocker
Not Far Enough Off His Rocker

Not Far Enough Off His Rocker

Duncan Hunter is too boring to be a successful fringe candidate

(Newser) - Duncan Hunter may be the “hard-ass conservative” running for president, the New Republic’s Eve Fairbanks allows, but the congressman dubbed “Pat Buchanan with a smile” is simply too boring to fill the fringe niche. Sure, he wants a double fence on the Mexican border and to withhold...

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