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Trump's Blast at Germany Calls Attention to Huge Pipeline

US worried proposed project would give Russia too much money, influence in Europe

(Newser) - President Trump came out swinging as expected Wednesday at the start of the NATO summit, but he went beyond his familiar criticism that nations such as Germany weren't spending enough on defense. Instead, he called attention to a proposed pipeline that would run gas under the Baltic Sea, from...

Trump Lights Into Germany at NATO Breakfast

He says country is 'controlled' by Russia; Angela Merkel isn't having it

(Newser) - In a combative start to his NATO visit, President Trump asserted Wednesday that a pipeline project has made Germany "totally controlled" by and "captive to Russia" and blasted NATO allies' defense spending, opening what was expected to be a fraught summit with a list of grievances involving American...

Trump Zings NATO, and EU Chief Zings Back
Trump Zings NATO, and 
EU Chief Zings Back

Trump Zings NATO, and EU Chief Zings Back

President leaving for Brussels on Tuesday

(Newser) - President Trump is leaving for his NATO summit in Brussels on Tuesday morning in an apparent good mood—and happy to take some preemptive shots at the world bloc. "Thank you to all of my great supporters, really big progress being made," Trump tweeted . "Economy is ROARING....

Trump Fires Off Warning Letters to NATO Allies

Ahead of summit, president complains others, especially, Germany, aren't contributing enough

(Newser) - President Trump heads to Belgium next week for a NATO summit, and he has set the tone in advance with what the New York Times calls "sharply worded" letters to leaders of other member nations. The gist: Trump asserts that they're not paying their fair share for defense,...

Trump-Putin Summit Officially Announced
The Trump-Putin
Summit Is Happening

The Trump-Putin Summit Is Happening

The event is expected to take place before or after the NATO summit next month

(Newser) - The long-anticipated Trump-Putin summit is now official. The US president and the Russian president will meet, likely in July, according to the Wall Street Journal . The meeting was announced by US National Security Adviser John Bolton after he met with Vladimir Putin on Wednesday; the timing and location will be...

NATO Has No List of Those Who Died on Its Watch

The AP asks around, dubs its question a 'poignant' one

(Newser) - As NATO shifted into new headquarters in recent weeks, part of the move involved a tombstone-like chunk of polished granite, a memorial to those who paid the ultimate price in service of the military alliance. But ask NATO officials who is among those fallen and the answer usually refers back...

Russia May Be Spying on NATO Soldiers Through Their Phones

Wall Street Journal reports on odd occurrences with the devices

(Newser) - Russia appears to be targeting NATO soldiers' personal smartphones in an effort to gain intelligence on military operations and troop strength, reports the Wall Street Journal . Though Russian officials deny such attacks, Western officials say they're sure Moscow is behind the odd things happening to phones because the hackers...

NATO Gen. on Russia's War Games: 'We Have to Be Worried'

Official says Russia is not being transparent about exercises

(Newser) - A senior NATO official says there's reason to be concerned about the large-scale Zapad 2017 military maneuvers being conducted now by Russia and Belarus, since they could be seen as "a serious preparation for big war." Gen. Petr Pavel, head of NATO's Military Committee, told the...

For First Time, NATO Stages War Games in Baltic 'Weak Spot'

Suwalki Gap is vulnerable due to geography

(Newser) - NATO has a weak spot along the Poland-Lithuania border, a 65-mile-long frontier in an area known as the Suwalki Gap that, if seized by Russia, would cut off not just Lithuania but Latvia and Estonia from the rest of the Western alliance. Over two days recently, the first large-scale NATO...

Montenegro Leader Not Troubled by Trump Shove

Trump had 'white-knuckled' handshake with Macron

(Newser) - It was a shove seen around the world: President Trump pushed aside Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic as NATO leaders prepared for a group photo at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels Thursday. Trump was criticized by news outlets in the Balkans and elsewhere, but Markovic himself shrugged it off,...

Trump Gets 'Chilly Reception' From European Leaders

The president criticized NATO allies directly during speech

(Newser) - President Trump chided NATO leaders to their faces Thursday for "chronic underpayments" to the organization, the New York Times reports. "Members of the alliance must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations," CNN quotes Trump as saying during the opening of a new NATO...

NATO Says Alliance Is Joining Anti-ISIS Coalition

Announcement made before Trump's summit appearance

(Newser) - NATO's chief confirmed Thursday that the alliance will join the international coalition fighting ISIS but will not wage direct war against the extremists—an announcement timed for President Trump's first appearance at a summit of the alliance's leaders. In the wake of this week's suicide bomb...

Trump Reverses Himself on NATO
Trump: NATO Is
'No Longer Obsolete'

Trump: NATO Is 'No Longer Obsolete'

He reverses himself after meeting with alliance's leader

(Newser) - In one of several policy shifts Wednesday , President Trump cemented his change in posture toward NATO as he stood alongside the 28-nation military alliance's leader at the White House. As a candidate, Trump had dismissed NATO as "obsolete," saying the post-World War II organization wasn't focused...

Tillerson's Travel Plans Worry Allies in NATO

He's skipping an alliance meeting, will visit Moscow

(Newser) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's travel plans aren't sitting well with his counterparts in Europe. Tillerson will skip a NATO meeting early next month, the first time in more than a decade a secretary of state has done so, reports Reuters . On top of that, Tillerson will travel...

Wiretapping Joke Doesn't Help Tense Trump-Merkel Meeting

President says he and Merkel 'have something in common'

(Newser) - President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a joint press conference following a meeting Friday, and NPR reports it was "wide ranging and occasionally tense." That's no surprise, as Trump has previously called Merkel a "catastrophic leader" and accused her of "ruining Germany,"...

Pence Tells NATO Allies to Pay More for Defense

He says Russia will be 'held accountable' for Ukraine actions

(Newser) - Mike Pence promised NATO allies Saturday that they had the "unwavering" support of the US, while also making it clear that the administration considers most of them to be freeloaders. The vice president, speaking to European leaders at the Munich Security Conference, said European countries are failing to "...

Russia Has Reportedly Violated Major Nuke Treaty

It's 'testing' Trump, says John McCain

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain says Russia is "testing" President Trump by deploying an operational cruise missile in violation of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty. Officials tell the New York Times that Russia has two battalions of the cruise missile inside the country—one at an operational base and another at...

In a Slap at Russia, US Troops Head to Poland

It's the biggest American military presence in Europe since the Cold War

(Newser) - Europe is welcoming the largest US military deployment in the region since the Cold War. Some 87 tanks, 144 armored vehicles, and 4,000 soldiers are expected to reach Poland in the coming days, with many already in place, before they're spread across Poland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania...

Obama Begins Final Foreign Visit
Obama Begins
Final Foreign Visit

Obama Begins Final Foreign Visit

He promises 'significant continuity' on NATO

(Newser) - President Obama opened his final foreign trip as president Tuesday with reassuring words in Greece about the US commitment to NATO even as he prepares to hand off to a Donald Trump administration, saying Democratic and Republican administrations alike recognize the importance of the alliance to the trans-Atlantic relationship. Without...

2 Americans Dead in Shooting at Afghan Base

Shooter was wearing Afghan army uniform

(Newser) - A man wearing an Afghan army uniform killed a US servicemember and an American civilian in the capital Kabul on Wednesday, NATO and an Afghan official say. A NATO statement says another US service member and two US civilians were wounded in the attack and were in a stable condition,...

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