Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

US Backs Taliban Talks
 US Backs Taliban Talks 

US Backs Taliban Talks

Clinton: 'Stranger things have happened'

(Newser) - Western nations seem to be quickly warming to the idea of talking peace with the Taliban. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who only last month said talks would be premature, backed the idea at a NATO meeting yesterday, the AP reports. "Whenever opportunities arise that are worth exploring, I think...

Pakistan Reopens Border Crossing
 Pakistan Reopens 
 Border Crossing 

Pakistan Reopens Border Crossing

Key supply route was closed 11 days

(Newser) - Pakistan reopened a key border crossing used to transport supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan today, a day earlier than expected. The 11-day blockade had raised tensions with Washington and left stranded trucks vulnerable to attacks. About 150 trucks were destroyed during the blockade, and drivers and police were injured....

Pakistan Gunmen Torch Dozens of NATO Tankers

Driver killed as key border crossing remains closed

(Newser) - Gunmen torched more than two dozen tankers carrying fuel to NATO troops and killed a driver today in the sixth attack on convoys taking supplies to Afghanistan since Pakistan closed a key border crossing almost a week ago. The Khyber Pass crossing was closed after a NATO helicopter attack in...

Dozens of European Terrorists Training in Pakistan

Plus, 20 NATO oil tankers attacked

(Newser) - As Japan joined the list of countries issuing travel alerts for Europe, intelligence officials report that dozens of Muslim militants with European citizenship are believed to be training in Pakistan for terror missions—possibly in Europe. One senior Pakistani official puts the number of such extremists at "several dozen,...

NATO Crosses Into Pakistan for Airstrikes

Says it doesn't violate agreements

(Newser) - NATO helicopters crossed from Afghanistan into Pakistan at least twice over the weekend, and again this morning, in pursuit of Taliban insurgents, CNN reports. At least 49 people were killed in the attacks Friday and Saturday. NATO initially denied those attacks, according to the New York Times , but now confirms...

Chopper Crash Makes 2010 Deadliest Year of Afghan War
Chopper Crash Makes 2010 Deadliest Year of Afghan War
9 americans killed

Chopper Crash Makes 2010 Deadliest Year of Afghan War

Taliban claims responsibility

(Newser) - Nine American troops were killed in a helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan today, making this year the deadliest one of the conflict for foreign troops, reports NBC . Some 529 foreign fighters have been killed in the country so far, compared to 521 in 2009, the previous deadliest year. The American...

Pakistanis Nabbed Taliban Boss to Stop Peace Talks

Naive CIA got played: sources

(Newser) - In an embarrassing development for the CIA, it looks like the capture last January of Taliban commander Abdul Ghani Baradar was anything but the joint US-Pakistani victory against terrorism it was presented as at the time. In fact, Pakistan captured Baradar to undermine secret peace talks between the Taliban and...

Karzai to Kick Contractors Out of Afghanistan

Catches NATO unprepared with tough 4-month deadline

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai enraged the US and his other NATO allies today by ordering all private security contractors to leave the country within four months. Though NATO had been working on its own plan to register and regulate the mercenaries, they weren’t prepared for the move, or the...

US Asks Allies to Hunt Assange

Wikileaks founder may have worn out his welcome

(Newser) - The US has asked Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allies to consider arresting Julian Assange for leaking Afghan war documents. Washington believes Assange’s WikiLeaks, and organizations like it, pose a national security risk, and suspects Assange has worn out his welcome in many countries, officials tell the Daily Beast...

Six Decapitated in Afghan Bank Heist

Police think they were poisoned the night before

(Newser) - Six Afghan private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said today. An unknown number of robbers raided a Kabul Bank in Balkh province, making off with $269,000 in US and Afghan currency. It appeared the guards had been poisoned beforehand, with someone slipping...

July Deadliest Month for US in Afghanistan

Three more American deaths bring total to 63

(Newser) - Three US service members have been killed in blasts in Afghanistan, bringing the toll for July to at least 63 and making it the deadliest month for American forces in the war. The three died in two separate blasts in southern Afghanistan yesterday. US and NATO commanders had warned that...

Afghans: NATO Strike Targeted Civilians

Villagers: 52 civilians killed in Helmand skirmish

(Newser) - Amidst the flood of leaked news of previously unreported civilian casualties in Afghanistan, angry Afghans say a NATO rocket attack on their Helmand province town on Friday deliberately targeted civilians, killing 52. "The foreign forces could see us," a villager who claims 17 members of his extended family...

8 US Troops Killed in Taliban Attacks
 8 US Troops Killed 
 in Taliban Attacks 

8 US Troops Killed in Taliban Attacks

Taliban claims responsibility for car bomb, gun, grenade attack

(Newser) - Eight American troops died in attacks in southern Afghanistan in the last 24 hours, including a car bombing and gunfight outside a police compound in Kandahar. In that attack, a suicide attacker slammed a car bomb into the gate of the headquarters of the elite Afghan National Civil Order Police....

Troops Forced to Play Diplomat in Kandahar

Forces represent Afghan government where it fears to go

(Newser) - After the less-than-successful military offensive in Marjah, NATO forces are taking a different tack in the villages surrounding Kandahar: They’re acting as representatives of the distant, oft-distrusted government. In “Operation Hamkari” (“cooperation”), soldiers are attempting to drive out the Taliban simply by improving government services and...

NATO Base Attacked in Afghanistan

Day after Petraeus warned of more violence

(Newser) - Taliban insurgents attacked a NATO base in Afghanistan this morning in a commando-style raid that caused no allied casualties. Gunmen set off a car bomb and fired rocket-propelled grenades, attacking NATO facilities at an airport near the Pakistani border from multiple directions; several suicide bombers were killed in the attack....

Troops Glad McChrystal's Gone: Rolling Stone Writer

Reporter 'very surprised' by 'unfireable' general's ouster

(Newser) - The journalist whose Rolling Stone exposé got Stanley McChrystal fired says troops in Afghanistan are thanking him. "Over here, soldiers were happy that he got fired," Michael Hastings, who's embedded in Afghanistan, tells the Huffington Post . "I've had a number of people come up to me, I...

Karzai Doesn't Want McChrystal Fired
Karzai Doesn't Want McChrystal Fired

Karzai Doesn't Want McChrystal Fired

Afghan president says general 'is a person of great integrity'

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai believes Gen. Stanley McChrystal is the "best commander" of the war and hopes President Obama doesn't decide to replace him, a rep for the Afghan president said today. The leader of American forces in Aghanistan, under fire for his and his staff's indiscreet comments to a Rolling ...

Karzai Doesn't Think US Can Win

Afghan leader doubts West will defeat the Taliban

(Newser) - This doesn't bode well for the mission in Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai doubts that the US and NATO can defeat the Taliban, reports Dexter Filkins of the New York Times . While the West is pressing ahead with its military push against insurgents, Karzai is reportedly reaching out to the Taliban in...

We Can't Take Kandahar Yet: McChrystal

NATO delays operation because locals don't want them there

(Newser) - The military push to secure Kandahar is being delayed, because the hearts-and-minds part of the operation isn’t going so well, General Stanley McChrystal revealed at a NATO meeting in Brussels today. The massive operation to take back the birthplace of the Taliban was supposed to begin this month, the...

Taliban Torch 50 Trucks in NATO Supply Convoy

Attack calls into question Pakistan supply route

(Newser) - In a bold attack on the allied military supply chain in Afghanistan, Taliban gunmen last night torched a convoy of 50 NATO supply trucks in Pakistan, killing at least seven people. The gunmen ambushed the convoy on the outskirts of Islamabad, killed drivers and security guards, then set the vehicles...

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