Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Afghan Killed 9 Americans After Disarming Them

Pilot shot them after argument; brother denies Taliban link

(Newser) - The grim details are taking shape in the wake of today's shooting at Kabul's airport . All nine victims were Americans—eight US troops and one contractor—who were training members of Afghanistan's fledgling air force. The shooter, an Afghan pilot, got into an argument with the trainers,...

NATO Begins New Phase of Anti-Gadhafi Campaign

Airstrikes going after supply lines, important symbols of power

(Newser) - NATO's airstrike against one of Moammar Gadhafi's military compounds in Tripoli appears to be just the start of what amounts to Phase 3 of the anti-Gadhafi campaign. The first phase took out anti-aircraft systems, the second hit tanks on the front lines, and now, as Reuters and the...

NATO Strike Slams Gadhafi Compound

Offices, library, reception hall destroyed

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike has seriously damaged Moammar Gadhafi's compound in Tripoli, according to officials. Two missiles made direct hits on the Bab al-Azizia complex early today in two of the biggest explosions in the capital to date, reports the BBC . A multi-story library and office and a reception hall...

Gadhafi Abandons Misrata; Rebels Jubilant

But government forces leave boobytraps as they go

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's troops backed away from Misrata today, reports the AP, as jubilant rebels claimed victory after having withstood nearly two months of shelling. "Misrata is free, the rebels have won. Of Gadhafi's forces, some are killed and others are running away," said a rebel. A...

Libyan War Dragging: Analysts
 Libyan War Dragging: Analysts 

Libyan War Dragging: Analysts

France, Italy send liason officers, US sends supplies

(Newser) - Coalition forces have stepped up their cooperation with Libyan rebels, with France and Italy announcing yesterday that they would send military liaisons and advisers, and the US saying it would send them $25 million worth of non-lethal equipment like body armor, tents, and vehicles, the Washington Post reports. The moves...

Britain to Send Advisers to Libya Amid Rebel Disarray

Critics in UK already warning of 'mission creep'

(Newser) - With anti-Ghadafi rebels still bickering over who's actually their leader, Britain plans to dispatch a team of miitary advisers to Benghazi to help them get their act together. London insists the advisers won't arm or train rebels or go beyond the UN mandate, reports al-Jazeera . Their biggest order...

Rebels: Gadhafi Days Away From Retaking Misrata

European troops may enter besieged city

(Newser) - The last western Libyan city still in rebel hands is likely to fall to Moammar Gadhafi's forces within days unless NATO steps up its intervention, a rebel spokesman says. Misrata has been under seige for seven weeks and its people are like "rats in a cage," the...

Taliban Infiltrator Kills 10 at Afghan NATO Base

Five NATO troops and five others are dead in suicide bombing

(Newser) - The Taliban seems to have settled on a deadly new strategy: A suicide bomber who infiltrated the military killed five NATO troops today, four Afghan soldiers, and an interpreter, reports the AP . It's not clear yet if any of the NATO victims were Americans. The bomber, apparently a recruit...

NATO Jets Running Out of Bombs in Libya

Which might mean US fighter pilots get called back to action

(Newser) - NATO apparently figured Moammar Gadhafi would fold quickly: Its fighter jets are running low on laser-guided bombs, a development that could make it harder for US pilots to stay on the sidelines, reports the Washington Post . The twist: The US has plenty of such bombs, but they don't fit...

Libya Rebels Advance to Brega
 Libya Rebels Advance to Brega 

Libya Rebels Advance to Brega

Leader says key oil town within reach

(Newser) - An officer with Libya's rebels says after four days of holding back, his forces have advanced to the strategic oil town of Brega. Col. Hamid Hassy said today that following scattered clashes with government forces, the rebels were now near the massive oil facilities—and have with them engineers...

Allies to NATO: No Leaving Libya Until Gadhafi Is Out

Ministers meet in Berlin as Obama links military effort to ouster

(Newser) - NATO’s mission in Libya must continue as long as Moammar Gadhafi holds power, President Obama and the leaders of France and Britain say. “So long as Gadhafi is in power, NATO must maintain its operations so that civilians remain protected and the pressure on the regime builds,”...

Allies to Hand Gadhafi's Assets to Rebels

Rebels also say countries will sell them weapons

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s frozen assets will be lining the pockets of his rebel enemies, under an agreement struck yesterday by NATO, Arab, and African officials at a closed door meeting in Qatar, the New York Times reports. The agreement comes even as divisions arose about how far to take their...

US Planes Still Bombing Libya
 US Planes Still Bombing Libya 

US Planes Still Bombing Libya

Warplanes enforcing no-fly zone, Pentagon says

(Newser) - American warplanes have attacked sites in Libya three times since the US said it was ending its air combat role in Libya earlier this month, the Pentagon has confirmed. Defense officials say the American attacks on surface-to-air missiles sites do not contradict administration claims to have shifted US involvement to...

France: NATO Not Doing Enough in Libya

But NATO insists it's doing just fine, thanks

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s forces let loose a hail of rockets and shells on Ajdabiya and Misrata today, prompting calls from France for NATO to step up its game in Libya. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé said NATO’s actions were “not enough,” and that it needed to target...

NATO Won't Apologize for Bombing Rebel Tanks

Four killed in airstrike yesterday

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike hit a rebel tank convoy yesterday, killing at least four people and, according to one driver in the convoy, damaging or destroying eight tanks. Gen. Abdul Fattah Younes demanded an apology, telling the New York Times that his forces gave NATO plenty of advance warning that their...

Gadhafi Thwarting NATO Strikes With Human Shields

NATO says that's why air support has seemed lacking

(Newser) - Libyan rebels have been complaining in recent days about the decline in air support from NATO, but there’s a good reason for it, American and European diplomats tell the Washington Post : Moammar Gadhafi’s forces have positioned themselves in densely populated areas, and NATO doesn’t want to risk...

Libyan Rebels to NATO: Do Job Right or Just Stop

Rebel leader complains NATO is slow to react, ignoring Misrata

(Newser) - Libyan rebels are none too pleased with NATO, complaining that Moammar Gadhafi is advancing because of the alliance's inaction. And the harsh words didn't stop there. Rebel leader Abdel Fattah Younes griped that it takes hours for NATO to respond to what's happening on the battlefield, and said that they...

Nicholas Kristof: Libya Intervention Could Teach Us It's OK to Stop Genocide
 Libya's Lesson: 
 It's OK to Stop 


Libya's Lesson: It's OK to Stop Genocide

Stopping atrocities is most important, even if inconsistent

(Newser) - The US intervention into the bloody unrest in Libya has drawn a wide range of criticisms—President Obama has not explained US objectives, there's no exit strategy, it's inconsistent to get involved in Libya and not elsewhere—and "those critics are all right," writes Nicholas Kristof in the...

US Ending Libya Air Combat Role

Gates, Mullen: Attack planes to be pulled out Saturday

(Newser) - The Pentagon is about to pull its attack planes out of the international air campaign in Libya, hoping NATO partners can pick up the slack. The announcement by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that American combat missions will end Saturday drew incredulous reactions from...

Libya: Coalition Air Strike Killed Toddler

Regime shows media first credible evidence of civilian casualty

(Newser) - The Libyan regime has presented what appears to be the first credible case of a civilian killed by coalition air strikes. Reporters were escorted to a village in western Libya where a family mourned their 18-month-old son, who authorities say was killed when a rocket pierced the home following a...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>