gender stereotypes

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'Sexist' Airline Ad Riles Up UK TV Viewers

Virgin Atlantic defends spot; standards board says it's 'humorous'

(Newser) - A Virgin Atlantic TV ad featuring female flight attendants strutting through Heathrow Airport while harried male passengers ogle them is not sexist, Britain’s advertising watchdog has ruled. The ad, celebrating Virgin’s 25th anniversary, drew 29 complaints, reports the Telegraph. Critics cried stereotyping; the independent Advertising Standards Authority said...

Bitch vs. Ditz: '08 Campaign Was a Setback for Women

Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton delivered major blows to feminism, gender equality

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin shattered the glass ceiling in politics, but the broken shards sharply undercut the feminist movement. “In the grand Passion play that was this election, both Clinton and Palin came to represent—and, at times, reinforce—two of the most pernicious stereotypes that are applied...

Female Bombers Not So Different From Men
 Female Bombers
 Not So Different
 From Men


Female Bombers Not So Different From Men

Women's motivation is no different

(Newser) - Female suicide bombers have captured much media attention of late, inspiring analysts to think they've been used, or manipulated. The truth, writes political scientist Lindsey O’Rourke in the New York Times, is that they're not that different from their male counterparts. O’Rourke has spent years studying every known...

Girls=Boys in Math, Says Study
 Girls=Boys in Math, Says Study

Girls=Boys in Math, Says Study

Gender gap discovered in the 1970s has been closed, researchers say

(Newser) - Girls are just as good as boys at math, says an exhaustive study of 7 million test scores from elementary through high school students, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The findings, to be published tomorrow in Science, are at odds with 30-year-old studies—and a view entrenched in our...

From Britain With Love: MI6 Seeks Minorities

Spy agency wants women, Asians, Arabs, to help fight terrorism

(Newser) - Next year's 007's may look more like Charlie's Angels than James Bond, as MI6 seeks to recruit more women and minority agents, the AP reports. The drive, which has netted 20,000 résumés over the past 12 months, welcomes Asian and Middle Eastern language speakers, the disabled, and...

Voters May Yet Warm Up to Michelle Obama

Would-be first lady reaches out to women by hosting The View

(Newser) - Nicknamed "the closer," Michelle Obama is known for winning over voters—but many still have not warmed up to her, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. A recent poll shows that 42% of voters have an unfavorable view of her and 25% are "very unfavorable." The first...

She Does All the Talking, Ergo, He's Not a Man

We don't like couples that break with gender roles, study finds

(Newser) - The fairer sex should also be the quieter, according to a new study that found both sexes look more harshly upon couples in which she does the talking. Gender equality be danged, "We have these gender stereotypes where we expect men to be dominant," the lead researcher told...

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