
Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev 

In Princeton Address, Couric Rips Palin, Limbaugh

(Newser) - Katie Couric today delivered the Class Day speech to Princeton graduates, and posted the speech on the Huffington Post. Some highlights:
  • "I’ve been called a cougar lately in the tabloid press—today I’m very happy to be an honorary tiger! Coming here was a real no brainer!

Shriveled Sports Scene Irks Some Ivy Alums

(Newser) - The Ivy League has a reputation for excellence in all things, but the consignment of its sports programs—particularly the more visible ones like football and basketball—to college athletics’ second tier has alumni clamoring for change, the Wall Street Journal reports. Academic standards limit the pool of top student-athletes...

Colleagues See Sotomayor as 'Even-Handed,' 'Brilliant'

Daughter of immigrants rose from Bronx project

(Newser) - The daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants whose father died when she was 9, Sonia Sotomayor will bring more than a stellar legal resume to her Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the Washington Post reports. She worked her way out of projects in the Bronx to graduate from Princeton and Yale Law,...

Women Celebrate Michelle O.
 Michelle O. 

Women Celebrate Michelle O.

The 'tough' but 'normal' First Lady has a lot going for her, and is making the best of it all

(Newser) - Michelle Obama: Whether you see her as a role model for working moms, an angry black woman, a sensible style icon, or an irrepressible hugger, everyone seems to have an opinion about the new first lady. The Guardian got 12 prominent women to muse on the different sides of Michelle;...

Bankers Leave Street in Rear View; Head for Academia

Execs take teaching jobs amid crisis

(Newser) - With the financial tornado buffeting Wall Street, some of its leading figures are ditching their careers for work in academia, Time reports. Merrill Lynch’s former president is teaching at Yale; Citigroup’s former merger boss headed to Berkeley; a onetime Goldman Sachs exec is now at Harvard. “It’...

Princeton Team Adds Twist to Darwin's Theory

It's not random, they say: Organisms can control own evolution

(Newser) - Princeton scientists say they have found evidence that organisms can essentially control their own evolution, a finding that could provide a fundamental shift in our understanding of Darwin's theory, reports the university's news service. The research suggests that evolution isn't entirely random, as Darwin believed. Rather, proteins within organisms constantly...

NYT's Krugman Wins Nobel Economic Prize

Globalization expert blames Bush for current crisis

(Newser) - Paul Krugman was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics this morning, Reuters reports, in recognition for his work on globalization and free trade. Krugman, a New York Times columnist, Princeton professor, and staunch Bush critic, has long been a favorite for the award, but says it came as a surprise...

Harvard Bumps Princeton in Top Colleges List

Smaller class size helps Harvard back to top of influential US News ranking

(Newser) - Harvard has reclaimed sole possession of the top spot in the ever-controversial US News and World Report rankings for the first time in 12 years. Princeton slipped to second, with Yale in third and Stanford and MIT tied for fourth spot. The magazine rates the halls of learning based on...

Colbert to Princeton Grads: 'Don't Change the World'

TV personality bestows singular words of wisdom on Ivy Leaguers

(Newser) - As every college speaker does, Stephen Colbert reminded Princeton’s seniors at today's Class Day ceremony that they have the power to “change the world,” the Daily Princetonian reports. But unlike other speakers, Colbert added: please don’t do that. “Some of us like it the way...

Pinched Oxford Wants $2.5B
 Pinched Oxford Wants $2.5B 

Pinched Oxford Wants $2.5B

Needs cash to compete with Ivy League

(Newser) - Prestigious Oxford University is pleading poverty and has begun a campaign to raise funds to make it competitive with Harvard, Yale, and Princeton for academic talent, reports the Christian Science Monitor. The university—actually a collection of individual colleges—aims to raise $2.5 billion, but even that is chump...

Celebrate pi, It's 3/14!
 Celebrate pi, It's 3/14! 

Celebrate pi, It's 3/14!

Classrooms everywhere fete a most mathematical holiday

(Newser) - Math lovers, rejoice, for today is Pi Day, celebrated in classrooms around the country—preferably at 1:59, which, on 3/14, nearly matches 3.14159, the famed irrational number’s first six digits. “What’s fun about pi is that everyone knows the number,” a math professor tells...

Obama Camp Wields Steely Secret Weapon: Mrs. O

Michelle Obama seen as campaign 'closer'

(Newser) - Outspoken and gutsy but sometimes sarcastic and condescending, Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, is playing a central role in his campaign as it builds toward a final showdown. Known as "The Closer" behind the scenes, the 44-year-old Harvard-educated lawyer puts steel into the campaign while Obama stays above the fray,...

Getting into Harvard not as Easy as P-R-E-P

Elite colleges taking more students from abroad, public schools

(Newser) - Ivy-League-seeking parents beware: admissions officers at top schools around the country are looking for more than just the private-school preppie. While private and prep schools still lead the way, a growing percentage of students at elite universities are public school grads and international scholars, the Wall Street Journal reveals. At...

Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev