Google Android

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev 

'Every iPhone in the World' at Risk Tomorrow

Text-messaging flaw could let hackers take over your mobile

(Newser) - The iPhone’s text-messaging system has a dangerous flaw that hackers could exploit to take control of your phone, researchers say. They’ll reveal the trouble at a conference tomorrow, Forbes reports. So if you get a text with a “single square character,” turn off your phone right...

iPhone Competitors Close In on Apple
 iPhone Competitors 
 Close In on Apple 

iPhone Competitors Close In on Apple

(Newser) - Until recently, the iPhone ruled the smartphone roost, but a new crop of competitors could threaten Apple’s bottom line, Jon Fortt writes for Fortune. AT&T, the sole iPhone carrier, pays Apple $300 for every new customer. Until now, paying for the privilege made sense, because AT&T monopolized...

Meh on Actual iPhone, Bullish on App Store

(Newser) - The iPhone itself isn’t in a class by itself as far as smartphones are concerned, Farhad Manjoo writes for Slate—but the App Store makes it unbeatable. Apple boasts more than 50,000 applications, and the rate is increasing; Google’s Android operating system only supports 5,000. “...

$250 Google Netbook Debuts This Summer

(Newser) - The first netbook running the Google-backed Android mobile operating system could be available within 3 months for $250, ComputerWorld reports. The petite, no-frills Alpha 680 with a 7-inch wide screen will be the smallest netbook yet, weighing a dainty 1.5 pounds and meansuring 8.5 by 6 inches. It's...

Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too
Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too


Google Phone's Appetizing App Menu Is Functional, Too

Not as snazzy as iPhone, and memory is an issue, but open model sure to keep offerings sharp

(Newser) - With Google’s G1 smartphone making this week’s big tech splash, Katherine Boehret, in the Wall Street Journal, takes a look at some of the applications on offer, finding them “useful, entertaining, and mostly straightforward.” Of those she tested from the Android Market, “the G1's apps...

Big Dreams for Android Aren't Just Google's
Big Dreams for Android Aren't Just Google's

Big Dreams for Android Aren't Just Google's

Operating system looks to potential well beyond phones: Malik

(Newser) - Google’s release of the code for its Android operating system today—a day before the G1 phone hits stores—paves the path for transformation of the cell-phone industry and beyond, Om Malik writes on GigaOm. As coders enhance Android and develop add-ons, either for existing devices or new ones,...

Google G1: Nice Try, But No iPhone
 Google G1: 
 Nice Try, 
 But No iPhone 
product review

Google G1: Nice Try, But No iPhone

Gadget impresses but won't keep Apple up nights

(Newser) - Google's upcoming G1 is the first real rival to the iPhone, but the different gadgets "are likely to attract different types of users," Walt Mossberg writes in the Wall Street Journal. Making phone calls was a lot easier on the G1, which worked great with Google services, Mossberg...

Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'
Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'

Google's Debut 'Not Just Another iPhone Clone'

Android-based Dream will include physical, other features missing from Apple hit

(Newser) - The long-anticipated Google phone debuts today, and it’s “not just another iPhone clone,” Anita Hamilton writes in Time. The $179 HTC Dream from T-Mobile is the first handheld to run Android, Google’s mobile platform offering 3G connectivity and a similar application-driven interface. But the Dream offers...

Google Android Phone to Sell for $199

Search giant, T-Mobile target mass market, not just tech geeks

(Newser) - The first cell phone loaded with Google’s “Android” software will cost $199, the Wall Street Journal reports. Partner T-Mobile hopes the low-priced handset and data services, due out next month, will attract mass market consumers, not just geeky early adopters. Competitors Apple and AT&T priced their “...

Google Will Unveil Android Phone Next Week

First glance at iPhone competitor

(Newser) - Google’s hyped Android phone will make its debut next week in New York, the Los Angeles Times reports. Google and T-Mobile—the gadget's first carrier—plan a press conference  to show off the handset, a new rival for the iPhone and Blackberry. The "G1” won’t go on...

Google's Smartphone Slated for This Fall

The search-giant's Android operating system to rival Apple's

(Newser) - Google’s long-rumored Android-powered smartphone could have customers surfing the Web and chatting by as early as October, the New York Times reports. The gadget, the product of a partnership between T-Mobile and HTC, is expected to challenge Apple’s iPhone and other smartphones that offer PC-like functions as well...

Google Phones Running Behind Schedule
Google Phones Running Behind Schedule

Google Phones Running Behind Schedule

Issues with Android software will delay launch to 4th quarter

(Newser) - It turns out revolutionizing the mobile-phone industry isn’t as easy as Google thought it would be. The first phones to bear the search giant’s much-anticipated Android platform won’t ship until the fourth quarter, the Wall Street Journal reports, because carriers are having trouble customizing the software. Many...

Google Android a Hit with AT&amp;T
Google Android a Hit with AT&T

Google Android a Hit with AT&T

Wireless chief praises open-source mobile system, but doesn't commit to it

(Newser) - Google’s Android mobile operating system may find a home with AT&T, the Wall Street Journal reports. Signalling what could be a major victory for the platform, the telecom’s wireless chief said he was “confident” Android “is something we are going to want in our portfolio....

Developers Flock to iPhone App Funding

But worries emerge about Apple's tight rules, lack of support

(Newser) - Developers have swamped venture capitalists who announced a $100 million fund for iPhone applications last week. But many of them say Apple has made the job difficult. Developers must use the software development kit issued by Apple, and they say the restrictive terms prevent them from sharing advice on user...

At Cell Phone Trade Show, Eyes on Google

But company keeps low profile as it pushes phone software

(Newser) - At this week’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Google kept to the shadows, holding meetings away from the crowds as it pursued its telecom future. But its presence was everywhere as companies discussed Android, Google’s new phone platform, the New York Times reports. Android faces resistance from phone...

Wireless Future on Display
Wireless Future on Display

Wireless Future on Display

Mobile broadband and smart phones headline Barcelona conference,

(Newser) - More than 50,000 players in the global wireless industry gather today at the world's largest telecommunications conference in Barcelona to stake out their next moves toward the future of wireless technology. Likely to be an especially hot topic at this year's Mobile World Congress is mobile broadband, already taking...

Android Bugs Developers
Android Bugs Developers

Android Bugs Developers

Google's mobile phone software is proving to be tough to work with

(Newser) - Google may have millions of answers, but software developers say the company’s ballyhooed mobile phone software, Android, misses the mark. “It’s clearly not ready for primetime,” says one Seattle-based designer who’s struggled for weeks with bugs and poor documentation, reports the Wall Street Journal. He’...

Short Sellers Betting Big on Palm's Failure

Smartphone firm made many missteps, but turnaround is possible

(Newser) - Tech stocks have had a good year, and one wouldn’t expect short sellers to take much interest in the area. Anticipating declines, however, is good business, and right now Palm is the horse the short-sell vultures are betting will fall first. Fortune reports that November short-sell bets against Palm...

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev