Warren Buffett

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Berkshire Picks Successor for Warren Buffett

But CEO doesn't plan to step down anytime soon

(Newser) - The big news out of Warren Buffett's annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders is that he's finally picked a successor, reports the Wall Street Journal . He's just not saying who it is. Buffett, 81, also wrote that he is in "excellent health" and "isn't...

Christie to Buffett: Pay Up and Shut Up

New Jersey governor is 'sick of hearing about' Buffett Rule

(Newser) - Chris Christie has just about had it with that pesky Oracle of Omaha and all his talk about millionaires paying more taxes. The New Jersey governor cut off Piers Morgan's Warren Buffett question at the pass in an interview last night on CNN , telling him, "He should just...

Buffett, Secretary on Her Salary: MYOB

Bloggers are missing the point, he says

(Newser) - So what does Warren Buffett's secretary make? Neither Buffett nor Debbie Bosanek are spilling, despite a flurry of speculation after her star turn at the State of the Union address. "They can't attack the facts, so they attack the person. It's ridiculous," Buffett tells the...

Obama's Buffett Rule: 30% Minimum Tax for Millionaires

Warren Buffett secretary Debbie Bosanek is there as a guest

(Newser) - President Obama made his expected pitch for the Buffett rule tonight, with Warren Buffett secretary Debbie Bosanek attending his State of the Union speech to hear it in person. After noting Buffett's complaint that she pays a higher tax rate than her billionaire boss, Obama fleshed out the details,...

Special Guest at SOTU: Warren Buffett's Secretary

Debbie Bosanek will sit in Michelle Obama's box

(Newser) - At tonight's State of the Union address, Warren Buffett's secretary will have a seat in Michelle Obama's box, the Washington Post reports. Debbie Bosanek is the inspiration for President Obama's "Buffett rule," a call for the rich to pay a higher tax rate; Buffett...

Warren Buffett Jams on Ukulele for Chinese New Year

 Warren Buffett 
 Jams on Ukulele 
chinese new year

Warren Buffett Jams on Ukulele

Sings 'I've Been Working on the Railroad'

(Newser) - Festivities for China's biggest holiday are in full swing, and Warren Buffett is getting in on the fun. The 81-year-old billionaire played ukulele and sang "I've Been Working on the Railroad" for one of the most-watched TV programs in the world—China Central Television's New Year'...

Buffett Dares GOP to Donate More Taxes

Says he'll match them, and 'even go 3 for 1 for McConnell'

(Newser) - Warren Buffett's ready to donate money to pay down the national debt—provided Republicans lawmakers do so first. When Buffett called for higher taxes on the rich last year, Mitch McConnell and many other Republicans told him to " send in a check ," and John Thune even introduced...

Quote of the Year Is Occupy Wall Street's 'We Are the 99%'
 And the Quote of the Year Is... 

And the Quote of the Year Is...

'We are the 99%' ... plus 9 more memorable utterances

(Newser) - It's been a good year for quotes inspiring, inept, and inscrutable. A Yale librarian has compiled his annual list of the year's 10 key quotations, and topping this year's selection is Occupy Wall Street's rallying cry: "We are the 99%." The runners-up:
  1. Lines from

Warren Buffett Buys Hometown Newspaper

At $200M, purchase not about investing

(Newser) - Warren Buffett makes news for his multi-billion-dollar investments, not a piddly $200 million—but Buffett surprised many people when he announced yesterday he was spending that to buy his hometown newspaper, the Omaha World-Herald, reports Bloomberg . The billionaire slammed the newspaper industry two years ago, saying it had the "...

Buffet: Eurozone Not Working
 Buffet: Eurozone Not Working 

Buffet: Eurozone Not Working

Billionaire investor hails Japanese business during Fukushima visit

(Newser) - The European debt crisis has exposed serious problems in the 17-country Eurozone that will require radical changes to fix, warns Warren Buffett. There is a "major flaw in the euro system," the billionaire investor said yesterday while on his first visit to Japan. "That flaw won't...

Buffett Buys $10.7B in IBM
 Buffett Buys $10.7B in IBM 

Buffett Buys $10.7B in IBM

He now owns 5.5% of the company

(Newser) - Warren Buffett typically shies away from tech companies, but not this year. In an interview on CNBC this morning, Buffett revealed that he’s bought $10.7 billion worth of IBM stock since March, a purchase that had been kept confidential in Berkshire Hathaway’s recent filings. The buy gives...

8 (Out of 400) Billionaires Say Yes to Higher Taxes

Most just ignored the question from Salon

(Newser) - Salon sent queries to every single billionaire on the Forbes 400 asking whether they would be willing to pay more taxes. The results: Eight said yes (including Buffett), one said no (Charles Koch), and a few offered qualified answers somewhere in between. The other 390 or so—including Oprah,...

Buffett: I Made $63M Last Year, Should Pay More

He paid about $7M in federal income tax

(Newser) - Warren Buffett got back in the public fray over taxes today with a letter to GOP congressman Tim Huelskamp of Kansas. Highlights:
  • Buffett wrote that his adjusted gross income last year was $62.8 million and his taxable income was $39.8 million. He paid $6.9 million in federal

Buffett to Murdoch: You Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine

Tax returns, he means

(Newser) - Warren Buffett sounds pretty content to be at the center of the nation's tax debate: He said today that he'd be happy to release his tax returns as critics have demanded—provided fellow billionaire Rupert Murdoch did the same, reports Reuters . Why Murdoch? His News Corp owns the...

EJ Dionne: Warren Buffett's Capital Gains Tax Talk Scares Conservatives

 Buffett Terrifies 
EJ Dionne

Buffett Terrifies Conservatives

He's the perfect messenger to expose tax unfairness, EJ Dionne writes

(Newser) - Conservatives are tripping over each other in their zeal to attack Warren Buffett, and it’s not hard to see why, writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post . “Buffett’s sin is that he spoke a truth that conservatives want to keep covered up,” namely that there’s...

Bloomberg Rips Buffett, Urges Tax Boost for All

Calls Warren Buffett's tax comments 'just theatrics'

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the latest billionaire to fire back at Warren Buffett's call to raise taxes on America's super-rich, reports the New York Daily News . "The Buffett thing is just theatrics," scoffed Bloomberg on NBC's Meet the Press. "I think that...

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, George Soros Among Richest Americans on Forbes List
 Bill Gates  

forbes rankings

Bill Gates Richest American Again

His $59B tops Warren Buffett's $39B

(Newser) - Forbes is out with its annual ranking of the richest Americans, with some familiar names up top. Highlights from the magazine and MSNBC :
  1. Bill Gates, $59 billion
  2. Warren Buffett, $39 billion
  3. Larry Ellison (Oracle), $33 billion
  4. (tie) Charles Koch, $25 billion
  5. (tie) David Koch, $25 billion

Warren Buffett's Secretary: No Comment

His assistant doesn't want to talk about her taxes

(Newser) - President Obama's deficit-cutting plan has put "Warren Buffett's secretary" smack in the middle of the "class warfare" debate—and she doesn't sound all that thrilled to be there. Annie Lowrey of Slate reached Buffett executive assistant Debbie Bosanek by phone today. "I'm sorry,...

Paul Ryan: 'Buffett Rule' Amounts to Class Warfare
 Paul Ryan: 
 Obama Waging 
 'Class Warfare' 


Paul Ryan: Obama Waging 'Class Warfare'

'Buffett Rule' finds no fan in Budget Committee chair

(Newser) - The so-called Buffett Rule, President Obama's pending plan to raise taxes on the rich named for Warren Buffett , found an outspoken critic in Paul Ryan today, Politico reports. "Class warfare might make for good politics, but it makes for bad economics," the House Budget Committee chairman tells...

Obama to Unveil Tax-the-Rich Plan Monday

The 'Buffet Rule' create new minimum rate for the wealthy

(Newser) - President Obama plans to roll out his new tax-the-rich proposal on Monday and he's calling it the "Buffett Rule." Named after Warren Buffett, the financial whiz who argues that the mega-rich don't pay enough in taxes , the plan will include a new minimum tax rate for...

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