
18 Stories

Major US Massage Chain Hit With Sexual Assault Scandal
Major US Massage
Chain Hit With
Sexual Assault

Major US Massage Chain Hit With Sexual Assault Scandal

Nearly 200 complaints, suits filed against Massage Envy for assaults, mismanagement of complaints

(Newser) - What one would expect when frequenting a place called Massage Envy: a massage. What one absolutely wouldn't expect: to be sexually assaulted. Yet per an investigation by BuzzFeed , the nation's largest massage franchise chain, its employees, and individual spas have racked up more than 180 police reports, lawsuits,...

Travolta Put His Mouth on Grease Co-Star Conaway
Travolta Put His Mouth on
Grease Co-Star Conaway
new claim

Travolta Put His Mouth on Grease Co-Star Conaway

Source claims 'Kenickie' woke up to oral sex

(Newser) - We were hoping it had gone away , but John Travolta’s Gropegate lives on: The latest claim is that he once tried to perform a sex act on his Grease co-star, Jeff Conaway. Conaway’s former fiancée tells the National Enquirer that Conaway was asleep at home in the...

Travolta Masseur Case Skips Trial, Heads for Mediation

Both sides agree to have case heard by a judge: source

(Newser) - Maybe the John Travolta massage scandal will quietly fade away after all: First the lawyer for the first masseur accusing Travolta of sexual assault dropped him as a client , and now Radar reports that the lawsuit filed by the second masseur will not go to trial. However, a judge will...

Travolta Accuser: I Got Date Wrong, but It Still Happened

Plus, a third man comes forward

(Newser) - Quite a bit of evidence has been released indicating John Travolta was not actually in Beverly Hills when he was to have allegedly sexually assaulted a masseur there, and his accuser explains why: The purported victim cited the wrong date. But the plaintiff says the incident did happen, just...

Lawyer: There Are 'Droves' of Travolta Accusers

But TMZ has more 'proof' of actor's innocence

(Newser) - Looks like John Travolta's masseur controversy isn't going to quietly fade away: The lawyer who filed the lawsuit on behalf of the two men accusing Travolta of sexual assault tells CNN he's been contacted by "droves" of "people from different resorts from every state from...

Here's Proof Travolta Isn't a Masseur-Groper: TMZ

Photo, receipt appear to prove he was thousands of miles away

(Newser) - John Travolta may actually have to thank gossip site TMZ : It obtained a photo and a receipt that could prove the actor didn’t actually grope at least one of the masseurs accusing him of sexual assault. The photo, passed along by “Travolta sources,” shows the actor in...

Third Masseuse: Favre Texted Me, Too

She says he wanted her to touch him...

(Newser) - Brett Favre apparently really liked those masseuses : A third masseuse (and fourth woman) has come out of the woodwork claiming the ( former? ) NFL quarterback sent her lewd text messages. Stephanie Dusenberry, who worked with the Minnesota Vikings while Favre was with them, tells Deadspin (via, initially, a typo-laden...

Masseuse Is Full of It: Tipper
 Masseuse Is Full of It: Tipper 

Masseuse Is Full of It: Tipper

She doesn't buy sexual assault allegations, says pal

(Newser) - If you were expecting Tipper Gore to side with the masseuse, prepare to be disappointed. “Both Al and Tipper are baffled” by Molly Hagerty’s sexual assault allegations and “frustrated to see his name dragged through the mud,” a friend of Tipper’s tells People . “She...

Gore's Masseuse Reveals Herself

'He's not what people think he is,' says Molly Hagerty

(Newser) - The Al Gore sex scandal isn’t going away: In the latest issue of the National Enquirer , his accuser reveals herself…and calls Gore a lot of names. “Al Gore is a pervert and sexual predator,” says 54-year-old Molly Hagerty. “He’s a sick man.” The...

Portland Paper Knew of Gore Sex Assault Claim in 2007

Editor wanted to report story but couldn't find enough evidence

(Newser) - At least one Oregon paper had the chance to break the story of an alleged sexual assault by Al Gore, but a year-long investigation yielded insufficient information. “The truth is we very much wanted to report the story on Al Gore,” Mark Garber, editor of the Portland Tribune,...

Gore 'Begged for Release of His Chakra': Masseuse
 Gore 'Begged 
 for Release of 
 His Chakra': 
embarrassing details

Gore 'Begged for Release of His Chakra': Masseuse

Police report definitely falls into TMI department

(Newser) - Thanks to the uncovering of a 2009 police report, you’re about to know more—much more—about Al Gore than you ever wanted to. The report, obtained by KGW , details a Portland masseuse’s allegations of sexual assault at Gore’s hands, beginning with an inappropriately long embrace when...

Al Gore Accused of Sex Assault
 Al Gore Accused of Sex Assault 

Al Gore Accused of Sex Assault

Masseuse claimed abuse in 2006

(Newser) - The National Enquirer outed John Edwards as a dog, and now it’s taking aim at Al Gore: The former VP was apparently accused of sexually attacking a masseuse in 2006. The tabloid claims to have its hands on "shocking details" in the official police report and Gore’s...

'Craigslist Killer' Pleads Not Guilty

Arraigned on 7 counts including first-degree murder

(Newser) - Philip Markoff spoke a resounding “not guilty” at his arraignment today for the murder of a masseuse, the Boston Globe reports. Prosecutors described “brutal” attacks against three women as the so-called “Craigslist killer” was arraigned on seven charges, including first-degree murder, armed robbery, armed kidnapping, armed assault,...

Secretary Dishes About Madoff's 'Roving Eye'

Inside details paint picture of lewd Ponzi schemer

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff “was irresistible to women,” his longtime secretary says, and the confessed Ponzi schemer felt the same way about them, perusing escort ads and keeping “about a dozen phone numbers for his masseuses” in his address book. Eleanor Squillari reveals intimate details about her boss, including...

Korea Backs Monopoly for Blind Masseurs

Profession will remain reserved for the blind in South Korea

(Newser) - A South Korean court has upheld a law allowing only blind people to work as masseurs, the AP reports. The profession has been reserved for the blind for almost a century, but a legal battle had raged for years over the constitutionality of the rule. The perceived threat to their...

S. Korea's Blind Masseurs Protest Threat to Livelihood

Government opens profession to sighted

(Newser) - Blind masseurs in South Korea are protesting what they see as the end of a way of life—and their livelihood, CNN reports. Police arrested 26 yesterday who gathered on a bridge and threatened to jump because the government is for the first time allowing sighted people to become licensed...

Masseuse Chastity Pants Spark Uproar in Indonesia

Parlor rules could become national bill

(Newser) - Reacting to clients’ demands for sex, some Indonesian masseuses have begun wearing locked pants reminiscent of ancient chastity belts, the Los Angeles Times reports. What began as one parlor entrepreneur's idea to deflect pushy clients has spread and may now spawn legislation. But many, including Indonesia's minister for women’s...

Google Masseuse Is a Millionaire
Google Masseuse Is
a Millionaire

Google Masseuse Is a Millionaire

Early shareholder muscled into ranks of 1000+ workers worth millions

(Newser) - Google’s first in-house masseuse has cashed out the last of her stock options and joined the ranks of the company's multimillionaires, reports the New York Times. Bonnie Brown joined Google when it had just 40 employees in 1999, and when she retired 5 years later, her stock options were...

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