
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Amanda Knox: 'My Rights Were Respected'

In prison interview, says she still has faith in Italian justice

(Newser) - Amanda Knox says her “rights were respected” in the murder trial that ended with a 26-year sentence for her, and that she expects to be freed on appeal. “I still have faith in Italian justice,” she told a Parliamentary deputy who visited her in prison, perhaps, the...

Why Knox Got an Extra Year in the Clink
 Why Knox Got 
 an Extra Year 
 in the Clink 


Why Knox Got an Extra Year in the Clink

Slate visits some puzzlers from the Knox trial answered

(Newser) - The Amanda Knox trial has left a lot of unanswered questions, and some totally answerable ones. Slate’s Explainer feature tackles the latter:
  • Why did Knox get 26 years, while Raffaele Sollecito only got 25? Knox got an extra year for falsely accusing an innocent man (she accused the bar

Italian Courts Face Growing Knox Backlash

Glacial pace, leaked evidence, 'anti-Americanism' draws fire

(Newser) - Amanda Knox has served just a few days as a murder convict, but she'll have another year under her belt before an appeal gets under way, and questions about the fairness of her trial continue to pour in, reports the Independent . The open flow of information between cops and journos,...

Knox Found Guilty of Murder
 Knox Found Guilty of Murder 

Knox Found Guilty of Murder

Italian jury convicts American student of killing roommate

(Newser) - Amanda Knox was found guilty today of murdering her roommate Meredith Kercher and sentenced to 26 years in an Italian prison. The 22-year-old American, who cried as the verdict was read, was found guilty of 11 counts related to the crime. Co-defendant and former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito was also convicted...

Verdict Reached in Knox Case
 in Knox Case 
kercher murder trial

Verdict Reached in Knox Case

American student, co-defendant will learn their fate at 6pm ET

(Newser) - An Italian court will announce the verdict in the Amanda Knox murder trial tonight at midnight in Perugia, 3pm in Knox's hometown of Seattle, numerous news outlets are reporting. Knox, 22, has been in custody for the 2-plus years since the death of her roommate, British student Meredith Kercher. Knox's...

I'm No Murderer, Knox Tells Court
 I'm No Murderer, 
 Knox Tells Court 

I'm No Murderer, Knox Tells Court

Yes you are, says Kercher's lawyer—you did cartwheels

(Newser) - Amanda Knox today made her final, impassioned plea to the jury in the Meredith Kercher murder trial. The American defendant told the court that behind her placid demeanor, she is “not calm” but “confused, sad, frustrated,” and “afraid of having the mask of a murderer forced...

Lawyer: Knox Is a 'She-Devil'
 Lawyer: Knox Is a 'She-Devil' 
kercher murder trial

Lawyer: Knox Is a 'She-Devil'

Kercher's family sues for millions in damages

(Newser) - An Italian lawyer today called Amanda Knox a “she-devil” for her role in falsely incriminating his client, Patrick Lumumba, in the murder of Meredith Kercher. In early statements to police, Knox said she sat terrified while Lumumba murdered her roommate. Knox appears “angelic,” Lumumba’s lawyer Carlo...

Knox Acted Out of 'Hatred': Prosecutor

 Knox Acted Out of 
 'Hatred': Prosecutor 

kercher murder trial

Knox Acted Out of 'Hatred': Prosecutor

Closing argument speaks of 'crescendo of violence'

(Newser) - Italian prosecutors pulled out all the stops in closing arguments at the Amanda Knox murder trial, telling the court that the American exchange student killed Meredith Kercher in "an unstoppable crescendo of violence." The chief prosecutor restated his argument that Knox murdered her roommate out of spite because...

Knox Trial Is 'Poison' for All Involved

Fallout has ruined people's lives from Seattle to Perugia

(Newser) - Amanda Knox may be the one on trial for the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, waiting it out in a sweltering Italian prison. But as Barbie Nadeau notes in Newsweek, Knox isn’t the only one suffering: “The Knox trial is poison,” Nadeau writes. “Nearly everyone it...

Foxy Knoxy's Family Hurting Her Case

(Newser) - If Amanda Knox gets off for the murder of Meredith Kercher, it'll be despite her family—who have caused an uproar in Italy for appearing on the cover of a women's magazine. As Newsweek reports, one photo features Knox's two sisters, Deanna, 20, and Ashley, 14, posing in short shorts...

Knox, Murdered Roommate 'Got Along Great': Knox Mom

(Newser) - Amanda Knox’s mother testified today that her daughter and Meredith Kercher, the British student she is accused of killing, were on good terms before the murder, the Times of London reports. Contrary to earlier testimony about tensions, the roommates “got along great,” Edda Mellas said at the...

Knox Writes Love Letters to 'Ex' Raffaele

Describes life in jail, dwells on their courtroom glances

(Newser) - Raffaele Sollecito is supposed to be Amanda Knox’s ex-boyfriend, but you wouldn’t know it by reading the letters she’s been sending him, the Daily Telegraph reports. In them, the 21-year-old opens up to her co-defendant and thanks him for sharing his feelings with her. “You know...

Knox on Roomie's Murder: 'Yucky, Disgusting'

Says she's trying to 'get on with my life'

(Newser) - Amanda Knox said in continuing testimony yesterday that she imagined her housemate’s murder as “shocking, yucky, disgusting,” the Times of London reports. Asked why she said Meredith Kercher must have died slowly, Knox said: “I heard that she had her throat slit, and from what I...

Police Threatened Me With Jail: Knox

(Newser) - Amanda Knox returned to the stand for the second day today with a familiar theme: Italian police abused her—verbally and sometimes physically—so much that she became confused about events the night Meredith Kercher was killed. She said police threatened her with serious jail time if she didn’t...

Knox to Take Stand Today
 Knox to Take Stand Today 

Knox to Take Stand Today

5 months in, American student given chance to answer murder accusation

(Newser) - Amanda Knox is expected to testify in her murder trial for the first time today, the Guardian reports. The American student, accused of murdering flatmate Meredith Kercher during a violent, drug-fueled sex game, has been on trial in Italy since January and faces a possible life sentence if found guilty....

Rogue Prosecutor Targets Knox
Rogue Prosecutor Targets Knox

Rogue Prosecutor Targets Knox

'Railroad job' of a case lacks clear-cut evidence, motive

(Newser) - With “flawed and flimsy” evidence and “no motive,” the murder trial of Amanda Knox seems more about a prosecutor’s ambitions than any likelihood the American student actually killed her housemate, Timothy Egan writes in the New York Times. “Any fair-minded jury would have thrown” the...

Suave Knox Blanches at Video of Roommate's Body

(Newser) - Murder suspect Amanda Knox averted her eyes and covered her face with her hands in Italian court today as police video of her slain roommate Meredith Kercher was shown, the Times of London reports. The video detailed the bloody crime scene and Kercher’s naked, lifeless body. While the American...

Knox Pulled Knife on Him, Witness Says

Homeless man puts suspect, boyfriend near murder scene

(Newser) - A witness in the Amanda Knox murder trial testified that she waved a knife at him outside the house where Meredith Kercher was killed, the AP reports. The Albanian witness, at times mumbling and interrupted by the judge, said he “bumped into a big black trash bag” that turned...

Kercher Neighbors Heard Screams, Court Told

(Newser) - Witnesses in the Amanda Knox trial testified today that they heard screams and the sound of multiple people fleeing the scene the night of Meredith Kercher’s murder, ABC News reports. An elderly woman who lives near the crime scene said she heard a scream that “made my skin...

Shopkeeper Testimony Cuts Hole in Knox Alibi

(Newser) - An Italian shopkeeper has contradicted Amanda Knox's claim that she slept in the day after her roommate was murdered, ABC News reports. Marco Quintavalle testified in Italy yesterday that Knox, 21, dropped by his store early on the morning of Nov. 2, 2007—when Knox says she was at the...

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