Sears Holding

3 Stories

Desperate in July, Sears Looks to Santa for Bailout

(Newser) - Sears is taking the “Christmas in July” trope to a whole new level. With June retail sales tumbling, the company is looking for a boost by selling actual Christmas products, Time reports. Soon, 372 Sears stores will roll out displays hawking tree ornaments, stocking stuffers, and other decidedly off-season...

Sears Plans Reorganization to Revitalize Biz

Sagging fortunes since 2005 merger with Kmart prompts a shakeup

(Newser) - Foundering retailer Sears is hoping yet another change of course can help it sail out of its financial doldrums after watching its stock value drop in half this year and warning investors fourth-quarter earnings would plummet 57% from a year ago, reports the Wall Street Journal. Chairman Edward Lampert plans...

Black Fortune 500 CEOs in Short Supply

Departure of Merrill, Time Warner chiefs knocks total to four

(Newser) - The departure of Dick Parsons from Time Warner and Stan O'Neal from Merrill Lynch has reduced the already sparse population of African-American CEOs running Fortune 500 companies to an extremely paltry four, reports AP. CEOs of any color have a short shelf life, and the small numbers of black chiefs...

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