Daniel Radcliffe

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Top Actors Who Show Hollywood the Money

Natalie Portman, Kristen Stewart lead the way

(Newser) - If you are looking for actors who can earn their keep, black swans, vampires, and giant robots are the way to go. Or so says Forbes , in a look at the salaries of 100 top celebs vs. their box office worth, choosing their last three movies over the last three...

Daniel Radcliffe: Snobby Oscars Never Liked Potter

Yet Martin Scorsese's 'Hugo' gets acclaim, actor laments

(Newser) - Daniel Radcliffe is "slightly miffed" that none of the Harry Potter films have won an Academy Award, whereas children's movie Hugo was nominated for Best Picture and 10 other categories this year. "I don't think the Oscars like commercial films, or kids' films, unless they're...

Daniel Radcliffe: I Was Drunk in Harry Potter Scenes

More dope on boy wizard's battle with whiskey

(Newser) - Everyone's favorite boy wizard has made a startling confession: He sometimes acted in Harry Potter scenes drunk. "I went into work still drunk," Daniel Radcliffe tells Heat magazine. "I can point to many scenes where I'm just gone. Dead behind the eyes." He never...

Woman in Black Offers Old-School Thrills
 Woman in  
review roundup

Woman in Black Offers Old-School Thrills

Daniel Radcliffe makes post-Hogwarts debut

(Newser) - The boy wizard is back—but this time, he's a 19th-century gentleman. Daniel Radcliffe is generally successful playing a spooked lawyer in The Woman in Black, a throwback haunted house thriller. What the critics are saying:
  • The film "makes the most of its old-fashioned virtues," writes Manohla

Daniel Radcliffe Magic in SNL Debut

But actor can't dodge Harry Potter entirely

(Newser) - Daniel Radcliffe made his Saturday Night Live debut last night, bringing "an impressive American accent" and a "strong presence," reports the Hollywood Reporter. The host zinged Casey Anthony, appearing as her new dog in an interview with Seth Meyers, and ripped his shirt off as a lovesick...

JK Rowling Almost Killed Ron Weasley | Harry Potter
 JK Rowling: I Almost Killed Ron 

JK Rowling: I Almost Killed Ron

She wanted to kill one of the trio 'out of pure spite'

(Newser) - Talk about your unforgivable curses. JK Rowling has revealed that she came very close to tossing an Avada Kedavra Ron Weasley’s way somewhere in the middle of the Harry Potter series. “I did seriously consider killing Ron,” Rowling tells Daniel Radcliffe in an interview on the Harry ...

Harry Potter Zaps Box Office Record, Nabs $168.6M

Deathly Hallows Part 2 collects $475.6M globally in massive opening weekend

(Newser) - Harry Potter went out with a true bang: The final installment in the wizarding saga, the Deathly Hallows Part 2, notched almost half a billion dollars internationally, with an opening weekend take of $475.6 million. That shattered the previous record, Harry Potter and the Half -Blood Prince, which the...

8 Celebs Whose Addictions Shocked Us

Daniel Radcliffe's admission is far from the first to surprise

(Newser) - Raise your hand if you were shocked to read that Harry Potter—er, Daniel Radcliffe— had a drinking problem . Well, you weren't the only one. The Frisky rounds up seven more celebs whose addictions surprised the world:
  • Demi Moore: She was addicted to cocaine in the '80s, but

Harry Potter Crew Overcome on Final Day

Cast burbles on last day in latest Warner Bros. film

(Newser) - Now it can be shown: The last day of filming of the last Harry Potter movie was not so magical. It was rather heartbreaking. Cast mates applauded one another, and burbled, and recalled their amazing time together and expressed grief that it was over. "How do I put into...

Daniel Radcliffe: Why I Had to Quit Drinking

Actor says he started partying way too much at age 18

(Newser) - He's only 21, but Daniel Radcliffe is off the booze for good. In an interview with British GQ as reported by the Telegraph , the actor explains that he started partying too much at age 18, during the filming of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. His drink of choice?...

Tony Award Nominations Are Out, and Hollywood Got Snubbed
 Tony Awards Snub Hollywood 
tony nominations

Tony Awards Snub Hollywood

Daniel Radcliffe, other big names miss out on nominations

(Newser) - Last year's Tony Awards saw a plethora of Hollywood winners— to the annoyance of some —but this year looks to be a different story. Quite a few big names were skipped over when nominations were announced today, most notably former frontrunner Daniel Radcliffe for How to Succeed in ...

Deathly Hallows Is Darkest Potter Movie Yet

 Deathly Hallows 
 Is Darkest Potter 
 Movie Yet 
movie reviews

Deathly Hallows Is Darkest Potter Movie Yet

Quidditch gets swapped for bleak tone in penultimate film

(Newser) - The penultimate Harry Potter movie hits theaters today, and while reviews for Deathly Hallows: Part I range all the way from "best Potter movie ever" to "worst Potter movie ever," most critics are positive about it and are looking forward to next summer's grand finale. The movie...

New Harry Potter Film Debuts in London
 New Harry Potter Film 
 Debuts in London 
early reviews

New Harry Potter Film Debuts in London

It's the first part of the two-part finale

(Newser) - American audiences have to wait another week, but the second-last installment of the Harry Potter movies premiered in London tonight. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I sets up the grand finale, which isn't out until July 2011. Not that reviews will mean a whit to devoted fans, but...

Draco: Harry Potter Ate My Childhood

Selling kid soul to Voldemort a mixed blessing for Tom Felton

(Newser) - While other stars of Harry Potter sobbed as they recently wrapped up 10 years of filming the wizard epic, Draco Malfoy was "excited." For "the past decade we haven’t had much freedom to do other projects. I certainly haven’t had much freedom to keep my...

Top 10 Young Box-Office Draws
 Top 10 Young Box-Office Draws 

Top 10 Young Box-Office Draws

Sam Worthington leads 'Young Hollywood' pack

(Newser) - Which of Hollywood’s young guns can claim the title of most likely to get you to the multiplex? Entertainment Weekly crunched the numbers to find out. Here they are by name, age, and box office average:
  1. Sam Worthington, 34, $329.6M
  2. Daniel Radcliffe, 21, $244.7M
  3. Taylor Lautner, 18,

Radcliffe 'Devastated' by Potter's End

Watson: 'I feel like someone is dying'

(Newser) - The Harry Potter epic is almost over and its stars are crushed. Daniel Radcliffe says he'll be "devastated" when filming ends in two weeks. "There is nothing I watch without it triggering a series of memories," he tells People . Everything about the films "is so linked...

'Harry Potter' Heads Back to Broadway

Daniel Radcliffe will star in 'How to Succeed in Business'

(Newser) - Harry Potter's alter ego is returning to the Broadway stage, and not only will he keep his clothes on this time around, but he'll also sing and dance. Daniel Radcliffe, 20, who stripped down when he starred in Equus in 2008, has landed the lead in a revival of How ...

Emma Watson Is Top-Paid Woman in Hollywood

'Harry Potter' star banked $41M, ranks just 14th among moneymakers

(Newser) - Emma Watson made more money last year than any other actress in the world. The Harry Potter star banked over $30 million from acting and modeling jobs; she has worked on ad campaigns for Burberry and People Tree. Watson ranked 14th on Vanity Fair 's list of Hollywood's top moneymakers,...

8 Celebs Who Love to Get Naked

Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore—even Harry Potter likes to go nude

(Newser) - Some celebrities strip down so often, seeing their naked bodies starts to seem commonplace. The Frisky notes eight of the worst offenders:
  • Daniel Radcliffe: Equus was one thing, but donning his birthday suit for Harry Potter? Come on now.
  • Jennifer Aniston: She’s bared her bare tush everywhere from film

Harry, Hermione Get Naked
 Harry, Hermione Get Naked 

Harry, Hermione Get Naked

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson get 'very sexy,' says director

(Newser) - Hang on to your hats, parents: Harry Potter and Hermione Granger will strip down in a “very sexy” scene in the next film. The decidedly mature scenario comes about courtesy of a monster that's torturing Ron Weasley, Hermione’s would-be boyfriend, with the scandalous images. “We’ll create...

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