airline industry

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Southwest Keeps Flights Dry After Passenger Clashes

Alcohol service had been scheduled to resume this summer

(Newser) - Southwest Airlines is delaying serving alcohol again on flights after an increase in incidents of unruly passengers. The airline was planning to resume selling alcohol next month on Hawaii flights and in July on other flights, the AP reports, a move that was questioned by the president of the union...

FAA Has 2.5K Reports of Unruly Fliers This Year

Number of cases is way up this year, and air travel is getting busier

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday that mask violations account for about 1,900 of the 2,500 unruly passenger reports it has received this year. The agency usually handles 100 to 150 formal cases in a year. The FAA is weighing the allegations, Reuters reports, and said 395 of...

Keeping That Middle Seat Empty? Delta to Kill Policy

It's the last US airline to do so

(Newser) - Delta Air Lines, the last US airline still blocking middle seats, will end that policy in May as air travel recovers and more people become vaccinated against COVID-19. The decision announced Wednesday reversed a policy that had been in place since last April, and which Delta's CEO had repeatedly...

Airlines Add Up 2020 Losses, Saying &#39;21 Doesn&#39;t Look So Hot
The 2020 Losses
Are In for Airlines

The 2020 Losses Are In for Airlines

Southwest finishes the year in the red for the first time in decades

(Newser) - Just how bad was 2020 for the airline industry? The six biggest US airlines lost $34 billion, and Southwest suffered its first full-year loss since Richard Nixon was president and gasoline sold for 36 cents a gallon. It was a disaster for airlines, worse than 9/11 or the global financial...

Man Climbs Onto Wing of Plane As it Prepares for Takeoff

Question is, how'd he get on there?

(Newser) - Passengers aboard a flight out of McCarren International in Las Vegas were shocked Saturday to see a man stroll onto the wing of the plane just as it was about to take off. Per the Las Vegas Review-Journal , Alaska Airlines flight 1367 was preparing to depart for Portland when pilots...

Feds Say Airlines Can Ban Emotional Support Animals

Agency tightens definition of service animals

(Newser) - The government has decided that when it comes to air travel, only dogs can be service animals, and companions used for emotional support don't count. The Transportation Department issued a final rule Wednesday that aims to settle years of tension between airlines and passengers who bring their pets on...

Airline Says Miles Can Be Redeemed for a COVID Test

At-home tests will be sent to Hawaiian Airlines customers

(Newser) - A free COVID-19 test might not seem like the most enticing reward for frequent fliers—but showing a negative test is the only way visitors to Hawaii can skip the mandatory 14-day quarantine. Hawaiian Airlines says that for a limited time, members of its reward program can redeem air miles...

Southwest Makes Move It Says Is Backed by Science

It will start putting passengers in middle seats again

(Newser) - After announcing the biggest loss in its history Thursday, Southwest Airlines said it plans to unblock middle seats and allow flights to operate at full capacity over the holidays, starting Dec 1. The airline said studies show people are highly unlikely to get infected with the coronavirus on a flight...

Major Airline Is Retiring 'Ladies and Gentlemen'

Passengers will now be greeted as 'passengers'

(Newser) - Japan Airlines is bringing in a small but significant change to passenger announcements. The airline says it is going to replace the phrase "ladies and gentlemen" with "passengers" or similar gender-neutral language. The move only affects English-language announcements, since the equivalent Japanese phrase is already gender-neutral, but the...

AA Flight Attendants to Bear Brunt of Big Job Cuts

American Airlines says a total of 19K 'involuntary reductions' will happen on Oct. 1

(Newser) - American Airlines said Tuesday it will eliminate 19,000 jobs in October as it struggles with a sharp downturn in travel because of the pandemic. Flight attendants will bear the heaviest cuts, with 8,100 losing their jobs. The furloughs and management layoffs announced Tuesday are in addition to 23,...

JetBlue Bans Masks With Vents
JetBlue Bans Masks With Vents

JetBlue Bans Masks With Vents

Airline says exemptions will no longer be allowed

(Newser) - Face masks with valves to make breathing more comfortable defeat the whole purpose of wearing masks, experts say—and JetBlue has joined airlines banning them. The airline says that as of Aug. 10, masks with vents or exhalation valves will no longer be acceptable, and passengers will no longer be...

'Gut Punch: United Is Sending 36K Layoff Notices

Up to 45% of US staff could be laid off

(Newser) - United Airlines will send layoff warnings to 36,000 employees—nearly half its US staff—in the clearest signal yet of how deeply the pandemic is hurting the airline industry. The outlook for a recovery in air travel has dimmed in just the past two weeks with rising infection rates...

American to Sell Out Planes If It Can

Social distancing doesn't work on planes, airline says

(Newser) - American Airlines will start booking flights to full capacity next week, ending any effort to promote social distancing on its planes while the US sets records for new reported cases of the coronavirus. American's move matches the policy of United Airlines but contrasts sharply with rivals that limit bookings...

Pakistan Unearths Alarming Stat About Its Pilots

About 1 in 3 have a bogus license

(Newser) - More than 30% of commercial pilots in Pakistan aren't qualified to fly and carry a fake license, according to the country's aviation minister. While faulting pilot error in last month's plane crash that killed a total of 98 people in Karachi, Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan said...

Airline Makes Huge Cuts as It Tries to Survive the Pandemic

Qantas says it will take years to recover

(Newser) - Qantas plans to cut at least 6,000 jobs and keep 15,000 more workers on extended furloughs as Australia's largest airline tries to survive the coronavirus pandemic. Qantas announced a plan Thursday to reduce costs by billions of dollars and raise fresh capital, the AP reports. The plan...

Frontier Scraps Vilified Fee After One Day

Passengers could pay $39 to guarantee having an empty seat next to them

(Newser) - One sign of a PR fail: You have to write a letter to lawmakers insisting that your company was not trying to profit from pandemic fears. Just ask Frontier Airlines, which announced Wednesday it is scrapping a new fee related to social distancing. "We recognize the concerns raised that...

Warren Buffett Dumped All His Airline Stocks

To the tune of $4B amid pandemic fallout

(Newser) - More bad news for the airline industry: The Oracle of Omaha has jumped ship. Warren Buffett says that his Berkshire Hathaway has unloaded its airline stocks—to the tune of about $4 billion, reports CNBC . "The world has changed for the airlines," Buffett said during a much scaled-down...

Here's What the Coronavirus Has Done to Delta

Company sees its first quarterly loss since 2014

(Newser) - After reporting quarterly profits for more than five years and annual profits for more than a decade, Delta Air Lines' balance sheet has nosedived into the red. The company has reported a $534 million loss for the first quarter of 2020. That's Delta's first loss since the final...

American Flight Attendants, Pilots Take Leaves or Retire

This isn't the way anyone planned to go, union says

(Newser) - Pilots and flight attendants have accepted American Airline's offers of voluntary leave or early retirement by the thousands. With air travel evaporated during the pandemic, more than 700 pilots took early retirement and 4,800 took a leave of one to six months. All include benefits, and many partial...

Airlines Ask US for $50B
Airlines Ask
US for $50B

Airlines Ask US for $50B

As pandemic slashes traffic, industry negotiates with government for cash, loans

(Newser) - "We’re going to be in a position to help the airlines very much," President Trump said Monday when asked about possible government aid in the wake of the huge drop in passenger bookings. The airlines have now put an amount on that promise: $50 billion. That's...

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