Democratic presidential primaries

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Harris Campaign Makes Some 'Tough Choices'

Staffers are being laid off or shifted to Iowa

(Newser) - Sen. Kamala Harris says she fully intends to win the Democratic nomination—but she is competing against rivals with a lot more money. According to a campaign memo seen by Politico Wednesday, the senator from California is laying off dozens of aides at her Baltimore headquarters, shifting other staffers to...

Source: Another Dem Candidate to Bow Out of 2020 Race
Another Democrat
Drops Out of
2020 Race

Another Democrat Drops Out of 2020 Race

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper ended his campaign Thursday

(Newser) - Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Thursday ended his longshot bid for the Democratic presidential nomination and said he may instead challenge one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans in 2020. In a video message, Hickenlooper said he had heard from many in his state urging him to enter the...

Surprise Candidates Surge in Latest Dem Polling

In South Carolina and the nation, 2 candidates are rising

(Newser) - A poll out of South Carolina reflects what's going on nationally: Joe Biden's numbers are dipping while Sen. Elizabeth Warren and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg are gaining ground—but not enough to take his place, the Post and Courier reports. Biden still holds a 20-point lead in...

Trump: These 2 Democrats Will Be Last Ones Standing

It'll be 'Crazy' Sanders and 'Sleepy' Biden, he says

(Newser) - President Trump is predicting that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden will be the final two Democrats standing in the 2020 race against him, the AP reports. Looking ahead to his re-election campaign, Trump tweeted Tuesday that he believes "it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders...

California Shakes Up 2020 Primary Contests

State will now vote on Super Tuesday

(Newser) - Super Tuesday, the jam-packed day of presidential primary voting every four years, may get supercharged in 2020 with California joining the pack, bringing along its prize of the most delegates. Gov. Jerry Brown gave his stamp of approval Wednesday to a measure pushing California's primary up to the beginning...

What Clinton Said as She Made History

'We've reached a milestone,' she declares

(Newser) - Eight years to the week after she congratulated Barack Obama on a hard-fought campaign and said "18 million cracks" had been made in the highest glass ceiling of all, Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters for helping her make history. "We've reached a milestone," she told supporters...

Sanders Takes Kansas
 Sanders Takes Kan., Neb.; 
 Clinton Wins Louisiana 
election results

Sanders Takes Kan., Neb.; Clinton Wins Louisiana

African-American voters again help Clinton in South

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has won the two Democratic caucuses of the night in Kansas and Nebraska, but Hillary Clinton countered with a big win in the Louisiana primary, reports CNN . The network called the latter race soon after polls closed at 9 Eastern, with African-American voters again giving her an easy...

Best Lines From the Democratic Town Hall

'You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose,' Clinton says

(Newser) - With a week to go before the Iowa caucuses begin, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O'Malley treated a CNN town hall event as their last chance to make a pitch to the state's voters. But this was no debate: The candidates appeared in turn to take questions...

Clinton Shouldn't Try to Minimize Viewers With Saturday Debates

She's good at debates, and any gaffes will blow up on the Internet anyway

(Newser) - These little-watched Saturday Democratic primary debates—apparently pushed for by Hillary Clinton's team—are actually hurting the frontrunner, Matthew Yglesias writes for Vox . And he says that's not just sour grapes from a political reporter whose weekend is now going to be spent with Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and...

Primary Debate Will Tackle Terrorism After Paris Attack

'This is exactly what the president is going to have to face'

(Newser) - The second Democratic primary debate will go on as scheduled Saturday on CBS News, but the focus has changed dramatically in the wake of the attacks that left more than 100 dead in Paris, the Los Angeles Times reports. "You've got to get into how do you handle...

Obama Gives Biden His 'Blessing'

"Certainly he's got something at stake here," says White House spokesman

(Newser) - Big day for Joe Biden: Over lunch at the White House, he received President Obama's "blessing" to run for the Oval Office. A top Democrat gave CNN the news and said Obama would neither advise Biden against running nor hinder his candidacy. What's more, sources say Biden...

Like Health Reform? Thank John Edwards

Remember, that was his deal in '08 campaign

(Newser) - If there’s one person to thank for the health-reform measure that passed the House yesterday, it’s John Edwards … really. It was Edwards, Chris Good points out, who was on stump talking about health care in 2007, even when it wasn’t a huge issue for voters, and...

Court Is King in Obama Campaign

Basketball is essential outlet when things get tense

(Newser) - For Barack Obama, shooting hoops is an essential element of any tense day. In frequent sessions usually closed to reporters, the senator faces off with friends from the campaign and elsewhere, even flying in Chicago buddies to hit the court, the Los Angeles Times reports. But his aides make sure...

Clintons Still Seething Over Racist Portrayal
Clintons Still Seething Over Racist Portrayal

Clintons Still Seething Over Racist Portrayal

Aides didn't defend Obama on McCain's 'race card' accusation

(Newser) - The Democratic primary battle ended months ago, but many in both Hillary and Bill Clinton’s circles still harbor a grudge over the way her campaign was painted as racist, Ben Smith writes in Politico. This ill will is coming back to haunt presumptive nominee Barack Obama as he grapples...

Bill: I Made Mistakes but I'm No Racist

'There were things I wish I hadn't said,' he tells ABC

(Newser) - Speaking in his first broadcast interview since the Democratic primaries, Bill Clinton conceded he made mistakes during his wife's presidential campaign, but declared to ABC News: “I am not a racist.” He said he has regrets about the campaign, but “not the ones you think"—though...

Post-Primaries, Bill Hits Road to Recovery

In Africa for his charity, ex-Prez says he 'couldn't be happier'

(Newser) - After a brutal primary race peppered with “YouTube moments” that tarnished his image, Bill Clinton is back to work, traveling through Africa in support of his charity. “This is my life now, and I was eager to get back to it,” the former president told the Washington ...

Primary Winners and Losers— Beyond Barack and Hillary

Big gambles led to big payoffs, losses

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be the big winner, but loads of other political fortunes hung in the balance this primary season. Politico breaks down the winners and losers. Winners:
  • Claire McCaskill: Got tons of air-time and used it brilliantly for Obama
  • Nancy Pelosi: Pulled off a nifty trick by remaining neutral,

How She Came Undone
 How She Came Undone 

How She Came Undone

Clinton's campaign undermined by internal rancor, pushy spouse

(Newser) - Bill Clinton’s interfering tenacity and squabbling aides killed Hillary Clinton’s chances to win the White House, the New York Times eulogizes in an obituary of the campaign that once seemed indestructible. “Hers was the campaign of destiny, a back-to-the-future effort to restore the Democratic dynasty of the...

Clinton Offers 'Full Support' for Obama

She suspends campaign, asks supporters to rally behind Barack

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today ended her 16-month campaign for the presidency and threw her "full support" behind Barack Obama, the New York Times reports. She urged her supporters to unite behind him. Clinton vowed to continue working on her key issues, in particular to shatter the glass ceiling for women....

Clinton Vows to Back Obama
 Clinton Vows to Back Obama 

Clinton Vows to Back Obama

Letter to backers says she declare her 'strong support' Saturday

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has told supporters she will end her campaign Saturday and endorse Barack Obama, Reuters reports. A letter from the New York senator to her backers released today said she would make good on her promise to "strongly support" Obama if he won the Democratic nomination. She pledged...

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