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Absinthe's Back but Thrill's Gone
Absinthe's Back but Thrill's Gone

Absinthe's Back but Thrill's Gone

Hallucinogenic ingredient has all but disappeared

(Newser) - The "Green Fairy" may have led Van Gogh to cut off his ear, but don't expect newly legal absinthe to cause anyone to do the same, reports Time magazine. New federal regulations allow the anise-flavor liquor only a trace of thujone, the chemical from wormwood that supposedly causes hallucinations....

Best Places to Knock Back a Few
Best Places to Knock Back a Few

Best Places to Knock Back a Few

Finding a good bar is about the atmosphere— otherwise you might as well imbibe at home

(Newser) - You know a great bar when you're in one, Esquire posits. The magazine knows more than a few, from "Christ-this-is-a-dive" dives to classy cocktail lounges. He're a sample of their favorites, from around the country:
  1. Mac's Club Deuce, Miami Beach, Florida
  2. Callaghan's Irish Social Club, Mobile, Alabama
  3. The Globe,

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