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Google Hires Army of Lobbyists, Also Eyes Hulu

It lines up 12 companies ahead of possible antitrust suit

(Newser) - Busy times for Google, even beyond its social networking push :
  • Lobbyist blitz: The company is apparently taking a potential antitrust investigation by the FTC very seriously, reports the Hill : Google is hiring no fewer than 12 top lobbying firms to make its case to lawmakers. “We have a strong

For Netflix, Competition Is Coming Fast

Retailers and cable providers going after its online streaming business

(Newser) - Netflix is taking over Hollywood. What started as a DVD-by-mail rental service 10 years ago has become an all-you-can-watch, instant-stream entertainment cornucopia, providing more than 20 million subscribers with more than 20,000 movie and TV titles, all at the push of a button. DVD sales are slackening. Less TV...

Kiefer Sutherland Stars in Hulu Web Thriller

Online serial The Confession debuts

(Newser) - Kiefer Sutherland is starring in a new series, but you won't find it on traditional TV. The 24 star plays a hit man trying to save his soul in The Confession, an online serial that made its debut on Hulu this week, reports the Independent . The series—consisting of ten...

Netflix Offers Streaming-Only Plan

Users already watch more content online than on DVD

(Newser) - Netflix has rolled out a subscription plan in which users can pay only for streaming video content, Mashable . The plan costs $7.99 a month—coincidentally, the same price as Hulu Plus. The rollout is significant because Netflix has declined to offer a DVD-only plan (the existing plans offers both...

Apple TV Adds 99&cent; Rentals
 Apple TV Adds 99¢ Rentals 

Apple TV Adds 99¢ Rentals

Price covers streaming shows, not downloads

(Newser) - Apple is trying to hammer out deals with TV programmers to allow it to rent individual programs for 99¢ rather than the $1.99 it currently charges to permanently download a program in standard definition, sources tell NewTeeVee . Users will have 30 days to watch each rental, and unlike the...

Hulu Debuts Subscription Service
Hulu Debuts Subscription Service

Hulu Debuts Subscription Service

Viewers who want full access will shell out $9.99 a month

(Newser) - Hulu introduced a subscription service today, offering viewers full seasons of TV programs for a monthly fee of $9.99. Hulu's free service has been cutting back content for months now, with only a handful of the most recent episodes available for any given program. Those free offerings will remain,...

How You Really Watch TV
 How You Really Watch TV 

How You Really Watch TV

People want less choice, more social watching—and don't realize it

(Newser) - Despite the myriad choices DVRs and internet TV offer, viewing habits have remained strikingly conservative. Though shows can be watched more or less on demand, nearly 85% of programs are viewed when they air "live," or with just a small delay—enough to wash one's hands or fire...

Hulu to Add $9.95 Subscription Plan

But some content will still be free

(Newser) - Hulu is done giving out all its content for free. The web's second most popular video site plans to implement a $9.95-per-month subscription service as soon as May 24, sources tell the LA Times . But don't panic, cheapskates; the most recent five episodes of most shows will still be...

Hulu Losing Daily Show, Colbert Report

Viacom yanking shows as of March 9

(Newser) - Viacom has dealt Hulu what may be its biggest programming setback yet by yanking the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and several other Comedy Central shows from its service. Hulu announced that it would be losing the shows as of March 9 in a blog posting in which it wished...

YouTube Weighs Subscription Fees

Payment option considered for premium content

(Newser) - YouTube is considering offering users a "you pay" subscription option that would give them access to premium TV shows and movies, according to a Google exec. The site is keen to expand its ties with Hollywood and show more full-length programs, but some content wouldn't be available under its...

TV Viewers Migrate to Web

 TV Viewers Migrate to Web 
don't touch that dial

TV Viewers Migrate to Web

Americans are more and more likely to have watched shows online

(Newser) - More and more Americans are watching television exclusively online and ditching their cable or satellite service. One-quarter of families have tuned in online, and 25% of those viewers have watched a full-length show on a computer—a 67% jump just since 2007. “The idea that you come home and...

Hulu Fees Likely in 2010
 Hulu Fees Likely in 2010 
no free lunch

Hulu Fees Likely in 2010

News Corp. talks subscription model; paywall unlikely

(Newser) - The days of free TV shows on Hulu are likely ending: A News Corp. exec says “it’s time to start getting paid for broadcast content online,” adding that “Hulu concurs with that.” Asked by Broadcasting & Cable what exactly that means, Chase Carey was vague:...

Comcast Weighs Charging Viewers for Hulu
Comcast Weighs Charging Viewers for Hulu

Comcast Weighs Charging Viewers for Hulu

Cable giant no fan of free site, and could soon own NBC's part of it

(Newser) - Comcast is no fan of Hulu's business model, and the cable giant could soon own a stake in the site—which means trouble for fans of using it to watch TV shows free. Comcast is in talks with NBC to pool their entertainment offerings in a joint venture that would...

How TV's Trying to Woo You Back

...and back on the couch where you belong

(Newser) - Networks know we’re watching our favorite shows online instead of on TV, but they’re not taking it sitting down. Here’s what they’re doing, smart or otherwise, to bring us back, writes Stephanie Schomer for Fast Company:
  • Cutting commercials: ABC is going to do without the first

The Best of the Web 2009
 The Best of the Web 2009 

The Best of the Web 2009

Time ranks top websites

(Newser) - Overwhelmed by the stream of new, powerful sites constantly emerging to suit every taste? Time picks 50 you should explore, if you haven’t already:
  • Etsy: “The long-haired, Birkenstocked love child of Amazon and eBay,” and the place to go online for handmade crafts, from housewares to clothing.

This Summer, Catch Up on Neglected TV Series

(Newser) - As the American Idol dust clears and you resign yourself to never understanding Lost, TV's fallow season looms, just begging you to catch up on some excellent viewing you might have missed. NPR blogger Linda Holmes has some suggestions:
  • Mad Men"Works very well when you can grab

Disney to Buy Hulu Stake, Upload ABC Shows

Lost , Grey's Anatomy to join Hulu roster

(Newser) - Disney and Hulu have a deal to allow the web-video site to show episodes from ABC properties, the Wall Street Journal reports. Disney’s approximately 30% stake in Hulu will be comparable to that of NBC and News Corp, which bankrolled the site initially. Disney said popular shows like Lost...

YouTube Edging Closer to Hollywood
YouTube Edging Closer
to Hollywood

YouTube Edging Closer to Hollywood

Site to offer authorized Hollywood content, may start charging

(Newser) - YouTube's latest move to add Sony as a partner highlights the delicate balance it's trying to strike between Hollywood and its own roots in "homegrown video," writes Chris Snyder in Wired. The deals with Sony and others authorize the site—under pressure to curb unauthorized uploads—to show...

This Kid Holds YouTube's Death Rattle

(Newser) - Hey, you! Yes, you, the guy who keeps posting video of your nephew batting a ball into your brother’s family jewels. You’re going to kill YouTube, warns Benjamin Wayne of Silicon Alley Insider. Owner Google will lose $470 million this year on YouTube because, he writes, “less...

Disney Cuts Deal to Show Clips on YouTube

(Newser) - Walt Disney Co. has struck a deal with YouTube to show clips from ABC and ESPN shows on the video-sharing site, Variety reports. Facing another year of red ink—YouTube still isn't profitable, the Wall Street Journal says—the company agreed to let Disney show ads along with the clips...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>