Randall Tobias

2 Stories

DC Madam Says She'll Name Names
DC Madam
Says She'll
Name Names

DC Madam Says She'll Name Names

Needs clients to testify that the sex was only fantasy

(Newser) - A White House economist, the head of a conservative think tank, lobbyists, military brass and a prominent CEO—they’re among pay-to-play clients DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey says she'll finger, ABC and the Post report. Palfrey said at a press conference yesterday she’s “genuinely sorry" if her...

Call Girl Ring Sucks in State Dep't Honcho

Deputy secretary of state resigns after ABC ties him to D.C. Madam

(Newser) - A deputy secretary of state resigned late yesterday afternoon, one day after an as-yet-unaired interview with ABC News tied him to the alleged "D.C. Madam." Randall Tobias, who ran the country's foreign aid program, says he received massages, not sex, from Deborah Jean Palfrey's high-end escort service,...

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