
6 Stories

Spore Sparkles, But Gameplay's a Little Dim
Spore Sparkles, But
Gameplay's a Little Dim

Spore Sparkles, But Gameplay's a Little Dim

Game delivers on 'universe in a box' hype, but that doesn't mean it's great

(Newser) - Most critics are positive about Spore, but you’ll likely get a different answer from each about why. Troy Wolverton, writing in the San Jose Mercury News, found the game “engrossing,” though he wonders whether it will live up to the “massive hype.” In the New ...

Gaming Scientists: 'Spore' Misleading But Fun

Game not exactly rigorous about evolution

(Newser) - Scientists are raving about Spore, the hyperanticipated new game from Sims impresario Will Wright, the New York Times reports. But that’s mostly just because it’s a fun game, not because it’s scientifically accurate. On that score, the game, which allows players to evolve a creature from a...

Spore Spawns Sims-Sized Expectations

EA risks millions on 5-in-1 evolutionary computer game

(Newser) - Spore will face scary expectations when the one-of-a-kind computer game goes on sale next month, CNET reports. Electronic Arts has poured untold millions into it; fans of Will Wright's last all-new creation, The Sims—the best-selling game of all time—hungrily await a new diversion; and analysts ask if gamers...

YouTube Opens to Developers
YouTube Opens to Developers

YouTube Opens to Developers

Expect more options for videos soon—including watching them on TiVo

(Newser) - YouTube is opening up to software developers, the company said Wednesday. Programmers can create new interfaces to play videos, for example, or let users upload clips to YouTube directly from other sites. And later this year, viewers will be able to watch YouTube videos via TiVo. The open platform won’...

'Spore' to Finally Debut in Fall
'Spore' to Finally Debut in Fall

'Spore' to Finally Debut in Fall

It's for real this time, EA assures gamers

(Newser) - EA said that its “Spore” videogame, long in development, would be released September 7, Marketwatch reports. The company is expecting the game, designed by “Sims” and “SimCity” creator Will Wright, to generate big revenues, given the near-mythical status its long gestation time and solid-gold pedigree have endowed...

'Sims' Creator's 'Spore' Delayed
'Sims' Creator's 'Spore' Delayed

'Sims' Creator's 'Spore' Delayed

Delays of hyped 'god game' due to 'extensive' playability testing

(Newser) - "Spore", the much awaited 'life-simulation'/'god game' from SimCity and The Sims creator Will Wright, will finally be released in Spring 2008, GameSpot reports. The game and its all-encompassing concept, wherein a player guides the development of life from multicellular organisms to space-faring civilizations, was first announced two years ago,...

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