assassination attempt

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Guinea President Survives Shootout at His Home

Assassination attempt on Alpha Conde threatens to re-ignite violence

(Newser) - Gunmen assaulted the home of Guinea's first democratically elected president today, launching a firefight with his presidential guard that left one member of his security detail dead and parts of his house destroyed. Alpha Conde told the country about the attack in a state radio address, saying his men...

Secret Service Releases Audio of Reagan Shooting

'Rawhide is OK, follow-up. Rawhide is OK.'

(Newser) - Fascinating listening for history buffs: The Secret Service has released a recording of communication among agents immediately after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981. As Marc Ambinder of the National Journal explains, it shows how agents initially declared that "Rawhide is OK," using Reagan's Secret Service...

GOP Rep Wants to Enclose Congress in Plexiglass

Lawmakers seek to boost security after Giffords shooting

(Newser) - Lawmakers return to the Capitol today for the first time since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson and some are seeking increased protection. Rep. Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana, plans to reintroduce legislation calling for the House gallery to be encased in a "transparent and substantial material"...

Obamas to Attend Tucson Memorial Service

President will speak at service, meet with families

(Newser) - President Obama will travel to Arizona tomorrow to attend a memorial service for the victims of the weekend shooting, administration officials say. Obama, who will be joined by the First Lady will also likely meet with the family of Gabrielle Giffords and the families of other shooting victims, aides tell...

Jared Loughner Appears in Court
Jared Loughner
Appears in Court

Jared Loughner Appears in Court

Suspect has been assigned Timothy McVeigh's lawyer

(Newser) - The suspect in a deadly Arizona shooting is being held without bail and has been assigned a lawyer who defended Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Timothy McVeigh. Jared Loughner entered the courtroom today handcuffed and wearing a tan inmate uniform. His head is shaved and he has a cut on his...

'Crosshairs' on Giffords District Not Gun Sights: Palin Aide

She calls them 'surveyor' marks, though Palin urged backers to 'reload'

(Newser) - The "crosshairs" on a Sarah Palin map of the district represented by shot Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords are not gun sights, according to an aide. The "Take Back the 20" campaign launched by Palin's PAC and posted on her Facebook page (taken down since the shooting) presented crosshairs...

Ahmadinejad Survives Grenade Attack on Convoy

State media denies assassination attempt

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly survived an assassination attempt today, when a homemade grenade was lobbed at his motorcade. The attack was originally reported on an Iranian website and a Dubai TV station, and finally confirmed by a Reuters source, who said that several were injured in the blast, and that one...

Irish Police Arrest 7 Over Plot to Kill Swedish Artist

Al-Qaeda placed bounty on Lars Vilks over Muhammad drawing

(Newser) - Irish police arrested seven people today over an alleged plot to kill a Swedish artist who depicted the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog. Officials say the suspects are foreign-born Irish residents, mostly from Yemen and Morocco, who had been under surveillance since November and were identified based...

Birther Queen Appeals to UN for Protection

Orly Taitz cites vandalism, assassination attempt

(Newser) - Prominent "birther" Orly Taitz has appealed to the United Nations to protect her from persecution during her quest to prove that President Obama isn't qualified to hold office, claiming he was born in Africa. The California lawyer, dentist, and real estate agent "has applied for urgent action under...

Man Who Shot Pope John Paul Freed

Agca promises to reveal truth behind shooting, claims to be messiah

(Newser) - The Turkish man who shot and wounded Pope John Paul II in 1981 was freed yesterday after nearly 30 years in jail and has promised to tell the full story about the assassination attempt. Mehmet Ali Agca claimed after the shooting that Soviet agents were behind the attack—a theory...

Bin Laden, al-Qaeda Nearly Killed Clinton

Prez missed 1996 Philippines bomb by minutes: new book

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda terrorists under the orders of Osama bin Laden came within minutes of assassinating Bill Clinton in 1996, according to the author of a new book on the former president. Secret Service members changed the route of Clinton's motorcade through Manila at the last minute after intercepting communications suggesting an...

Guinea Leader Survives Attack by Renegade Troops

Camara shot, wounded in attack blamed on former aide

(Newser) - The leader of Guinea's ruling military junta has survived an attack on his convoy by a renegade faction of his presidential guard. Moussa Dadis Camara was shot and wounded but his life is not in danger, a regime spokesman said. The attack was blamed on Lt. Toumba Diakite, a former...

Coulter: 'All Prez Assassins Were Liberals'

Behar tells her to 'stop it'

(Newser) - Conservative screed scribe Ann Coulter insisted yesterday that every presidential assassin in history has been a liberal. "They're all liberals—assassin by assassin by assassin," she spilled on CNN's Joy Behar Show. An angry Behar retorted: "Wait a minute. Don't make that jump from murder, terrorist to...

Would-Be Ford Assassin Goes Free

(Newser) - Attempted presidential assassin and Manson Family member Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme is free after more than 30 years in prison, ABC News reports. Fromme. 60, had completed her term for the attempted assassination of Gerald Ford—she didn’t get off a shot—but was held longer because of a...

Manson Follower Who Tried to Kill Ford Leaving Prison

(Newser) - Squeaky Fromme is going free. The Manson follower who attempted to assassinate President Ford in 1975 is scheduled to be released from prison on Aug. 16, ABC News reports. Fromme, real name Lynette, pointed a pistol at Ford from about 2 feet away before an agent wrestled it away. Now...

Hamas 'Foiled Carter Assassination Plot'

Source tells Haaretz militants targeted former prez

(Newser) - Hamas, the Palestinian group that rules the Gaza Strip, foiled an attempt by al-Qaeda-linked militants to assassinate Jimmy Carter, a source tells Haaretz. Hoping to kill the former president as his vehicle left Gaza, militants placed a pair of bombs at a border crossing. Witnesses say that they saw Hamas...

Freed Would-Be Ford Assassin: 'It Was Wrong'

She thought it would spark revolution

(Newser) - The woman who attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975 says she was “misled” and “mistaken” to do so. “I really thought that it would trigger a new revolution,” Sara Jane Moore told NBC today after serving 32 years in prison. “I think I...

John Paul II's Attacker Wants Vatican Baptism

Man who shot pontiff seeks ceremony after prison release

(Newser) - The man who shot Pope John Paul II gets out of prison in January—and when he does, he wants to be baptized at the Vatican, his lawyer says. Over the years, Mehmet Ali Agca has claimed to be the Messiah or Jesus Christ, fueling speculation about his mental health...

Dutchman Dies After Attempted Attack on Queen

Assailant killed 5 by ramming his car into crowd

(Newser) - The man who drove his car into a crowd at a parade in an attempted attack on the queen of the Netherlands died of his injuries today. Five people were killed and 12 injured after 38-year-old Karst Tates rammed his car through two police barricades and careened toward an open-top...

Possible Assassination Try Kills 4 Near Dutch Royals

Car zooms through crowd at Queen's celebration; 13 injured

(Newser) - Four people were killed today and 13 injured in a possible assassination attempt at a celebration honoring the Dutch queen, Radio Netherlands reports. A car broke barriers and zoomed through a crowd, crashing into a monument just as the royal family was passing in an open-topped bus; they were sped...

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