Terry McAuliffe

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UVa Protests Student's 'Appalling' Arrest

He was slammed to the ground by alcohol agents

(Newser) - It was a "highly unusual and appalling" incident, the University of Virginia's president says. Officials are investigating the arrest early yesterday of a 20-year-old black student who needed 10 stitches in his head after being wrestled to the ground by Alcoholic Beverage Control agents, ABC reports. Martese Johnson'...

Did Va. Republicans Just Bribe a Senator to Resign?

Democrat to step down today, take Tobacco commission job

(Newser) - A Virginia state senator plans to announce his resignation today, in what looks like a masterstroke from state Republicans in their ongoing battle with Gov. Terry McAuliffe over expanding Medicaid. Democrat Phillip Puckett will step down effective immediately—and be swiftly appointed to the state tobacco commission, which is controlled...

Va. Governor in Deep Trouble Over ... Sea of Japan?

Textbook change sparks international incident

(Newser) - More than 100 people crammed the hallways outside a small subcommittee meeting room in Virginia's legislature yesterday, cheering as the bill under consideration moved forward, the Daily Press reports. The bill that raised such passion sounds innocuous enough—it would require textbooks to mention that the Sea of Japan...

7 Lessons From Election 2013
 7 Lessons From Election 2013 

7 Lessons From Election 2013

It was a bad night for Tea Party, good one for Chris Christie

(Newser) - The 2013 election is in the books, and while there weren't many surprises in this off-year affair, there's plenty to digest. Here are some bulleted thoughts to help your brain do just that:
  • Some polls had Terry McAuliffe ahead of Ken Cuccinelli by double digits, so his 3-point

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Wins in Virginia

He beats GOP's Ken Cuccinelli

(Newser) - Unlike some other marquee races tonight, the Virginia governor's race proved too close to call early. But now CNN and others say Democrat Terry McAuliffe will reclaim the governor's seat for the party with a victory over Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. With nearly all returns in, McAuliffe...

Christie Cruises to Second Term

He wins in New Jersey over little-known Democrat

(Newser) - No contest: Chris Christie easily won a second term as governor of New Jersey tonight, reports the AP , which called the race as soon as the polls closed. CNN did, too. Christie defeated little-known Democratic state Sen. Barbara Buono, and his appeal to voters of all stripes (especially in a...

In Va. Governor Race, Top Paper Endorses ... No One

McAuliffe, Cuccinelli didn't deserve nods: Richmond Times-Dispatch

(Newser) - Virginia's gubernatorial race pits Democrat Terry McAuliffe against Republican AG Ken Cuccinelli —and the Richmond Times-Dispatch concludes that neither man is worth an endorsement. "This does not gladden us," the editors write, noting that they believe it's a first for the paper in "modern...

Poll: Most People Against Raising Debt Ceiling

Voters as divided as Washington

(Newser) - The American people haven't been moved by all the dire warnings about the consequences of hitting the debt ceiling, a new Fox News poll suggests. Only 37% said they would vote to raise the debt ceiling if they were in Congress, compared to 58% who said they'd vote...

Clinton Stumps for Wife's Loyal Backers

He's boosting allies for 2010, but refuses to help one loyalist

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has quietly jumped into the 2010 election fray, helping just about anyone who was loyal to his wife’s presidential campaign, Politico reports. Though the media has focused mostly on his full-throated support for Terry McAuliffe’s failed gubernatorial run, Clinton has held events for half a dozen...

State Sen. Routs Clinton Pal McAuliffe in Virginia

(Newser) - The country lawyer has trumped his better-known foes in Virginia's Democratic primary for governor, reports the Washington Post. State Sen. Creigh Deeds easily defeated former Clinton insider Terry McAuliffe and former legislative colleague Brian Moran. Deeds will now face Republican Robert F. McDonnell, a conservative with ties to Pat Robertson,...

To McAuliffe's Surprise, Va. Dem Primary Up for Grabs

(Newser) - Democrats head to the polls today in Virginia for a surprisingly tight gubernatorial primary, Politico reports. Last-minute polls show Creigh Deeds surging ahead of Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran. If he pulls out the win, it’ll be a major upset—McAuliffe, the former DNC chair, had been expected to...

McAuliffe Denies DNC Offered Money to Nader

Spokesman slams Nader's claim he was bribed to avoid key states in '04

(Newser) - Ralph Nader's claim that then-DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe offered him cash to stay out of key state races in 2004 is far from the truth, McAuliffe campaign strategist Mo Elleithee tells the Blue Virginia blog. McAuliffe did speak to Nader—who Elleithee claims was being funded by the GOP—to...

Nader: Dems Offered Me Money in '04 to Skip Key States

McAuliffe doesn't deny the charge

(Newser) - Ralph Nader says Democrats were so worried about him in 2004 that DNC chief Terry McAuliffe offered to give his campaign money if he steered clear of 19 battleground states, reports the Washington Post. "When you get a call like that, first of all it's inappropriate,'' Nader said....

McAuliffe Tack: Virginia Is for Garbage Lovers

He's leading Dem race for governor with new zeal for solid waste

(Newser) - For Terry McAuliffe, the former Democratic party chief turned Virginia gubernatorial candidate, the way to Old Dominion’s heart runs through trash. “I love trash," he tells Dana Milbank of the Washington Post. "I love chicken litter, cow manure, garbage. This is the kind of thing that...

Missing, Not Missed: CEOs in Obama Cabinet
Missing, Not Missed: CEOs in Obama Cabinet

Missing, Not Missed: CEOs in Obama Cabinet

Prez keeps Wall Street at arm's length, leans on pols, academics

(Newser) - To the multitude of differences between the Obama administration and its predecessors, add the absence of corporate CEOs from Cabinet meetings. The reason is simple, reports Politico: There aren't any. Recent Wall Street-to-Washington catastrophes such as the Bush Treasury Department aren't the only reason, either. "Obama’s more...

McAuliffe's Fundraising Chops Worry Va. Gov Rivals

Former DNC chair's charm, huge rolodex, could upend race

(Newser) - Terry McAuliffe is planning a run for governor of Virginia, and, given the Democrat's formidable rep as a fundraiser, he’s looking like a major factor, reports the Washington Post. Virginia has little campaign finance regulation, meaning that McAuliffe, with his national network of deep-pocketed friends and his skill at...

McAuliffe Eyes Run for Va. Statehouse

Longtime Dem operative will take 2 months to explore

(Newser) - Former DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe, most recently in the headlines as chair of Hillary Clinton's foiled presidential campaign, is considering running for governor of Virginia, Politico reports. "I plan on spending the next two months having a conversation with Virginians," McAuliffe, who has also publicly weighed running for...

Delicately, Team Clinton Gets Behind Obama

Hillary's camp offers support in exchange for aid on debt

(Newser) - Under the eye of one of Washington's most powerful lawyers, Barack Obama is negotiating with Hillary Clinton over a tangle of issues, from how to retire her campaign debt to what role she will play in this summer's convention. The Democratic party is slowly recovering from its bruising primary fight...

McAuliffe: Clinton Won't Concede Tonight
McAuliffe: Clinton Won't Concede Tonight

McAuliffe: Clinton Won't Concede Tonight

Denies AP report she'll concede delegate loss

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign strenuously denied an AP report today that Hillary Clinton will concede defeat in the Democratic delegate race tonight in New York. Unnamed "top advisers" tell AP she won't formally drop out or endorse her Democratic rival, but she will acknowledge Obama's delegate win, and her campaign...

Dubious Bush Benefactor Embedded in Clinton Camp

Alan Quasha makes a strange Dem bedfellow

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has another backer as mysterious as the now-discredited Norman Hsu—this one a businessman who goes way back with George W. Bush. The Nation examines Clinton's ties to Alan Quasha, the Harken Energy magnate who bailed out the younger Bush’s oil company in 1986. Quasha now has...

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