The Sims

7 Stories

Shoot 'Em Up Games Improve Decision-Making

Action gamers outperformed Sims players

(Newser) - Playing fast-paced shooter video games makes people better decision-makers, according to a new study. Researchers tested young people ages 18 to 25 who weren't regular gamers and split them into two groups. The group that spent 50 hours playing action games like Call of Duty 2 and Unreal Tournament performed...

Sims Creator Leaving EA for Think Tank

'Stupid Fun Club' incubator will partner with video-game giant

(Newser) - The creator of The Sims is departing Electronic Arts to focus on "strange products and ideas," the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Will Wright plans to work full-time at his Stupid Fun Club think tank, which develops ideas for film, games, and TV. Wright says he has already cooked...

Study Links Video Games to Improved Vision

Action games improve optics and brain's response

(Newser) - Adults can apparently improve their eyesight by playing action video games, a treatment less painful—for some, at least—than corrective lenses or eye surgery, according to researchers. Scientists compared study subjects who played the action games Call of Duty and Unreal Tournament 2004 to a group who played the...

Gaming Scientists: 'Spore' Misleading But Fun

Game not exactly rigorous about evolution

(Newser) - Scientists are raving about Spore, the hyperanticipated new game from Sims impresario Will Wright, the New York Times reports. But that’s mostly just because it’s a fun game, not because it’s scientifically accurate. On that score, the game, which allows players to evolve a creature from a...

EA Maneuvers to Nab 'Grand Theft Auto'

Video game giant pushing $2B hostile bid for rival Take-Two

(Newser) - Video game kingpin Electronic Arts disclosed yesterday a $2 billion hostile takeover bid to acquire rival Take-Two Interactive Software, and capture the popular “Grand Theft Auto” franchise. EA, publisher of Madden NFL titles, said the $26-a-share offer represented a 50% premium over Take-Two’s closing price on Friday, but...

'Sims' Creator's 'Spore' Delayed
'Sims' Creator's 'Spore' Delayed

'Sims' Creator's 'Spore' Delayed

Delays of hyped 'god game' due to 'extensive' playability testing

(Newser) - "Spore", the much awaited 'life-simulation'/'god game' from SimCity and The Sims creator Will Wright, will finally be released in Spring 2008, GameSpot reports. The game and its all-encompassing concept, wherein a player guides the development of life from multicellular organisms to space-faring civilizations, was first announced two years ago,...

Sims Designer Named BAFTA Fellow
Sims Designer Named BAFTA Fellow

Sims Designer Named BAFTA Fellow

Award signals acceptance of gaming into art community

(Newser) - The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has awarded a fellowship to video game designer Will Wright, creator of The Sims, the best-selling computer game franchise in history. The award has been interpreted as a nod to the growing creativity of computer and video games. Previous recipients include...

7 Stories
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